Why it has to be chinks and poos to be more than 1 billion and not us?
Why it has to be chinks and poos to be more than 1 billion and not us?
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God they are so not worthy of preserving. Both ethnically and culturally. Nothing rare or aesthetically pleasing about them.
That Poo looks pretty hot. Too bad she probably smells like curry and stale vagina cheese.
Indians are the best; my wife would never cheat on me and she makes delicious food on the weekends. I have no problem with a Hindu minority; she hates illegals, Muslims, and degeneracy more than I do.
Sounds pretty good, where can I get one? Just order one online or do I have to go to Pooland and bring one back? I want one like in the OP pic but without the laser target.
Laser target is not optional; I've asked her. I met her at a temple while I was broke and looking for free food; I stuck around because the music was ok and the food was free and when I picked myself back up I asked her out. 3 years in and she's got #1 in the oven.
The temple was in New York, NY; it was called ISKCON and they play bhakti and there was free food on Tuesdays and Saturdays. They didn't really push Hinduism but felt more like a Jesus cult. They were vegetarian but I have since gotten her to eat steak and she asks for it about once a month now.
If a person only has one child with his/her spouse when 20, so do their descendants, 100 years later, he/she will have:
1+1+1+1+1=5 descendants
If a person has two children with his/her spouse when 20, so do their descendants, 100 years later, he/she will have:
2+2*2+2*2*2+2*2*2*2+2*2*2*2*2=2+4+8+16+32=62 descendants
What do you think?
congrats lad.
So just go to a local hindu temple and get free food and pussy? Noice.
why are curries so fucking hot?
Kek my pajeet classmate in Linear Algebra told me there was free food at Hare Krishna temples and I was like "bullshit" and now I got a waifu and food for 2 years from those fags. They dress like pic related and play music in parks otherwise just jewgle "hare krishna near me"
my pajeeta looks like pic related but she has darker skin and green eyes
because chinks and poos had civilization just like whitneys?
and lesser internal conflict compared to europeans
Do I have to dress like that to get free food/bang Poo?
Because Insects breed more than humans
I find North Indian women the most attractive out of all races
Too much nigger aesthetic.
your babies will probs look like this
or this
Damn I got brown fever! Where can I find one in US?
So the Hari Krishnas?
just go to your local university or find a festival like garba to attend
>all these muh qt brown gf posts
America can get FUCKED. You deserve your multikulti nightmare state.
Don't Indians have like the smallest penus as well? Their women must be tight as hell!
That guy who shot like 6 of them didn't seem to have a problem.
I have a Middle eastern fetish now. Anyone can find me pics of some cute hodgies? Something like pic related.
Those jeans are not halal.
I'm pretty sure it's allowed because she's not showing off skin.
But daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamnn
There's no such thing as an ethnic poo in loo. That shithole is made up of dozens of different ethnicity's and religions. China on the other hand is almost 95% Han.
Every Indian girl I know hates Indian guys. Apparently most are creepers with small dicks
It's almost like there's a certain (((religious minority))) missing from those regions...
>Less internal conflict
Pick up a book ricenigger. The history of China is just one warlord killing the emperor and installing himself as emperor for like 2000 years straight.
The real reason is quite simple, the climates of China and India lend themselves readily to supporting large populations, while the climates of Northern Europe, and the geography of Europe as a whole, does not.
That's not true. China has been a nation of constant invasion, it's very mixed by now.
Mongols, Japs, Koreans, Russians, other Central Asians all had an invasion or 2 of China at one point or another.
It's part of the reason why Chinese girls can either look like subhuman gooks or stunning waifu qt3.14s
There's no ethnic consistency, which is why they all look vastly different.
actually china has a lot of Muslims they just know how to deal with them
Bruh, even your nationalists want to kick out Europeans so they can import more pakis because "muh empire" wait, I mean "muh Commonwealth".
Han Chinese make up 92% of China's and 95% of Taiwan's demographics.
>invasion of China
LOL show me ONE good looking Chinese woman, Chan. They are all ugly, any other Asian race completely shits on them. Get out of Canada as well, nobody wants you fucking gooks there either.
Nice try, Shlomo.
Whoever installed that skirting board should be recycled.
I have the auts, now confirmed. KMS.
I have the auts. KMS.
Got the south asian version
>what is black plague, spanish plague and many other things
Not Korea as a nation but the Korean ethnic group, since they formed auxilary units of the Japanese army, and participated in the yuge rape fests.
show me girls more perfect
Partly because they didn’t do the kikes bidding and kill tens of millions of their own brothers for the kikes agenda. Things would be a lot different without the two world wars.
Han isn't an ethnic group, it's a cultural designator. There are ethnic Russians in China who are designated as Han.
I'm just saying china actually has muslims but they beat the shit out of them on the daily unlike the west
"Han Chinese" is just a meme concept.The differences between northern chinese and southern chinese are way bigger than the differences among whites.
Gibs more pls?
Alot of pajeet lovers in this thread,never expected someone to like poo this much
We're not animals
Nigger that knows nothing about Chinese culture.
