California is the best state in US

all the stupid poor rednecks from arizona and texas are jelly.

>6th economy by GDP if independemt
>full of hardworking mexican and asians
> great weaher and beaches
> SD finest city in America
> Hollywood and nice movies
> Disneyland
> all blue and tolerant

Other urls found in this thread:

OP's Flag is important.

We can improve Mexico and California by booting out the Mexicans in California.

And swimming in debt. So much debt.

>SD finest city in America
Oh yes I love me my hepatitis and gay hillcrest rallies!

>greater weather

i wouldnt say we are full of hard working people. there is, on average, about 60% of us that dont work at all.


Yes, CA is great. Move back home Californians! Texans, Floridians, New Yorkers, and everyone move there too!

t. Colorado

California sounds like a great place.



If you genocided every "Mexican" in California (they're just native-negro hybrids) then California would be good. You fuckers are single handedly ruining the place.

>negro hybrids

>legal to inflict letal virus in other people
shit state. Nuke california

:( queria que argentina quede afuera del mundial.
Every single one of them has sub-saharan african genes. Mexicans are not only mestizos, but also mullatos.

yea cause where else in this country can you make 400k per yr spend 60% in taxes take home under 100k and buy a house worth 80k for 660k?

Commiefornia is so great that many are leaving to colorado.
These are called caliroaches.

Ok calm down Paco.

average mexican genetics
This little bit of african is being very nice, some of you are full blown niggers.

Pick one. I'm from California and even I know Mexicoons are just as fucking lazy and worthless as niggers.



A 2006 study conducted by Mexico's National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), which genotyped 104 samples, reported that mestizo Mexicans are 58.96% European, 35.05% "Asian" (primarily Amerindian), and 5.03% Other. Of the six states that participated in the Study, the state of Sonora showed the highest European ancestry being approximately 70% while the State of Guerrero presented the lowest European ancestry, at around 50%.[89]

I lived in california for about a decade, it was awful.
>Good areas are too expensive
>Poor areas are VERY poor.
>Everywhere that is not LA, SF, Sactown, is basically ignored.
>Gun laws are run by SF
>Water policy controlled by LA (Fuck LA, fuck socal, norcal has the water)
>the cost of living is too high
>everyone is on welfare to some degree

The state is nice if you are rich and can afford to live in a city, but it is awful if you can't. It is basically Upstate new york if you aren't in SF/LA/Sactown. City people controlling a large rural state.

Gov. moonbeam is acceptable though.

Buddy, I was born and raised in California, and I'm still living there now. And I can tell you that it is most certainly not the best state ever. Especially if those shit policies our cunt of a governor proposed are passed.

God Emperor Trump sez: "Debt Good Now!"
You calling Trump a liar?

not true, mexico is mostly white and spanish, mestizos and criollos are a majority, indians are a minority and niggers are non existent.

Independent field studies have been made in attempt to quantify the number of European Mexicans living in modern Mexico, using blond hair as reference to classify a Mexican as white, the Metropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico calculated the percentage of said ethnic group at 23%.[12] Another study made by the University College London in collaboration with Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History found that the frequencies of blond hair and light eyes in Mexicans are of 18.5% and 28.5% respectively.[13]

Show me one mexican DNA test without african blood. I showed you 14 and ALL of them have african blood.

Mexicans are Nigger-Native Hybrids. Nothing white bout you fucking nigger natives.

Yes, the winters are harsh and you barely see the sun 4 months a year. Move to California for the glorious Mediterranean climate!

We are actually a Hell home and a giant spic factory and chink deposit

Dont forget among the highest real estate and property taxes in the US, oh and highest gang members per capita you fucking spic.

>100 degrees during the World Series
>great weather
California is no better than Vegas or Arizona at this point

>mexicans have very little african blood!

lots of sexy asians here, can confirm.

other than that, fuck this place

Such a beautiful people! No african genes whatsover! Only native american and some european!

Who here /inland empire/?

