I know the character I used for the file is a fictional character- but when I think about it; there HAD to have been female fighters in history, that did it because they wanted to and not because of a feminist cause. Any thoughts here? Or is it against nature for a human woman to fight for her own cause? Can she know passion like a man while defending something she cares about? No trolling, and I am most certainly not an advocate for Feminism, I'm just curious what Anons from around the world think of this on Sup Forums.
Also, female warrior thread >.>
Is it weird for a female to grow up dreaming of being a brave and courageous warrior?
Other urls found in this thread:
man, shut up.
>Or is it against nature for a human woman to fight for her own cause?
It is. Females have problem with muscle gains and have shit muscle fibers.
Women are supposed to take care of the children so that these children can become good warriors in the future.
>Can she know passion like a man while defending something she cares about?
Yes, defending her offspring if she deems them worthy of it
My thoughts are no, women are build for wit and speed, they would be killed quickly if they fought. In movies they always depict a woman or small man throwing around a 200 - 300 lb guy with lightnight kicks and pressure points. In real life the biggest person always wins. Martial arts doesn't mean shit if you skull is fractured from one punch.
I would say that most women tend to want to be the hero, all humans have the desire for violence and domination. But sadly women are not built for it. The soon they realize it the better. Because realizing it basically means getting the shit beat out of you. This is why most guys are not violent even though they have the capability, because they know the consequences of said violence. Women don't, until one day they meet a guy who doesn't care about their pussy pass and lays them out.
Yeah women can fight. But combat isn't heroic or glamorous. It's agonizing and horrific and foolish to engage in it just because you want to be a hero. You have to have a reason to fight and frankly there are very, very few reasons to engage in physical combat in modern society. Right now the major problems the West faces are intellectual in nature. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be physically strong - and women should be strong - but that's more because strength improves health and you need a healthy mind and body to effectively face what we're facing
No, it's not weird.
Women biologically weren't made to be the fighters when we were monkeys, but they can now, because in the end, the mind is the most dangerous weapon.
>there HAD to have been female fighters in history
There were, and they sucked.
Boudica rebelled against Rome, gathered up a big army, and lost her first battle against a Roman force which had a 1/23 as many troops, resulting in a complete wipeout of her forces.
"Shieldmaidens" were last-resort fighters, basically random women shoved into armor. They had no military victories because they only fought in situations in which the Vikings were losing badly (essentially a militia without the training and substantially weaker).
You can go down the list. There are women who get propped up by feminists as "great" female warriors, but they were extremely rare, have literally zero successes, and often lost embarrassingly easy engagements. Women are physically weaker than men, get injured more easily, are slower, have less stamina, and were less educated as well. There is no history of successful female warriors.
The closest you could get would probably be kunoichi, literally prostitutes who would lure political opponents into sex, then kill them and themselves. Hardly a combat success story and their KDR sucks, but at least they got a couple of hits in.
Post feet.
This should honestly be in /his/ not Sup Forums , but it is an interesting discussion.
If you just google you can find a list of them. They do exists, just extremely rare. (and I know some of them served more as rulers.)
>muh evolutionary psychology
Why are men beta cucks if it's against their evolutionary role?
No problem about,as long you don't believe women are superior to men in any way
It's possible, I feel like most people, male and female, have a desire to be fighters and heroes and such. I don't think on a purely physical level most women could beat most men at pure hand to hand combat, but if they are roughly the same size and the women knows how to fight properly she has a pretty good chance. Also, Women can have a place in the military, like that one Russian sniper that got like 300 kills or something. Obviously this goes against the /pol echo chamber a bit so it will get blasted, but I think women have the potential to be warriors, just not as much as some feminists think, and certainly more than the people of Sup Forums think.
I'm reading everyones comments, I always think about what others have to say so I'm just coming up with my responses now.
OP have you ever watched worldstar hip-hop videos?
id want a girl to be a leader and ill just be on her side with my leash on
Oh absolutely. I don't know if you would classify a pirate as a fighter, but if you do you should check out Ching Shih; the most successful pirate in history. Nothing feminist about her motives, just greed.
