What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
She's trying to red pill the best a sjw knows how to
>suppress your badthoughts goyim
>replace that voice in your head, your conscience, with some nice netflix brainwashing
jews blacks and muslims do seem like the best people on the planet. right pol
>if you know the last two are bullshit
Um no, sweetie.
Last two are obviously true without much research, and if you did research it would reinforce the claim.
But what if those aren't bullshit and are factually true?
...But the last two aren't bs either...
All 3 are backed up by statistics.
The kikes think theyre in control.
responses are gold
But all are correct.
These voices are otherwise known as statistical evidence.
She's referring to the voice of reason.
SEEM to?
Really spins my dreidel
But the last two are objectively true.
I'm not sure if it's a Sup Forumstard falseflagging or a retarded leftist too drunkon its own koolaid to realise what she's saying.
pure coincidence
She is trying to trick you into not gassing her
We don't hate jews we just hate kikes.
We don't hate black people we just hate niggers.
We don't hate muslims we just hate jihadists.
Learn the difference. Am I right fellow magapedes?
Huh, none of it is bullshit.
Can't save 'em all I guess
go away FBI user
What's this from?
Unfortunately this is the only way for many leftists
It means the Jewess nose the Goyim know, and now she's hiding the truth about her tribe behind awful truth about the Goyim Minorities while giving the false impression she stand in solidarity with the 'lies' being told about them when in actual fact she is using them for her own tribes interests, like Jews always do
A truly despicable cult
>if you know the last two are bullshit
But... they aren’t?
khazaria has the best storytellers
>Ignore the voices of reason goyim
Oy vey! Don't believe your intuition goy. Believe me or your committing anodda shoah!
The tiny voice in my head is one truthful motherfucker. And apparently, I'm not alone.
Modern orthodox Jew ex-communicated from his enclave writes about his experience in a column to the New York Times, talks about some of the Talmudic anti-gentilism of orthodox Judaism.
Image attached, part of the rebuild permits required by the county and state for Hurricane Harvey(Texas, Dickerson county) home reconstruction, you can not rebuild your own home if you participate in boycotting Israel for any reason.
Home movies filmed by Eva Braun.
This is gonna backfire so hard on her, whoever she is
kek I'm over here agreeing with each statement not knowing how she's going to end the tweet