Continued from Some Europeans have strong resistance to the black plague (and HIV progression).
Does Sup Forums also have the Delta 32 rs333 allele that blocks transmission at the CCR5 receptor?
Continued from Some Europeans have strong resistance to the black plague (and HIV progression).
Does Sup Forums also have the Delta 32 rs333 allele that blocks transmission at the CCR5 receptor?
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Even Death doesn't want to go to Somalia.
Does OP think this is planned release of plague?
not a clue user
>south africa
Don't be a buzzkill, they're just dancing.
So where can I get a respirator in the UK that is rated for protection against airborne pathogens?
I love that this is being used to take away religious/cultural practices. That's bullshit.
the absolute savages
Buy antibiotics NAOW!!! but yea you in crowded nations that far from the start of all this are SCREWED. They'll long have run out of antibiotics by the time it gets to the EU.
Oh, this is going to be good!
If you're blue eyed and of Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian heritage (and not mixed with continental Europeans), you're immune as long as you have blue or gray eyes.
Yea, and you're also a descendant of the only people that moved to North America and their descendants are worse off due to that move.
Again you're confusing some things here you're still very likely to die. Also other kinds of plagues and pestilences will come after this.
The first of the four horseman of apocalypse is pestilence.
Religion is a meme dumdum, if you actually unironically believe that a skyfairy controls the world then there is no hope for you.
I thought it was Ebola but no, its this...
Do you really believe in that kike on a stick pagan bullshit? We can stop this plague like we stopped ebola.
Quite I'm triggering people.... not in the way I hoped but I'll take this:
this is exactly what SA needs. nigs dying left and right while boers hunker down and wait it out. +2 white skin immunity bonus.
Fixed it for you.
just nuke them usa, no one will care.
danemark btfo
So what's the actually mortality rate so far? I know pneumonic plague is the deadliest version and past outbreaks have up to 90% mortality but what avout this one?
100% mortality rate, no joke.
Bullshit proofs
The worst diseases of man kind have all come from that hell hole.
It's like God is trying to purge them, but we keep interfering with his plans.
Alright user, this is covered in
NIOSH Respirators are rated for 0.3 micrometer. Bubonic plague is 0.2 micrometer. However, aerosolized transmission vector is far larger than 0.3 micrometer, from 1~100 micrometer.
Bang for the buck is N95 which traps 95% of 0.3 micrometer particulates. It will catch near 100% of aerosolized infection vector. It's too big to bypass filtration media.
9210 is conventional N95. You get 240 per case, and by far the cheapest. I've used this for years and missed many a flu season because of it. A lot of people will prefer the 9211 since the lack of a valve can make it a bit stuffy.
9211 is 9210 with a valve. Less stuffy but I personally don't see it worth the expense. Expect it to cost three times a 9210.
1870 is 9210 with fluids resistance. This is what hospitals use since hospitals are full of bodily fluids that can ruin a normal mask. Expect it to cost twice a 9210.
Look on eBay and search "case 3M 9210" for starters. You'll find a good deal.
I wouldn't worry about plague coming to Europe in the short-term. It's good to stock up anyways.
>God punishes Africa by unleashing the Black plague from the most isolated region of Africa into one of the most well connected regions
>forces no one to help but isolated doctors because the risk of infection could devestate the rest of the world
>Africa's population projection gets cut in half by the end of the quarter
Well that's a stroke of luck if I ever saw one
100% if you catch the airborne one and don't get immediate treatment
its 100% if untreated
madgascar is finished. this one is pneumonic not bubonic.
this is the chance the whites in SA have waited for
can we turn the showers on now?
Blue eyed nigger here big ass nose like a jew.
what the actual fuck
is this supposed to be a trade?
> tfw u actually consider a trade of refugees for jews
the plague spreads far and wide
UK doesn't have those, all the sellers are american
>Does OP think this is planned release of plague?
I actually think this. I think they were planning on wiping out africa, and "migration" was the only way to save them.
After the fact everyone will be so happy...Unless Uncle Kamal visits and brings it...I think it has a 100% chance of making it to Europe. I would bet it all.
>Possibly planned release
>It will get to Europe. FAST
Jews push for Open Borders and Refugees in America, and Closed Borders with a Giant Wall for Israel.
The hypocrisy of these bastards is incredible.
Is saying the population is going down 54 million or the final value if 54 million?
What the fuck does it mean? are the predicting a massive population lose?
If you hover your mouse to the red arrow next to it, you will see this is the absolute value, 54 million is the projected population for 2025
What is this based on? How did they come up with this? Are they anticipating something?
They need their lebensraum. They'd like to get as many military-aged males as far away from the promised land as possible.
Canada denounced American warmongering in a speech at the UN today
Make sure you get the cold weather adaptation so you can get to Greenland before they close their port.
