Why are white people so much less ethnocentric than other races?
Is it genetics?
Why are white people so much less ethnocentric than other races?
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hypothetically speaking, I would rape her cuckold boyfriend then steal Elsa from him.
They used to be but the Mustachio man fucked it all up.
Now they can't be and worship political correctness.
White people have actual culture and identify themselves with their regional identities rather than just looking at the skin colour of the people surrounding them
This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Because we're taught from such a young age that we should be ashamed of ourselves and for being white. This has been going on for the last 30-40 years.
The combination of Christianity and Enlightenment ideals (Humanism) allowed white people to advance far above another race in history. And then, at about 1950, it became the bane of whites, poisoned slowly and surely by pathological altruism.
Only whites give billions every year to the poor of Africa and Asia and Latin America.
Only whites adopt little kids outside their race, to signal how good they are.
>MFW WW2 is 400 years in the past and no one really gives a shit anymore like Slavery or the Indians and it's okay to be white again.
Intense empathy. Most other races don't even like dogs. No really.
We're too kind for our own good too. Throwing our money at every poor country on earth. Letting everyone SHARE in our work and culture.
It's biting us now. We've been far too caring.
Retard, are you new to Sup Forums?
Decades of (((brainwashing))) in schools and the media since ww2. Even then it hasn't been that effective, the vast majority of whites having kids do so with other whites. The main problem currently isn't race mixing but the unchecked mass immigration of third world shitskins to western countries, and that's increasingly being seen as a negative thing by whites. The tides are starting to change but things will probably get worse before they get better.
whites are most pathologically altruistic race, but it doesnt matter because they're also the least likely of all races (in us atleast) to marry outside of their race
How to go back to advancing without the poison.
Was the Faustian bargain not worth it? Should we return to Absolutism and tradition?
>mfw ww2 is 4000 years in the past and there are laws against holocaust denial on all planets of the federation
"White' seems to be more something for Americans. Aren't Europeans more obsessed with regions than just being white? Just like Africans probably care more about regions than being black.
How do you know that?
Black people for example in America are known for kill each other rather than kill white.
That's because you're a dumb burger whose whole identity is based on muh whiteness.
One of the distinguishing features of Western culture/societies as compared to others is their heavy emphasis on individual freedom. This reflects the mentalities of Westerners and hence suggests a genetic predisposition. Therefore, yes, genetics as the societies of the West reflect the average inclinations of Westerners.
Because they share the same space and blacks are more involved in gangs, duh. Blacks will always fight (with the help of Jews) for more black influence, and whites will fight for black influence until the world turns into South Africa.
Yes and no.
This is from an old poem:
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
The saxons were invaded by Danes and Normans, and before they were the aggressive ones. When we are in control we lose touch I think.
Our populations just want to get on with their lives but if pressed we will fight to the end, but it will take a lot to finally awaken the sleeping giant.
Implying white people will exist in 400 years if we do nothing.
Don't blame Christianity for this shit just because modern interpretations are retarded and the institutions have been kike infiltrated. Europe made all of the discoveries and advancements upon which modern society is built after coming under the influence of Christianity.
MLK was a jew puppet and a "slow thinker" btw, kek
Americans are all mixed race mngrels FFS I'm 38 percent Scandinavian 32 percent Irish and the rest of me is Western European
The cities are completely lost, I went out to real rural Canada and you see so many actual Anglo-Saxons and other Nordid looking individuals.
It's not rare to see somebody who looks like this outside any metropolitan area, even the Quebecois seem to be less Arab-ized than the actual French.
Whites are much more self reliant and individualistic, they don't rely on horde mentality like r-selected races.
It's only a thing on "white" countries that are enriched.
Pure places are still very ethnocentric.
That's because a lot of Quebecois or other Canadians of french descent are of pure Norman stock.
Norman master race reporting in
This too, I personally think the Eastern coasts of England (particularly in the south), carry some of the best European stock. (you have to be careful with England though because their racial quality is very divided by class compared to other European nations)
(((They))) have engaged in a decades long propaganda campaign to remove our desire for true nationalism.
I don't think that is necessarily true but I do acknowledge there is an over representation of French from Brittany and Normandy in Quebec (but there is Anglo merchant genetic influence from loyalists fleeing America during it's revolution, at least in Montreal). The Quebecois have quite a bit of Northwest European admixture found outside of France.