>Low cost of living, paying $500 / month for rent
>conservative area
>less traffic than LA
>hour or so from LA, 3 hours from Vegas, 2 hours to cool desert shit
>kickass weather, 70 degrees today in fucking November
>more conservative than rest of CA

I love it here desu

6 months and I will be uprooting my business and moving to a different state

Niggers in Mexico are barely 0.5% or less, how delusional you are.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Cold Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Wear More Clothes Like Nigga Drink Some Hot Cocoa Haha

fuck off, my state has similar weather as yours.

California is trash. There's a reason you fuckin' spics live five generations to a home.

Fuckin' spending a million dollars for a house in a shitty Mexican neighborhood full of criminals. Fuck California, bitch. And fuck every Mexican ever born.

Fuckin' hunt you down and cut your fuckin' eyes out, faggot. Get the fuck off this god damn website before I kill you motherfucker.

FUCK california. California is dirty ass rape aids, i can smell from glorious Oregon. Return from Jefferson. Jefferson state ethnic brothers of Oregon. DEFEND JEFFERSON. Oregon+Washington+Texas+Colorado=remove california. Forrest fire season best days of life for Oregonian.

Moonbeam, the man who continually cucks himself to China. You need to go back.

>6th economy by GDP if independemt
Why arent you then?

I'm being facetious, you niggers.

Wrong. Every single Mexican DNA test has proven that you ALL have African DNA putting Mexican Negro population at 100% . Excluding recent migrants there

>Fuckin' hunt you down and cut your fuckin' eyes out, faggot. Get the fuck off this god damn website before I kill you motherfucker.

your momma licks my dick billy, now get the fuck outta here.

>tfw work in construction
>tfw want to leave commiefornia but no market is bigger since everything in LA has to be retrofitted or demolished and rebuilt

It really is. I've only been to Mississipi, Texas and Cal. The people in Ms and Tx are retards. Cal is the only thing keeping the us afloat.

I live in the Inland Empire, at least the part of it that LA county takes up, and I can tell you that its filled with Mexicunts, so that conservative status? Quickly dwindling away. Also, that low cost of living is countered with the fact that you live in an absolute third-world tier shithole. If fucking LA didn't control everything then it'd be great, but until then it's a goddamn hellhole.

If you like gays and child prostitution.

Mexicans live 15 "people" to a home because theyre native - negro hyrbid subhumans

>Niggers in Mexico are barely 0.5% or less, how delusional you are.


Mexico is mostly mestizo, castizo, and white.

A 2012 study published by the Journal of Human Genetics Y chromosomes found the deep paternal ancestry of the Mexican mestizo population to be predominately European (64.9%), followed by Amerindian (30.8%) and Asian(1.2%).[101] The European Y chromosome was more prevalent in the north and west (66.7-95%) and Native American ancestry increased in the center and southeast (37-50%), the African ancestry was low and relatively homogeneous (0-8.8%).[101] The states that participated in this study where Aguascalientes, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Sinaloa, Veracruz and Yucatán.[102] The largest amount of chromosomes found were identified as belonging to the haplogroups from Western Europe, East Europe and Eurasia, Siberia and the Americas and Northern Europe with relatively smaller traces of haplogroups from Central Asia, South-east Asia, South-central Asia, Western Asia, The Caucasus, North Africa, Near East, East Asia, North-east Asia, South-west Asia and the Middle East.[103]

Why is LA such shit? Everytime I visit, it's bad. The traffic is terrible; seems like more trash than not; always musty/muggy; spics and homeless everywhere.

right, the west coast of US is the best.

Where's that chart of the cost of immigrant's, and commiefonia was something like 21Billion a year.

Yeah sounds like you know how to run an economy.
Would be funny as fuck to watch commiefonia go independent.

Mexicans always run to wikipedia to try to prove their whiteness. No DNA testing sources, no proof, just wikipedia every time. Top kek. Embarassing.