It's not, the problem it's demonizing the traditional roles, they are great and fantastic too, and also desiderable.
>well aktually
Even women the same size as men will lose, because they lack upper body strength. Did you watch that tranny vs woman ufc fight. That tranny fag destroyed all those women.
social adaptation to get around female gatekeeping (as is all faggotry, the fag is really about the approval of the fag hag)
i believe there was a vietnamese chick who did pretty well against the chinese for a while. i think she lost eventually and killed herself. i don't remember her name because charlie doesn't use real letters.
>there HAD to have been female fighters in history
Why didn't you do your due diligence before starting this shitty thread? Go look for these "bad ass" women you think existed, then get back to us with a thread that has more meat to it.
Female warriors are a myth. Amazons and Shieldmaidens are the two major archetypes. They're both made up. Women prior to the absolute kikening of society didn't envision themselves as warriors.
Have some children. Learn to be traditional. You'll be much happier.
You are too weak to be a fighter, but you could be a ninja assassin.
Possibly one of the worst threads I've seen in my 6 years on Sup Forums
great women go into battle when they have too, not because they want to
I usually only date that type of woman but they are outliers. All the time that they have beaten men, it's because the men underestimated them. Otherwise they would have lost quickly. One of the girls also always carried a knife. Nothing wrong with training yourself but be realistic and use those skills as a last resort. Learn how to use a gun, that is as equal as you will ever realistically get to a man in the ability to kill.
Join the military. Israeli girl knew Jew fu and shit and practically raped me, completely overpowered me even though I probably weigh 1.5x her
If you have the urge or what you believe in, don't give up on it. Who cares what anyone says, just owe yourself what you see fit.
She's a strong warrior woman, user. Don't be so judgmental.
>Be brave and courageous
Absolutely not, a person is better for being brave and courageous
>Ching Shih
Seconded, look her up OP.
There is a statue in japan in honor of the women that took up weaopns to defend som castme or something.
Can you dumb that down for my understandings? ;- ;
>Females have problem with muscle gains and have shit muscle fibers
Aahh, yes. Good point there. Thanks for the response user!
>women are build for wit and speed
ehhh? >:/ never heard that one before but I should definitely think about that.
>all humans have the desire for violence and domination
That's what made me create this thread :<
>combat isn't heroic or glamorous
I disagree on the Heroic part, I must. But I did not mean to describe a Hero, I'm asking about a warrior- which seems to be a step or two down from an actual hero.
>and frankly there are very, very few reasons to engage in physical combat in modern society. Right now the major problems the West faces are intellectual in nature. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't b
I personally blame technology- we would be able to fight like real humans if it were not for guns and tanks.
I don't know how I feel about the monkeys part, but I agree with you that the mind is dangerous.
>women have the potential to be warriors
yes, yes i have.
thanks for sharing.
Doesn't interest me at all since she was greedy.
What if women feel an innate cause- they are not ready to settle down?
>be realistic
That's all I'm trying to say in this thread.
The Military is retarded, and it's run by the jews.
These womens souls are the primary focus of what I'd like this thread to talk about.
If there are no options left, yes they can take up arms to defend the homestead. It should be a last ditch thing though. On the actual battlefield when facing the enemy away from home, it is a different story.
Women that wanted to fight and gays and mongrels often became pirates because no one else would take them.
I want to be the girl and I want to be on the side with my leash on but I want a man leader.
I believe it would take extreme discipline. Most women don't have that, it's very rare. It would take commitment that 99% of women don't carry in their hearts and minds.
Fuck off back to le leddit
You're literal cancer and this isn't politics
pic related is the pinnacle of the """""""""""""""""""""""female warrior""""""""""""""""""""""""""
in other words fucking worthless
Remember, Sage goes in all fields
>If there are no options left, yes they can take up arms to defend the homestead. It should be a last ditch thing though. On the actual battlefield when facing the enemy away from home, it is a different story.