>The combination of Christianity and Enlightenment ideals (Humanism) allowed white people to advance far above another race in history.
Nope, it was mostly cold climate adaptation that created higher IQ which resulted in better cooperation to build society. It's the strong conservatives that could survive with their manual labor, they didn't need religion. Religion offered protection for the genetically inferior, and now those soyboys are abandoning their religion and cause all the leftist cancer.
Japs hate the Koreans and Chinese
Koreans hate the Japs and Chinese
Chinese hate the japs and Koreans.
They are all the same race.
Even closer genetically related then all the white races.
You are going to have a hard time getting people wiling to die and kill for a meta race-identity
You have to have a nation for a race to get behind.
Empires like the British and French poked holes in racial-national identity. As empires are want to do.
American Mixed white nationality also weakened it. America was HUGE in the European mind because of how powerful it grew and how prosperous its people were. But it was still an infant in racial nationalist terms. We were still Germans and English and Scots-Irish and had not yet bred ourselves into Americans.
So it was a weak racial identity
And then the kikes killed it
He asks on a board dedicated to white supremacy that represents the mainstream white American view leading to the results of the last election.
>The Quebecois have quite a bit of Northwest European admixture found outside of France.
The French have quite a bit of Northwest European admixture found outside of France.
When was a woman like that last observed in America? 1986?
I suppose that statement is true.
They were exposed for decades (and still are) to kikes propaganda. This is why young people are more conservative: the kikes didn't yet control the internet as much as tv and newspapers.
>Nope, it was mostly cold climate adaptation
Apparent among the people who have contributed the least to European culture and philosophy?
>they didn't need religion
Well they didn't progress without it.
>protection for the genetically inferior
In what ways?
Attitudes towards other races and cultures is a cultural thing rather than a genetics thing.
Base intelligence and physical traits are determined mostly through genetics but everything else is up to what the people decide.
mein kampf is a hell of a drug
dude Aristotle was formulating the basis for western philosophy hundreds of years before Rabbi Jesus was even born. Attributing White success to a Jewish invented religion is offensive.
what the fuck is "white people"?
in what way is a serb the same as a german or an american?
what makes contemporary yoruba or han chinese any different?
we eat the same food, watch the same movies, hell, we even speak the same fucking language
>protip: the one i am writing in
>the jews
Different white cultures are equally ethnocentric - e.g. Italians, Irish, Germans, etc. The problem is that white is not an actual ethno-culture.
I've only read the first two chapters, what are you referring to?
Did Hitler have a fascination with bongs of higher Germanic admixture?
When an in-group is under external threat it increases group cohesion. This is why groups like the ADL are always telling pleb jews that anti-jew sentiment is at an all time high. This is also why they constantly stage false flags such as painting swastikas on their own synagogues and knocking over jewish grave stones. White people have been told that white people themselves are the threat, which decreases in-group cohesion. In other words many white people will go to extreme measures to avoid being seen as being ethnocentric, ie adopting nigger babies. This is also why there is such an emotional reaction from jews when you suggest whites are under attack in any way. They know that if it becomes common knowledge white people will start to become ethnocentric.
just your weird statement about class difference and eastern britain being ethnically superior
assumed you were on crack or something
>In what ways?
Let's compare a spartian to a christcuck.
Spartians didn't work, they were warriors and they had slaves.
Christians work hard.
Working hard is easy; fighting is hard.
Two very different individuals.
Socrates and his philosophy lead to christianity.
Good thing that they killed him.
I mean regardless of location the British upper class is of greater racial quality than the lower classes, especially in the United Kingdom. But the Eastern Coasts have greater levels of Germanic admixture which is good compared to Celtic-Med shit
Whites will never not be the oppressors, because history shows we are the innovators and future pushers...
niggers and brown skin savages dont understand that white innovation does not equal their oppression
They look at the world and see everything whitey made as a way to control them
These savages are literally monkeys in human clothing trying to deal with new age society
I never thought of it this way, the internet truly is the greatest thing.
>It's ok to be white
This statement is only controversial for white people because they have been brainwashed. Any other noun would not cause any controversy and would be celebrated.
My question is why demonise whites?