Explain this, now!
Other urls found in this thread:
Know the difference nordic cucks
>Egypt not Mediterraneans
Besides the fact you "Mediterranean" races can't accept the fact you haven't done anything relevant in the past thousand years, let me remind you what Northern Europeans have created:
>Fine Art
>Gothic Architecture
>The Steam Engine
>The Internet
>Representative Democracy
>Beautiful Music
american sicilian here, blonde eyed, blue haired faggots will hang when the war comes, EVROPE is a medmasterrace creation
LOOOOL renaissance but hey nothing ok. Have you ever seen motherfucking 13th century nordic buildings? fucking hidious
did turkey join the EU?
No and they never will. No muslims in Europe and no fucking nordic cucks
>> le 56% face talking to masterrace
Nordics are shit, bongs and the irish are fine
>lose a war against niggers with sharp sticks
We just had this thread like 15 minutes ago, please find Jesus Christ or something.
Thanks for that post man. Anglo Saxons have destroyed Britain in the past and are ruining Europe now too.
Nordic cucks do nothing but claim OUR history fuck you all.
Did you make this? "The nords" isn't an actual people, be specific.
>britain and ireland are in northern europe
Oh shush, stop we wuzzing. Everything good about you was forced upon you by continentals.
Jews use classic projection tactics to claim whites who want to be free to determine their collective are "white supremacists"
The truth is that judaism is an ethnic supremacist religion, and Israel is a fascist ethnic nationalist state.
don't get jelly turnip
Collective destiny*
Why would I be jelly? Both your country and mine are in terrible conditions.
Civilization is cancer
Meds are whites
because britain and ireland are north-western european masterrace
you are but a mere northerner
>Sub Saharan blacks built the Pyramids at Giza
Stop making DC threats
Italians don't count as white. They're beyond your pathetic race of blonde cucks who get skin cancer by stepping in the sun for 10 seconds.
This is some top-tier we wuzzing.
What's masterrace about the Irish?
Busy raping your women.
Anglos had the British Empire.
Snow and Forrest niggers have nothing
What's your real flag?
Not true. Why did Italy perform so bad in the war btw?
fuck you american muttblood
>t. buttblasted snownigger
Subhuman germanic snownigger making meds their bitches
I've actually seen anons post that the original Chinese were white and so were the Egyptians. What a bunch of idiots. There is no shame to admit that your ancestors weren't a founding civilization.
Everyone knows blacks didn't build the pyramids and there was white royalty in China and the pharoahs were white and the middle east was white before they left and the africans moved north. Duh, op is gay.
Not an argument
Ethiopia had british + russian support you fucking mongoloid.
I'm not american I'm italian master race.
1. qt's with dark wavy hair and piercing blue eyes
2. qt's with dark wavy hair and piercing blue eyes
3. hiberno-scottish missions
4. splitting the atomic nucleus
5. great literature
6. whiskey
7. they are basically west brits
8. qt's with dark wavy hair and piercing blue eyes
>instantly plunging Europe in a 1000 year scientific darkness
>brown eyes
you're not a real med unless you have green eyes you fucking untermensch, at least fucking hazel...but pure brown? Fuck no you're not white or med, you're just a shitskin
Blacks made pyramids ?
slide thread, sage.
Take off the meme flag faggot
God what a faggy brit show. Friend recommended it and I couldn't even stomach the first seaon. Last kingdom was way better.
The English are a mutt race of Germanics, Scandinavians, French, Britons, and Celts.
>Implying blacks built the pyramids.
Egyptians weren't niggers, nigger.
typical niggers
You couldn't survive in Egypt without getting skin cancer, corpseskin.
> muh darkness
>tfw from genoa but brown eyes
Why did you lie to me pol. Southern italians are the ones that look nordic not us.
So much more advanced!
Nordcucks include sweden norway finland and Germany. If you are from one of these nations you are a niggers
stay mad christcuck
Germans aren't snowniggers. Snowniggers are scandinavians.
Mainly just Britons, who are Celts.
Germans are forest niggers
>reich only lasts 12 years
Most pathetic "empire" of all time.
please see:
>German classical music
>German philosophy
>German engineering (auto, aero, industrial, chemical)
modern Germany doesn't count, just like modern Greece is a joke
DNA test the average Englishman. He is not majority celtic compared to the Irishman who is.
you made that exact thread like an hour ago fuck off already
I already told you, this is evidences that whites have developed ridiculously faster than anyone else in the past 2000 years
Shitskin, Whites have survived in South Africa for 300 years. Climates also happen to change over 4,000 years. Your dumb ass doesn't have a clue what Egypt was like yesterday, let alone 4,000 years ago.
You silly bitch.
Here are some Yazidis. They live in Iraq.
What's wrong with the nordic house? I mean I doubt that it's a very accurate reconstruction, but it looks perfectly servicable.
If you lived in a colder climate with a small population, relative to other regions, what kind of houses would you build?
I didn't make exact same thread, that was someone else.
i can reconstruct this part of a torque gauging freewheel in a CAD from my memory anytime. you don't even understand how this would work.
yeah it was pretty shit
balfe is a hot af milf though
>mutt race
predictive text? think you meant 'masterrace'
[pic related]
>blacks built Egypt
Literally proven false
When it says nordcuck they're referring to swedes, norwegians, danes, fincucks and icelandics moron.
Most Bongs are shit, and the Irish are too drunk to care they have been cucked.
Yikes. Here we go again. How long is it going to take for people to realize that the English are pretty much just slightly Germanic Celts?
Explain why the entire Mediterranean area is a shithole, then.
You forgot:
-The Creation of America
>That number
Except Meds had an original religion as well. Christianity is Jewish
Are you some albanian-american or something? Germans have massively innovated and
contributed to western civilization numerous times.
No Germans too. Every Germanic cuck are also nordic
All civilizations decline and stagnate. Romanticizing the past without looking towards the future makes you weak.
Bad bait
Always cherry picking...
Pic related is 83-metre (272 ft) long chieftain's house in Norway form 500AD
Why do they do this? What does it mean?
>Vikings thousands of years ag
>Africans today
Pic related is from south Europe. Albania, same period from little village.
just accept it. Nords did not have knowledge about technology
>most italians are lazy, greasy winos who fantasise about being romans
>most french are arab-looking pretentious cunts with a chip on their shoulder
>most spaniards are workshy marxists
>most germans are syrians
you can say these things about everyone
fact is, britons made the world
Blacks didn't build the fucking Great Pyramids.
>Explain why the entire Mediterranean area is a shithole, then.
LMAO THATS ALSO FUCKING SHIT LMAOOOO. Check this out, even the Assyrians made houses/palaces better than you cucks. Nice wood y'all using fucking cuck
secondo me una persona nord italia non deve avere gli occhi azzuri per essere dal Nord. Io sono dal Modena.
Britain and Ireland are western Europe.
Rule Britania
are they from the same age? if not you have no case and even if they are thats only a house in one place there are probably better shit in other white place since there are so many of those places
Reminder to hide, ignore, and not respond to nords vs med threads
Albanian subhuman.
>meanwhile in reality the Viking age began eight years after the Massacre of Verden, and the sources that claimed of rape and other atrocities are spurious at best
Memeflags were the worst thing to happen to the board.