According to Pew, 1/3 Asians and Latinos marry outside their race. Seems like we're winning this one, boys.
According to Pew, 1/3 Asians and Latinos marry outside their race. Seems like we're winning this one, boys.
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>Be banging Asain waifu
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LEL that user thinks Asians in the US = the japanese girls you fap to in JAV
"Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. This includes people who indicate their race(s) on the census as "Asian" or reported entries such as "Asian Indian, Thai, Filipino, Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Other Asian".
There are almost 5x more Filipinos (see pic) in the US than Japs + Koreans combined. Most White men in the US are with SE Asians rather than East Asians.
Well, wtf is a latino. I had a conversation with an american a few months ago and she literally said "of course you guys dont have racism down here, you all belong to the same race".
She was talking to a mixed croatian/spaniard, a mixed syrian/spaniard and a spaniard (born in peru).
Wtf is the "latino race".
The ayran pinoy master race of the future.
Anything with amerindian in it.
dude asians are always so fucking triggered by this why theirs like a billion of you fucking insects and you have ethnostates go home fags unless you want to be bleached.
>5x more Filipinos
A nursing shortage will do that.
Yeah, but my ethnostate sucks :(
Thats a mestizo, its not the same as the american definition of latino.
well why do you think that is??
Most asians girls actually prefer asian men by a large margin. Asian men make up 5% of the male population, but end up marrying 65% of all asian women. They punch above their weight by 13x. If asian women had no preference between asian and white men, they would only make up 5% of asian marriages.
New Eurasian race to step on the niggers. I'm down.
How is this winning the war? Breeding out the Asian blood? You consider it a good thing? Actually what it does is breed the Asian blood into the white race, and make it widespread among more people.
And Latino is not a race. Latino can mean a pure white, a pure Native American, a pure black, or any mix of the 3 races.
Asian women marry outside of their race more than any group of people. Typically they marry beta bugmen who can't get a woman of their race.
White women are getting BEANED, my friend. You guys will be bred out of existence.
I'd probably marry a half-cast Asian/Latino girl but full blooded probably not
Pic related, Celina a cute
>coming from the board that gets triggered by coal burners
race mixers BTFO
lol its just mix the trash white with the top asian genes and destroying it 2bh
non whites are gross to a 10/10 white male
because a 10/10 white girl destroys everything
How is that winning anything? Creating literal le 56% people? Fuck that.
Fuck this shit country full of mongrels, stick a fork in it. When people like op think its a good thing that white people are racemixing and "bleaching" nonwhites, producing ZERO white children
too bad white women are trashy cuntrags
>le i cant get a 10/10 loyal white queen because i am a 4/10 failure of a white man or not white man at all angsy may may
seems like whitey is getting BEANED on both fronts, equally. HAHAAHAHAHAHAAH
>le 56% face
That is one messy table.
Latino here dating an Asian girl. Looking forward to my mongrel children.
It is likely that a child's genes will be totally editable at birth within a century. Any genetic caretaking you do now will be largely moot. Find a woman you adore, have children, and treat your family well. Don't limit your options unnecessarily.
>at birth
*at conception, I meant.
When I go out to clubs and raves all the hot Asian girls are with swag Asian dudes that look like Frank Yang. The hot Latin women want white or black guys
Holy shit I thought you people were supposed to be good at math
>finding the mother of your children at a rave
Too bad our genes are recessive
>white boys BTFO again
we define anything that comes from a spanish speaking country as latino since down there you're a fucking mess of mongrels
As if it matters what subhumans do between themswlves. Although I kind of feel sorry for the asians. aż
1/3 of Indian men in the US marry outside their race too. They mostly unload their spicy jalapeno sperm inside Christian white women. mmmm
>t. Nigger
Indians don't cook with jalapeno ya goof
Our distinction for "Hispanic/Latino" is fucked up in the US. Most people conjur up the usual Mexican indito as the poster child of a Hispanic, but Whites, Asians, blacks, mestizos, etc. are all lumped into the same category.
I knew one guy who's parents were from Cuba but their family was originally from Britain, but they're still considered White Hispanic on the census. Even Japanese from Peru are considered Hispanic. And then there's our criminal system...
I'm all for ridding the whole "Hispanic" mark and just throwing in Mestizo/Indio for fuck's sake.
How would you know? I've caught you out, Pajeet.
Holy shit
I am 100% Anglo, you dweeb. My parents came here from Spain on the Mayflower in the 1930's
White genes aren't recessive lmao that's not how genetics works. There are only a few recessive white genes.
BTW, in general, disease genes are more likely to be recessive. So that should tell you something about a group of people you believe to have more recessive genes.
Mexicans and people that look Mexican
Sup Forums is only kidding about that racial purity stuff, anyone here would jump at the chance to have babies with a qt asian or brown girl, don't believe the memes
indian men have the lowest market value on the sexual marketplace
a white woman is more likely to go with a poor black guy over a middle class Ranjeet
Do you need me to draw you a punnet square, Pedro?
Blonde hair is recessive
Colored eyes are recessive
White skin is recessive
Just look at most mixed people.
>my feelings about the men who frighten me override statistical fact
It is a fact that 1/3 of Indian men in the US marry white women.