So then how many ethnic groups are in China?
Whatever jew. Rabbi Kratzenbergstein says there's no such thing as Germanic or Celtic ethnic groups either, despite genetic testing being able to distinguish said groups.
oooohhh got him good buddy you hear that user you are a burger therefore your opinion is invalid
maybe it has something to do with the west modernizing first and third world countries getting the benefits of modern agricultural innovations and medicine while not being fully developed causing populations to explode. maybe
About 56
becouse there are no chinese and indian jews
Says the guy who thinks china was not involved in WWII and commies didn't kill millions of chinese people
shut up, speak the truth faggot. They are all niggers, and they are so poor they have to give free food to the parias. India is one of the worst shitohole. AND tha food is served ON THE FUCKING STREET FLOOR directly.
you are eigther a beaner/pajeet larping ad white or a beta faggot. Indias smell bad and ther cuisine is disgusting
Because it all went downhill after the 19th century...we were pretty damn close though....we used to have the same population as india (as in europe alone, not even counting america or australia or argentina)...but then radical liberalism, progressives, and degeneracy happened...also 2 world wars that weren't really world wars but instead european wars that only killed europeans (and a few gooks but there's so many it doesn't even matter)
this threaad is full of shilling and wewuzing. fuck this page. really.
"Mother Heroine" used to be praised in China, so they had a huge growth of population during that time, before one-child limit.
If white couples don't use birth control, Chinks have nothing to compete with us.
>beta cucks will call this a "10/10 hottie would fuck"
i can just feel the 7 layers of makeup just by looking at the photo.
Each woman had like 5-15 children as I heard.
if you add up the white population of europe plus all of the white people living in european colonies, i'm pretty sure there's more than a billion.
>Posts a bitch with slightly less layers of makeup
nearly all threads are shill/slide threads today
I dunno, i love indian qt's though. Might as well make sure my future kids fit in society.
S-s-shut up!
I like Hodgies, Asians and big tiddies girls. And this is the trifecta.
I'm not a beta,
i like hodgies, arabs, and big booty girls. i can't help it, foreign women seem way more feminine. when i look at hot white women i think, "meh" but when i look at hot foreign women i feel like an animal.
It's because the Thot culture has destroyed women for the west.
If I met a Levantine like pic related, I'd switch religions in a heartbeat (already following an Abrahamic religion anyway).
Feminism in your country is the reason.
>he doesn't know what happens when they grow up in america
It's not the race that's fucking up western women, it's the fucking culture. That's a shit fucking excuse. American born Iranians and presumably other muslim immigrants are fucking sluts who love nigger dick, and I can't tell you how many SE mongoloids I've seen with bleached hair and a mulatto boyfriend. Too many, really.
I had a friend try to join one of those Indian bride catalog thing sites for the hell of it and they kept kicking him off. Apparently no whites allowed and can’t register if your not Indian/Pakistanian/Nepalese/etc.
because white women hate your ass
uneducated idiot, the millions of chinese that died was just a drop relative to their population size. Yet in the pacific theatre it was just whites slaughtering one another for kikes. Just stop, you are embarassing yourself like all niggers when they act like they are educated.
America makes niggers out of all of us. Highest living standard in the world but the price you pay is self-respect.
Because of pre-industrialized mentalities.
Most of both still live in heavily rural villages utilizing medieval techniques, beliefs, and technology. Things havent changed much, neither has the idea of having a large family because God would probably kill a few fuckers.
problem is this hasn;t changed, but life expectancy and medical science has castly
There are lots of good looking Chinese women.
They don't want to pollute their race with subhuman dogfucker genes.
>The virgin Chinese Communist
>The Chad Hindu Nationalist
But Shitposting aside.
The reason Europe can't is that it is in a cycle of self hate. Instead of having national pride and building pride it attacks Nationalism and rewards Sloth. Christianity is the best thing to happen to Europe because it helped young men and women better themselves using Christian Morals. And the Monogamy meant more men had more babies. Perhaps if go back to Judeo-Christian Morals and get rid of Birth Control + Abortion the USA and France/UK/Germany can reach 100, but as of now, we have the niggers and sandniggers beating us.
This. I have seen many a Slavic immigrants fall into this trap as well. Hitler said America is going to become the world's first judaized and negroized nation or something to that effect.
All western countries, Americas and Europe including Russia is 1.75 B people, we are winning, on the wealth and land sides too, by far.
No need to worry
Indian women are bad in bed except for East Indians.
Nothing can beat this.
>older civilisations
>didn't have a plague
If you add up all of Europe, include Moscow, North Africa, and Turkey, all of which are European historically... its comparable to China or India.
stay mad
fuck u laser targets are the best thing.. they make 7s, 9s..
Is that Carl's Jr? Damn the nostalgia
That's a spicy curry, I'd shit in her street.
>black plague created by Jews
>Napoleonic Wars, World War 1 and 2 orchestrated by Jews
All the Jew wants is the destruction of the gentiles
Source on first claim
More babies.