Men are superior to wome-
Men are superior to wome-
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what? hollywood told me she was black
I thought it was strong black women who sent us to the moon though.
Are you trying to whitewash history?
Bitch can't right tight code.
Meanwhile, SS Major W. Braun builds the rocket, the lunar lander, and the system that her bulk code runs on.
Dumb wimmin didn't use a computer in the first place,now some mens are stuck retyping and debugging that broken ass shit.
it was actually an black woman who had to teach all the stupid white bois
looks shooped
t. Jealous penis person
The age of man is over
The day of WOMXN is nigh!
How much of that is commented winky faces?
Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
>implying that filthy shiksa can ever hope to compete with the BIG ASHKENAZI BRAINPOWER
nice try we all know she was black
why the fuck would you write code by hand lmao
>stuck with the bitchwork
>Having to to back to 1969 for an example
Yup, that blue eyed blond haired black woman.
Holy fuck, good for her, I can't even write code by hand, I have some serious respect for her
she's a major thinn qt3.14159265359. I dated a girl who looked like her.
100% guaranteed that printout is not her code though but data printouts.
Interesting how 1 woman who does something, although great, gets some much praise, movies about her, media attention, etc. all because it's rare to see a woman in this field of study.
However, when 99% of the people were white men got us to the moon only a handful of them get any of that.
It's not like she wrote that all herself. She had a team helping her out.
Isn't Margaret Hamilton the actress who played the witch in the Wizard of Oz?
>exception confirms the rule
She looks like a nice QT who needed multiple kids shot into her.
I'd love to stick my Lunar Module in her Saturn V.
There are some exceptional women in technology too. Grace Hopper comes to mind obviously. But of course anyone with a brain recognizes that men dominate the field and have made almost all significant contributions to it.
face it Sup Forums she's black
octaroon actually so more like 75% white
checked and underrated
Rumor has it binders 4-8 she just changes directory.
this is the sad part, imagine how many genius level boys who could have taken us beyond the moon this bitch could have created. instead all she did was hand write some shit code a low level man could have done.
This just proves if women stay in the house they can accomplish so much.......the solitude required to do something like that makes anyone badass.
How sheboons did gruntwork calculations that brilliant white engineers needed to farm out since basic computing machines were a bit unwieldy at the time and they had more complex problems to work on.
I just realized something really sad: I'm automatically suspicious of anyone claiming that a woman did something great because of all the goddamn pandering that I've been subjected to all my life. Everyone makes such a big deal out of everything a woman does that's above-average.
can we meme 'blackwashing' into the dictionary
What are comments?
>code she wrote by hand
and then all the men had to translate it to punch cards, what a lazy bitch
Fairly sure she never wrote a single line of code.
pretty cute desu. Would have Wrinkle In Time children with her.
Definitely not shopped
But that user is right, you can tell from those pictures vs the one in the OP that the shadows and exposure were lowered to make her appear darker
Literally fake. Margaret Hamilton was African American.
She was a typist.
She was dictated code by men. Only a secretary.
>spells "write" as "right"
seems like you're the bitch who can't write the right words
It's no mystery that all "blacks" with high IQs have substantial amounts of white blood.
what's with the gay anime shit? is that a russian shill thing?
If a man wrote the code it would have been less than 1000 lines. It a basic event loop reading in inputs from the instruments; bitch basically wrote it linearly to handle all the events, rather than functionally utilizing recursion to its fullest. Then on top if it she just spammed a shit ton of error handling "just in case", something that could have been simplified to 100 lines of code literally took 4 of those reams. I'm surprised there weren't more failures during the Apollo missions.
Nobody claims that all men are superior to all women, just that the IQ distributions for men are wider and that therefore men outnumber women greatly in the genius IQ range.
So you are saying that in 1969 nasa hired women based on their skill level and celebrated their accomplishments, documenting with photos and because of that we should hire women regardless of qualification based only on gender which is a social construct and means that a man claiming to be a woman should be given a job regardless of qualification ahead of a biological female (assuming that a thing) if he believes his penis isn't real?
Yep, cause they don't need to point out their gender every time they do something. "I bleed out of my vagina when I'm not busy popping out a kid! Pay attention to me!"
>being this new
There's cryptographic messages hidden them. You can increase the opacity of the vector colors of the images to reveal the message.
Glaucoma retard
Light skin black woman, look at old photos
> be woman working at NASA
> NASA not a meritocracy, so steadily promoted over next 10yrs
> Everyone quits; goes to private sector
> Stay at NASA
> Fake moon shot; selected to write code for mission
> Pay Halliburton $10mil to write code
> 4yrs later they ship all these manuals
> Take picture next to bunch of papers
> we_wuz_kangz.png
I'm sure that is what she actually did. I'm sure that this exact thing actually happened. Oy vey.
>womens idea of space travel is to stack books until they reach the moon
Jesus, they would be so lost without us.
Big if true, but since we never went to the moon, it's not and this just tells me that Nasa, which is Hebrew for "to deceive" had a hand in the marxist subversive process, too.
There was no modern line by line input but punch cards
Literally 1-2 talented women for every hundred exceptional men.
Wtf she's white!?
Same person
A smart and productive person doesn't necessarily make smart and productive kids.
dude we have princess luna and celestia on the ISS
this is nothing
>Hamilton in 1969, standing next to the navigation software that she and her MIT team produced for the Apollo project
So who are we going to use for the picture?? Well not these nerds that did most of the work, where is that hot piece of ass we keep around?
One of the first programmers was a women Ada Lovelace. Programming, Chemistry, Match have always had a lot of women for centuries.
She didn't actually write all the code. She's in the photo BECAUSE she's white. lots of people worked on that code.
One drop rule. Stop being a nigger. We don't claim people with non white ancestry as white
i really like cute anime pictures
bet its this
pls delet dis
>//Good luck
One drop? Let me see your white certificate... hope Gengis Khan didn’t rape any of your ancestors.
Is that Shaun Kings mom?
Moon landing was fake
Men are superior.The stack is as high as she is. That's just sloppy fuckin coding
>Hamilton's team was responsible for developing in-flight software, which included algorithms designed by various senior scientists for the Apollo command module, lunar lander, and the subsequent Skylab.
>which included algorithms designed by various senior scientists
Not written by hand, and that isn't all her code. It's a compilation of the code written by Hamilton and the rest of the MIT team she lead while writing software for the Apollo program.
Why embellish like that? Her story is impressive enough. Mixing in lies just cheapens it and denigrates the whole thing.
Already debunked:
Is that a bunch of redundant code?
This was almost like the first cluster computer system.
Not shopped you idiots. Code back then was all in assembler. For a project of this magnitude, it took hundreds of thousands of lines. Why would they shop something like that in the first place?
Here's the original code for the Luminary module.
It's been all scanned, digitalized and uploaded to GitHub. You can even find the famous "burn baby burn" ignition routine: