It's about time we stopped being antisemitic, Sup Forums

Pic related. The guy is based, a true conservative, and is the best at BTFOing SJWs who are the real racists.

Just like white people, there are both good and bad Jews. Let's judge people on their individual merit rather than acting like libtards and having a collectivist mentality. Antisemitism is a left wing thing these days anyway. Look at all the anti-Zionists who would love to see Israel destroyed in favor of yet another Islamofascist theocracy. Is that what you really want, Sup Forums?

Same goes for this racism towards black people. One of my best friends is black and he's the most devout Trump supporter.

Other urls found in this thread:

post your sis's tits now...............plz

Here ya go



When you're almost totally disconnected to the world around you its easy to put everyone in the same basket. No one can be told this, they have to see it for themselves


Dem Khazar milker udders made pro-israel.

Where are the tities OP?

This. Kekistani magapedes were always against nazis.

I think most people are aware that when we say Jews, we don't mean literally all Jews. Like the jewish guy who owns the coffee shop down the street is definitely not the one fucking you. but the ones who are fucking us all happen to be jewish.

>who cares if america is completely brown in 2050? race doesn't matter; ideology does!
>b-but we still have to make sure israel's borders stay closed and its interests are looked after, goyim!
While he has some decent videos on Islam and whatnot, he's otherwise a double-crossing faggot kike cuckservative.
2/10, would throw him in the oven and play with his sister's milkies.

I love Ben. I subscribe to his website. Really fantastic stuff.

You guys really need to stop memeing his sister. She works in the arts, and her career won't be helped by being associated with her brother. She probably didn't tell a lot of the people she works with that she's Ben's sister.

I see this garbage every day in every thread just stop already

>we still have to make sure israel's borders stay closed and its interests are looked after

>Islam is a major religion in Israel. Muslims, who are mostly Arab citizens of Israel, constitute 17.4% of the Israelis,[1] making them the largest minority group in Israel.



>supports israel
>true conservative

try again kekfag

bump (not that of cocaine)

So? The Israeli government and about half of its Jewish citizens want the Muslim minority kicked out, with a smaller percentage even wanting them ethnically cleansed, but you don't see Shapiro complaining about that.


quiet cuck. the girl's boyfriend Jacob writes Shapiro fanfic while interning for a Jew conservative thinktank. Heaps of people know


>as a white man
>I can't be a white supremacist because muh yamulke

> (OP)
>This. Kekistani magapedes were always against nazis.

You fucking Reddit faggots need to go back. This Kekistani horse cockery is just as cringe-inducing as Blue haired SJWs.

And instead of hating Shapiro for being one of (((them))), let's use the Jew like they use the goyim. Just because you hate something doesn't mean it's not effective

>anti-America first
>wants whites to be minorities in their own countries
>unironically uses far-left terms like "toxic masculinity"

How the fuck is this jew parasite conservative? He's a liberal from 5 years ago.


He praises Trump when he acts conservative. When Trump does something liberal, he points it out
>>anti-America first
Not true
>>wants whites to be minorities in their own countries
He doesn't care what color people are. He cares about culture.
>>unironically uses far-left terms like "toxic masculinity"
Never heard him say this, but he is by no means a feminist.


No this is a fake Jew so he's cool

I feel like jacking off to the female app Shapiro...

>The guy is based, a true conservative, and is the best at BTFOing SJWs who are the real racists.

I thought we were the real racists...

>sent from my iPhone in my Palestinian mudhut




Fuck off Schlomo.

He spends more time crying about the alt-right (which is a liberal made up word for neo nazi) than he does about leftists and sjws

It's either that or the oven you cow

requesting pics of her husband

Dear Ben, viral marketing is forbidden here. If you want to advertise, then contact the site admins and purchase ads.

I'm no big fan of Jews. But they're far better than niggers.

time to shit on the cathars. punks have had it easy for too long

I came to top right

>implying he's wrong about Gaza
Isn't it time you went to bed, Abdul al-Saheb bin Farid? You need to be in shape to pray five times a day.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Isnt it time you had a shower you smelly french kike.

what we did in Yugo was a fucking crime so not the best example.


>Kike says some shit that's trendy with normies
>let's ignore and accept the fact that most western countries and institutions are controlled by kikes

milk milk miiiiiiiiiilkkkk

>1 post by this ID
Sup Forums is getting slid hard right now.

Jews are loyal to Jews and news only.

>He praises Trump

Only because he won, and much like his fellow leftist KIKE ((((Mark Levin)))), they both suddenly turned into pro-Trump pundits once they saw their #NeverTrump faggotry was costing them shekels and viewers.

>Not true

He said that the "America First" idea was gross or something along those lines.

>He doesn't care what color people are. He cares about culture.

Except when it comes to Israel, which he wants to keep genetically jewish.

>Never heard him say this, but he is by no means a feminist.

He called Trump "toxic masculinity" plenty of times.

udders shmudders

Segregate all kikes.
No exceptions.
Every single one is a possible threat to the State.
Only through Islam shall they find respite.

>1 post by this id

>Jews aren't bad, they're just like you!
How many times do you expect us to fall for this Schlomo? At this point it's just insulting.


it's okay to get milked

here is my problem with mister
>"facts don't care about your feelings"
he is not consistent as he often let's his feelings get in the way of facts
especially when it comes to history and germany
some examples
>called the iron cross a nazi symbol and portraying it today makes you a nazi sympathizer
>claimed america defeated fascism from germany in both world wars
of course his followers eat it up because shapiro is just interested in facts and never wrong
>pic related regarding the the claim about the iron cross
>mfw according to Shapiro the german army is nazi
>mfw according to shapiro WWI was a war against german fascism






also never tell Ben Shapiro that israel buys nuclear submarines made by Thyssen Krupp who's owner was an open hitler supporter and remained one after the war and the family who builds the nuclear submarines today is heavily involved in financial support for german WW2 veterans, war graves including Waffen SS veterans
>mfw can't tell if Shapiro just ignores such details to not confront his feelings with facts

don't bump just sage you milkers

Shapiro is basically just another sophist. He isn't terribly smart or based.

Why can't he be a pan-nationalist? Why can't he admit that there are Jews who conspire to undermine white people?

Zionist Jews want to force us to accept Israel as an ethnostate; yet they get triggered when we advocate for a white ethnostate.

don't become lactose intolerant

Couldn't you just say "Rape is not okay"

> nobody wants to be raped generally?

I like Ben too.