>be californian
>flee state
>live in new red state
>any time an issue comes up that people will vote on
>"well back in california we did things this way"
>ruin another state
>repeat process
californians need to die

It's run by libshit commie pedophiles, what else can I say?


well done son, keep posting more central and south americans hahahahaahaha

European Mexicans
Total population
Estimates ranges from 11 to 56 million[1][2][3][4]
9-47% of Mexican population[

Get your blood test and talk to me, you fucking nigger - native crossbreed subhuman. I showed you 15 examples of spics with large amounts of nigger genes in their DNA test. I havent been able to find ONE spic without AFrican DNA.
Your shitty native DNA is JUST as bad as african DNA btw.

they are all white

>entire blocks filled with tents
>Nightmarish traffic from hell
>Thick pollution in downtown area
>Housing and rent is too expensive even in the ghetto areas
>Gangbangers/cartel all over the place and the police are heavily understaffed to handle it

And then you have places like Stockton, Sacramento and Fresno where there's nothing but abandoned buildings and methheads everywhere

This. Texas will be blue in 10 years because Californians are poisoning it.

Get confirm they need the gas.

Ayy lmao! I bet youre form a shitty state full of niggers and also a nigger.

Wow, those kids are really white. you sure showed me.

Texas is jelly? They're jelly of our 13% income tax and 8% sales tax?

Our economy would plummet if we became independent, considering our entire healthcare system relies on Federal government subsidies.

Texas needs tolerance

fuck no, I am not spending 500 dollars in that shit.

>work in construction
Get out of my country spic

Checked. I guess mexico is white now.

That nigger probably masturbates to those pics becasuse why would anybody have those shitty pics

you seriously are one fat fuck

holy shit, fucking disgusting

lay off the fucking gorditas perra

Fuck Mexifornia.

It's sinking faster than a shit in the swimming pool.

There has not been a single Mexican DNA test that hasn't shown large amounts of negro DNA. Sounds to me more like youre scared of your results, you nigger-indio.

You fucks need to stay out of Colorado.

>lay off the fucking gorditas perra

hahaahahahahahaahah said the fat americuck

Good advice bro thanks I'll recommend Colorado

Fuck mexicans for coming illegally in such large numbers that they completely ruin the south west. No shame, no honor. Just ugly gypsy subhumans.

I guarantee you if I posted a picture of my arm it woudln't look like a fucking chimichanga

holy shit how do you even let yourself get that fucking fat

fat fuck

you do know mexico is the fattest country in the world...

Florida is the best state you mongrel.

US is the fattest country.

I agree with everything here OP except about San Diego. It's a fucking wannabe LA with terrible public transportation. Fuck San Diego.


you are the worse, m8

>California is the best state in US
Choke on a taco Paco

be careful, amerimutts they will get mad at you

California is a much better state than people give it credit for, if only we had less people voting for the Democrats. They don't even have to vote republican, just not democrat. That would be the icing on the cake. I hope the democratic party falls apart.

It's more full of indios than you are, not to mention they all have negro blood too

ik brasilbro

I don't give a shit about countries being the fattest.

Look at this fat fuck.

It has nothing to do with nations. This guy is a walking heart attack. Look at his fucking arm. If he didn't have the flag you would be saying the same thing.

I seriously hope diabetes kills you fat fucks both. A heart attack is too quick.

Your ruling class, the whitest of the white, looks like that? Top kek, they could be ruling class of pakistan.

>6th best economy
Subtract tourism and Hollywood
>Hard working Mexicans and Asians
Not trying to be a grammar nazi but you accidentally typed Mexicans
>great weather and beaches
Sure if you like swimming in crowds
>SD finest city in America
You don’t even live here
>Hollywood and nice movies
Almost every movie made in Hollywood nowadays is flat out shit
Your a fucking carnival kiddie ride compared to the world and Universal
>all blue and tolerant
Thought you said you were hard working


Actually Pakistanis are on average lighter than mexicans, so that makes sense.

>tfw no more white couple in the US to cucck his wife

Texas has no state income tax and it's economy is steadily growing. People are leaving califraudya for Texas every day for a better life.

dude I've been to Mexico and I must say:

They're not sending their best

since when have you cucked anyone? you're on Sup Forums