DOES NOBODY UNDERSTAND HERE?!?!??!!!?!? NOBODY OF THE AGE 20 CAN SETTLE DOWN NOW! THIS IS WAR! WORLD WAR lll WHEN? We HAVE to fight, but not in the (((army))) we HAVE to form ideas. /Vent All I'm trying to say, is that all things natural are being destroyed. All life needs to take action.
>Or is it against nature for a human woman to fight for her own cause?
No, it's not against human nature to fight. Throughout history women have been conditioned to not fight, since they are physically weaker than men and should not lose their lifes since they can bear children and keep the species alive.
>Can she know passion like a man while defending something she cares about?
Of course but, developing "passion", be it both for man and woman, has become pretty hard nowadays.
And to become a warrior, is too vague. The real question you have to ask yourself is:
"What are my values? What is worth fighting for?"
This is more /k/'s department. Why the fuck are you asking here?
> Is it weird for a female to grow up dreaming of being a brave and courageous warrior?
It's unusual, but not that unusual. It's super unusual for them them to be any good at it. It's even more unsual for them to train significantly. And it's almost unheard for them to train in any significant numbers.
Right. I'ts much more likely to be last second desperate defense while the men overcommit on hunting or war. Going out on successful campaigns really didn't happen for women. Especially before firearms.
>Doesn't interest me at all since she was greedy.
LOL. Don't turn your nose up at them. Pirate queens are probably the best you're going to get. Maybe a yamato nadeshiko or two.
If you're Christian you could be a defender of the faith, by that I mean spiritual warfare. Doing something like going out and singing some hymns on the street, or just going around getting people saved. Though you should be warned, the more you convert people and get deeper in the faith the more the demons try to destroy you.
Try find and read about them then.
>HAD to have been female fighters in history,
Joan of Arc, but she dressed like a man and was ultimately burned at the stake.
>No, it's not against human nature to fight
I knew it would take a German to say this....( I say that as a compliment ) As for the rest of your comment, I can elaborate if you wish to stick around to read it..
>This is more /k/'s department. Why the fuck are you asking here?
What the hell are you talking about? You've rustled my jimmies.
>LOL. Don't turn your nose up at them. Pirate queens are probably the best you're going to get. Maybe a yamato nadeshiko or two.
Hey- i'm willing to bet that there's more out there then the both of us know about Female fighters right now ~
>spiritual warfare
This. But I could never see myself as becoming a Christian.
Valid points.
>I can elaborate if you wish to stick around to read it..
Well, you had to elaborate in the first place but, go on.
What religion are you as of now?
something like women fought for sparta or some shit maybe it was rome idk
>has become pretty hard nowadays.
>And to become a warrior, is too vague. The real question you have to ask yourself is:
>"What are my values? What is worth fighting for?"
Well, I think laziness is the root of all these trivial problems like welfare system and feminization of men, masculinization of women.etc.. as for my values and whats worth fighting for, well.. I will simply give you a favorite quote of mine and I hope it will clear everything up for everyone.... " Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live. " - Adolph Hitler
" Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live. " Adolph Hitler
Does this quote only apply to men? Discuss
Women will always be defeated by men unless you're putting the weakest males against the strongest women. Even then it's a toss up, and no cultures sends its weakest males into combat.
There have never been any female warriors. Ever. Joan of Arc didn't fight. All the depictions of female warriors you see are created by beta males raised by single mothers or delusional feminist idiots like you.
>women are build for wit and speed
GTFO this site you cringeworthy white knight mangina. Men are significantly faster and wittier than women.
Women are built for childbirth alone. Now go get pegged.
Sure there's lots of cool fiction of women being super powerful brave warriors, but it is fiction. Women aren't built for war and fighting the way men are, they should understand the differences and fight in the ways that are most effective for them and not believe in limitless equality.
Of course people like them and think they are cool. It's the annoying "we can do it toooo" agenda that western media pushes which is annoying bullshit. It's going against their primary function, which is commendable- but doesn't make you special.