Hispanic is another american invention to take a wide variety of unrelated people and give them all one classification.
Oh look, and Irishmen, a Tunisian, a Georgian, and a Swede. I know, we'll just claim you are all White.
Oh look, a Nigerian, a Somali, a german descendant Namibian, and a Rwandan. You are all Black.
Fuck we havn't had to think about South America and Central America.....that's a lot of countries.....
I know! You are all Hispanic!
It's great for breaking down ethnic identity after emigrating to the U.S. It's a terrible plan for actual assimilation though because now there is a pressure to turn Hispanic into it's own separate ethnic group in the U.S.
Aspergers is recessive.
Sexual attraction to dogs and horses is recessive.
Draw those punnet squares too, they go with the others.
why are her canine teeth so sharp
does she use those to kill her prey
Barack Obama's father was pitch black, he has a skin tone much closer to his mother's than to his father's.
I'd rather say we're losing.
That depends more on which group you mix with. I wouldn’t say thats a general rule, though I wouldn’t support it either way.
>we are willing by diluting our blood lines with mongoloid and native-negro genetics
Incorrect. A mestizo is a half and half, like a mulatto. Latino are the normalized long term decedents from such pairings. If latinos had no indian blood they would be spaniards.
this is pretty awful news, america is fucking done. soon well all be chink-native-negro hybrids if this is true
according to 23 and me, americans with less than 5% native genes identify as white, with more than 5% identify as white hispanic. Genetically speaking, the average US "Hispanic" Is 40-49% southern european, 30-40% native and 10-20% negro
the average US "White Hispanic" I mean.
How is Wendy Sulca doing these days? I thought her songs were corny and harmless, but the Spic world would erupt at her back in the day.
When will you stop calling asian americans "asians"?They are fucking americans
Saws plz
They call themselves that.
can confirm a lot of people I know are half white half mexican...(though you can argue they are 1/4th native and 3/4th white in some cases)
70% of the US population is white. 5% is Asian and 8% is Latino.
His math is not wrong. If there was no racial bias, 95% of Asian women would marry outside their race. It shows significant in group preference.
they don't. usually they say homeland. like i'm chinese, my family was from china, or i'm japanese. i dont know who the fuck you are talking to. Asians are very racist about that shit
>we're winning this one
Facebook memes aside, Indians are a very successful group, earning IIRC 40% higher than the mean wage. If nothing, women like money.
>70% of the US population is white.
A portion of that is hispanics who get put in the white demographic. Most of them look like pic related. Definatley not white
Non Hispanic white is 64%. Doesn't change much.
I'm Hispanic. Not a Mexican or Central American. Not into Asians. I'm more concerned with marrying a quality woman who I can expect to compliment my INTP nature. I found a Russian my age who is able to analyze me like a book. She's a good woman. Plus my Hispanic culture is pretty retarded and doesn't compliment autism hobbies. There's nothing to celebrate from my culture and I plan to make my own culture somehow. Also I don't idolize whites. That's gay and pathetic. Especially how people from my community want to identify like whites but acting like niggers.
There is no negro blood in Mexicans, a bunch of South American countries, and Central Americans, what the fuck? It's the islands, Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador that have negros.
>tfw latino
>tfw married an azn qt3.14
i think I won in life. she's highly intelligent, runs a successful business, slightly redpilled (hates nig nogs), and very feminine and submissive
>highly intelligent
Then what's she doing with you?!
jk user congrats, i'm happy for you
Oh god, my sides.
Make it better?
I mean, it makes sense.
>Sup Forums reacts to the idea that white women bang muslins or blacks
>Sup Forums reacts to white men banging non whites
mein sides
Most people on Sup Forums are not ideologically right-wing. They just hate the world. I wish more people would take what we say seriously, but it's hard to fight off Jews, larpers, pagans, etc.
kek, the idea of east Asian male white female honestly just makes me laugh. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but it has to be extremely rare and the white chick would basically be the dad in that case.
I'm actually more interested in debunking the myth of white genocide
What's your point
No none white country gets immigrants from around the world in mass and has low birth rates at the same time.
Not surprising, they look at it as an upgrade.
with white people
you fucking idiot
This is why the white race is going extinct. Short term economic interests over the bigger picture, and muh dikking non white women, which leads to a whole new population of mutts that hate whites.
Mestizos in mexico are half spaniard mutts, but how many of them profess any spanish or european identity?
Whites are doomed, it's already over.
makes sense, I date white girls.
Asian here! That's not likely due to cultural and language barrier. The divorce rate for interracial couple is more prevalent than same race marriage. The personal belief system is big part why these marriages fail. Asians tend to think about how society view us, thus collectivism plays huge role in our lives while westerners think of themselves first before others thus individualism dominates thier lives. We humans often view " different" as interest. But that is only short term excitement
Man that would be so satisfying. To pummel a bunch of whores with justification.
lol who are you kidding. you are dying to be white but sorry cant happen, so the best you can do is buy a Russian whore
thats best case scenerio for latinos tbqh. half asian half spic usually are good looking kids, and you helped your iq
all while saving and preserving the white race