>ethnic bioweapon in your lifetime
Sorry about that bong, looks like U.K. supply of disposable respirators is nowhere near as abundant.
From what I see, 9210, 9211, and 1870 is not abundant, but 1860 is available, which is predecessor to 1870 and works about as well. Only comes in surgical blue though.
Performance characteristics are identical. 1870 is a design revision to make it look more stylish, whatever that means.
>tfw live in island nation out the middle of fucking nowhere that no one cares about
Enjoy your plague, rest of the world.
Doesn't this happen every year? What's so special about the Black Death this time around?
>Sup Forums getting really hyped up about a common occurrence
I don't believe you.
It's not like we found out the USAF was taking tissue samples from caucasian russians this week.
>Sup Forums getting hyped up about ded nogs
Doesn't matter the commonality, a dead nigger is a good day.
Three variants of plague exist:
- Bubonic Plague - Contact vector of infected material. Most famous for decimating European population in the past.
- Septicemic Plague - Bloodstream infection vector, usually by rat or flea bite. Term is derived from Sepsis, or blood infection.
- Pneumonic Plague - Aerosolized infection vector, extremely virulent.
Bubonic and pneumonic plague can progress to septicemic plague. Fatality is guaranteed without treatment.
The variant in concern is pneumonic plague. Highly contagious. Infects respiratory passages and other mucosal contact surfaces, like mouth and in some cases eyes. It may be antibiotics resistant, because niggers can't use medicine to save their lives.
It's known for its exceptionally high fatality rates. Given poor medical care endemic to the continent, infection is considered a guaranteed fatality.
Reported cases in African continent and neighboring islands are not to be trusted, as many cases go unreported in the first place.
The primary source of panic appears to be that it's highly contagious, spreading rapidly, and could be introduced into "refugee" populations who will once again reintroduce plague into Europe.
The history of plague is grim to say the least.
reporting new plague-chan designs from the other thread
Who would be based enough to release the plague in Africa?
by which I mean reposting
The hair ribbons are based on this image of yersinia pestis bacteria
I`ve been reading some pages and:
The WHO and the EU are shipping drugs and masks to those countries...if someone could cause a riot, "heat" or smthng....
Usually it begins in December and it ends in April.
Fleas from dead rats (they abandon the host once it`s dead) and living/dead cats are the main vectors
It evolves and spreads like "pneumonia"
It`s easier to control the flea infection using anti bacterial stuff(UN, WHO)
24 hours
our artist btw
Bad thing is if it hits SA hard it'll go global for sure
>Bad thing
Whites will die too even with adaptation...risky
>In untreated victims, the rates rise to about 50 percent for bubonic and 100 percent for septicemic. The mortality rate for untreated pneumonic plague is 100 percent; death occurs within 24 hours
They probably just don't have numbers
Africa is the cause for all of our diseases once again
Hmm that seems reasonable but at the same time, if there isn't an apocalypse then I'll just have this huge crate of respirators in my room sitting there and absolutely no reason to use them.
I like it
Imagine if this strain of the plauge has antibiotic resistance. It would be a a shitshow.
Consipracy theory time.
Africants who arent immune to it are flooding europe. eventually a few bring it with them. Euros shouls be safe at first as the defense against it should be around still from the last time. However the swarms currently in europe will provide ample number of host for it to live and evolve on until it happens to make that jump to killing euros again. Shitskin invasion is simply a large food source for the actual white genocide.
How come the mods keep censoring and deleting threads about the new plague all across the site?
On another note, how do you guys feel about the super malaria in asia? The nogs have a natural resistance, so how do we combat it?
Never live in a warm climate
I believe the new, mutated one, the airborne one, euros are not resistant to that strain
>Plague for the niggers
>malaria for the asians
>AIDS/cancer for the whites
what next? Seems almost as if there's a concentrated effort to kill off the human species
Not based, the Chinks are killing the nigs off to take over africa
>implying this is not manmade
Well, the ones that are left will be at least
no shit
just a joke my nigger
What should we call this plague Chan?
This is where we push for migration into Israel; we have to nail 'em kikes hard
But there so small and helpless, you can't do that to them you just can't!
*they're damn why have I been fucking that up all day long
what if the plague spreads to saudi arabia or yemen
Don't get my hopes up.
Well fuck them if they're gonna be racist towards refugees why don't we double the number?
just look at where it started. This is the IDEAL scenario in a worldwide takeover. the hardest part will be getting iceland infected - so get to fucking iceland before the ports close, bois
I like where this is going. I feel like it should be conditional. Like triple, unless Netanyahu personally and in the public declares that Hitler did nothing wrong.
He actually already has. And I think the ADL called his son a Nazi.
On hard mode: Without denying the holocaust ever happened and using the obviously exaggerated 20 million figure.
Holy shit what?? Damn. How did I not know any of this?
even nature hates apefrica
I figured I'd try to go with the danse macabre imagery from after the black death.