>delusional feminist idiots
Okay thanks (no sarcasm)
Haha im the femanon you got the pictures from xD
I larp in chainmail alot ahha its fun, and dream and fantasize about being a warrior too. Its normal for me
Counterpoint: Ching Shih, the little chinese woman who won piracy.
Female samurai weren't as rare as has been implied, but they didn't get much attention or acclaim because they were strictly defensive/homeguard forces, and typically wielded the naginata instead of more brute force weapons.
Honestly I'm just going off of amazonians, not women with buzzcuts with ceptum piercings that wear shorts and expose their hairy legs on purpose.
be my friend. Right now
Also did you bother making another thread? Can I get contact info? :y
>and typically wielded the naginata instead of more brute force weapons
that's perfectly fine for a woman. I see no problem in that. At least they can fight, when they have no choice to; which is something I think is going to have to happen with women now especially in europe because of the IMMIGRATION
You gotta realize just how weak women are compared to men. Think about this: it's common for middle school soccer teams to play college female soccer teams for practice and the 12 year old boys usually win. The boys are faster and stronger. Of course these aren't pro players by any means; just mediocre players on both sides, which actually provides a better sample of the abilities of the average 12 year old boy versus a 19 year old girl.
Girls have other combat advantages besides physical strength. They have better aim with firearms, for instance.
I made 3 related threads lol.
Contact info on pol? :3
Iffy haha
>They have better aim with firearms, for instance.
Um, absolutely no they do not, you filthy mentrual-blood-slurping dipshit.
All the best shooters in the world are male. The best firearm-equipped military units are universally male. Males have massively, measurably superior visual and spatial abilities.
>laziness, welfare system and feminization of men, masculinization of women
It is never the mass, responsible for the shortcomings of the individual. It is but the individual that lacks the will to strive for greatness.
Of course, there is the influence but, only you can allow yourself to be "brainwashed" by the commodities of the modern world.
The weak choose to be weak because it's easier and it is a path that has become available in the recent years.
>"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
This has no applicable personal value. Sure, it's something to keep in mind or more like a motto to live by but, it still doesn't clarify your will to fight.
Fighting without a cause, is just carnage. Carnage is for the wild beasts.
Are you a wild beast, user?
> Is it weird for a female to grow up dreaming of being a brave and courageous warrior?
No. (1) In past times your inspiration would be more directly linked to the immediate world around you and your social group. If there was a lot of activity that called for those behavioral traits emulating them would be beneficial as even if not trying to, you might end up needing them.
It is (was?) womens role to take greater care of themselves and be less involved in military activities because bringing a child to term would then prevent them from being able to effectively fight for almost a year and then someone would have to rear the child (probably the one with boobies) So men would be the better candidate to stay prepared, which takes a lot of time/effort when you are up against truley savage and evolving competition that needs critical success. But see point (1)
> Can she know passion like a man while defending something she cares about?
Yes, but like anything you care about enough to think about in the longer term, you have to think about how that expesses itself, the strategy and the value of "the thing".
If we could have cool artificial wombs and a nation state to protect them and the will of our collective conciousness then I would be your Lieutenant anyday Major. I would disincentivise dying for some shitty post-modern cause until one can secure a state of peace and longevity for "the something" though.
>tfw no brave courageous qt wife to fight for our children's future
Brave and courageous warrior no.
Vapid cunning and deceitful assassin perhaps.
Women do have a certain skillset naturaly granted by their under estimated nature.
No he's right, biologically women can hold a gun, especially a rifle, more steady because of the way their hips are designed. Visual awareness I'll give you, but keeping aim steady is something women are naturally better than men at.
You two better have huge khazar milkers !!!
Why is this thread still getting replies?
>can women be warriors.
The answer is yes, shitty warriors that last 5 minutes before getting their limbs broken and then raped.
>haha look at me I'm a gurl
Who fucking cares, probably a fat chick or a tranny. This isn't a chat room and we aren't your friends. Go away please. Anyone entertaining this bitch has autism.
>No he's right, biologically women can hold a gun, especially a rifle, more steady
Lol confirmed virgin who never took women shooting. Holding it steady requires upper body strength.
Saging again, you are the people ruinning Sup Forums. Think before you post.
I'll give you my email address that isn't connected to any of my social media, you decide what to do with it then. Plan? [email protected] also sorry for missing those threads, I commend you for your duties...
>It is never the mass, responsible for the shortcomings of the individual. It is but the individual that lacks the will to strive for greatness.
I'm not sure. I think sane humans are naturally tribal- they want to be part of groups. Though we do have our cases of neets, because we cant be part of a group, because it's not okay to be white in todays society.. well, depending where you are geographically. I have another quote for you; “Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”
― William Ernest Henley, Invictus reminded me of what you said.
>Are you a wild beast, user?
Politically, I identify as tribalist....I see things in a barbaric way. I merely use this computer as a means to an end- it's hard to find true friends in real life so I seclude myself and lurk... Hopefully this all ends soon.
>immediate world around you
>artificial wombs
absolutely haram
I know right>Vapid cunning and deceitful assassin perhaps.
>Women do have a certain skillset naturaly granted by their under estimated nature
I can get behind that.
But that's just obviously false. If it were true women would dominate all shooting competitions. If it were true women would dominate infantry units because military units using women would outperform those using men. These are hard facts. Everything else is just pussy beggars pandering, delusional cunts, and organizations with a diversity agenda.
qouting historical figures is the sign of a weak mind, it tells me you have to qoute others because you have nothing good to say yourself. Sage.
A Satan-worshiping Jewslave. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhocking
And historical MALES, at that.
I'm against all technology- though I use this computer as a means to an end; it's hard to find true friends irl.
No they really don't want to be warriors. They want the attention and the glorification of the warrior, they want to pose in cool
and sexy clothes on instagram and get thousand of likes. They just want the aesthetic experience of being a tough
warrior while they actually don't want to do any of the things a warrior would do.
There have been female fighters in history, always significantly fewer of them than male fighters and normally only in times of desperation when insufficient numbers of male fighters are available. Male physiology and psychology is simply better optimized by both social selection and natural selection for combat.
Sent lol
>times of desperation
I think today is a time of desperation.. simply put.
Ever heard of Valkyries? they were real.
No one gives a crap.
There,are,always some weird, rare exceptions, user.
Yes I have. thanks for reminding me
yes i see
>No trolling, and I am most certainly not an advocate for Feminism, I'm just curious what Anons from around the world think of this on Sup Forums.
That's pretty much what I'd expect a troll to say when posting his feminist bullshit.
So then do something you are capable of, like having children or hanging up those retarded "it's okay to be white" signs.
If women actually cared about the state of the world, they would recognize it's this way because women are calling the shots. If they were geniuine then they would listen to the men tellign them to shut the fuck up and have white babies.
Got it?
Valkyries are literally mythological you larping tards.
Rhey just wanna feel special. After all, avery woman yearns to be the center of the universe....
Realist misogynist here.
Actually guys will do whatever we tell you we want you to do.
"Shutting the fuck up" will change nothing. Changing our desires and realizing that materialistic pursuits are a dead end, this is what will change the course of our time.
Men are lead around like a lost puppy with your tongues hanging out of your heads. It is our job to make you shape up, because men are pathetic and weak without female attention
If biologically a female post nudes.
If you are a man LARPing as a female, please off yourself.
That's what you think, you are talking about boys, not men.
Women have been fucking over society since we gave them the right to vote. They vote for more welfare and more niggers. Look what merkal did to europe, look at hillary. This is the best woman have to offer, steaming piles of burning garbage bent on anhilation. So, shut your stupid fat whore mouth, and have some babies.
>I'm not sure. I think sane humans are naturally tribal- they want to be part of groups
Yes, that is also what i meant.
Although, "sane" is not the right word for that tribal behaviour. It is "normal", yes but, it's still a primitive behaviour.
Normals are with each other because it's the rule and not because they actually enjoy it.
They fear rejection, being casted out and losing all social privileges like mating and socializing.
In my opinion, NEETs or anyone who rejects the current society, are the future. Although, they are weak, they made their choice reflecting the current state of the outside world. The overall system is shallow and has only place for shallow people, outright denying possibilities for true individuals.
So to speak; You either are with us or against us.
>because it's not okay to be white in todays society..
And that is why you don't import cultures from the 3rd world.
We have the same thing with t*rkroaches as American with blacks.
Both can't integrate in a civilized society because they are more beast than human.
They are a sub-species yet they infect our civilizzed world because they are more primitive, hence they are "stronger" than your modern average Joe.
You can kill one rat but, once there is a horde, you can only hope they don't breed, fill your house and don't eat you in your sleep.
Thats because youre all boys, not men. Women make men. Thats why youre not considered a man until youve lost your virginity or been married, we mature men and give meaning to life.
We used to be more spread out, but now most women only go for genetic chads.
What women fail to realize is that each of us is capable of creating a chad out of nothing. All we need do is invest, in fact that was one of our maij roles. But most girls are unaware of this and just want chad from the get-go.
What feminism has done is left millions (80%) o boys as boys because of the lack of women.
You are a boy for example, because you are a virgin.
Nice roastie larping, almost convincing. Sage goes in all fields.
Which is greater:
A ruler/measuring stick, or a cock?
A barometer, or the atmosphere?
A thermometer, or heat energy?
A decibel meter or sound?
Even if we take your retarded example and treat it as fact, you're still lesser. But the reality is that only modern emasculated 'men' measure themselves by women, and only as a result of the very propaganda that is destroying the West and will result in your death.
Any actual man easily can and would take you and do whatever he felt like with you. And when the rule of law disintegrates completely as your degenerate worldview consumes the remaining scraps, that is exactly what your fate will be.
You will never be anything but a walking womb. And when your good 15 years have elapsed and you're childless, you'll be nothing but meat fit for the dogs, slut.
>not the right
eh~semantics, if you'd ask me....
I wouldn't call that normal German user- Yes, I understand your neet argument it's already been written in the texts that the neets are the future. But I personally have neet experience(s) and I can tell you that my only catharsis was/is getting out of my comfort zone; the whole reasoning of BECOMING Brave and Courageous...
>Iffy haha
>femanon confirmed
tits or gtfo
There's something resilient about this... So that we do not become the average Joe. Everyone must be a leader, I am pro tribalism. I quoted Hitler because I know we all die, and I know it is perverted to try and prolong life through Science.... Machinery. That is all, German user.
>A ruler/measuring stick, or a cock?
Are you gay? this is a heterosexual only thread, please leave
>woman steps out of society
>society collapses
>women are just walking wombs!
If this were true, the only negative effect of womens absence would be the birth rate.
Yet you can clearly see that once we left our role, many more problems were born as a result than just declining birth rates.
Youre an incel though, i smell cheeto dust
> >.>
I think you should leave. Like, right now.
>>woman steps out of society
>>society collapses
>>women are just walking wombs!
Damn, I never thought of it that way..... Really makes me think.
japanese strong female lead:
>raised wild
>falls in love with a man
>changes way to restore peace, together
Western strong female lead:
>rude, entitled
>gets everything done for them by others
>doesn't develop, flings with males
>becomes a dyke
You literally think that using the word cock makes you gay?
It's not women stepping out of their roles at all. It's the global elite using women as the useful idiots they are to undermine the family and therefore Western civilization. I actually can't tell if you're legitimately retarded, or just a decent larper. I'll assume legit retard for now.
You dumb bitches never use anything but recycled shaming language.
>durr gay
>durr small dick
>durr virgin
>durr mum's basement
It's an excellent example of the downing effect in action: you're so stupid that you lack the capacity to even recognize your own stupidity. You can't use reason, logic, or facts because you can't understand them. Just durr ur gay over and over. KYS