Whos ready for tomorrow?
Whos ready for tomorrow?
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How many trashcans?
lol you just implied spencer is trash. I heartily agree. come out of your cave tomorrow and find out
Spencer is gonna be there too?
most of us will stay inside on a saturday playing video games rather than watching larpers get pepper sprayed by law enforcement
your country is irrelevant. this doesn't concern you
>breaking the non aggression principle
>the virgin public transportation
it still applies to the USA. None one cares about your trash can burning rallies
thats a really prone position to sit in i thought the antifas were smarter? anyway i have my battle rifles and swords polished just in case for tomorrow
you should have kicked him in the face.
plz giv happenings
I guess. I'll be at my JOB
Maybe like a couple isolated incidents. literally nothing to get out of bed over. Might be enjoyable on here though, see you tomorrow, lad.
>sucker punch someone
>don't even knock them over
that's just sad
What's happening guys?
I will have fun browsing Sup Forums and watching college football from the safety of my home
I have this urge to kick him in the head.
That makes me wonder if they'll blame Russia for when this goes wrong.
Would ironically kick that faggot in the head desu.
The only thing that's going to happen is a bunch of screeching commies (funded by Soros) and probably a few staged counter-protests (also funded by Soros) that will turn "violent" to try and paint anyone opposing Antifa as literally Hitler in the media.
Keep aware, but act as nothing more than an observer if you do choose to venture out. There is far more being played for here than we know at the moment.
Spencer is trash hes controlled opposition
I kind of want someone to just run up and kick his head in.
Should I avoid Manhattan tomorrow?
Still doesn't excuse a sucker punch
Only a coward would do that
I have no bugout bag. If this is how I go then so be it
if you're planning on doing any nazi shit, yes
I'm on the "fascist" side, the cops will do the job for me.
Why do I feel like this whole Nov 4 is bait to get some idiot with guns to kill these dweebs and gain public opinion for antifa and these President Trump Stress Disorder victims ?
Why don't you come to South Carolina?
Don't wanna get Dylan Roofed, you pussy faggots?
why would I want to go to that flyover shithole??
is that a slav apprentice?
Fuck off, Soros.
(((They))) are on Suicide Watch. Pedo rings are about to be exposed to normies.
Clintons are going down:
Mainstream media starting to report on Hollywood Pedophilia:
Corey Feldman names John Grissom as one of his abusers:
Dustin Hoffman groped underage intern when she was 17:
Kevin Spacey, friend of the Clintons, is a pedophilie:
An Open Secret goes viral:
Normie Red Pills:
Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.
Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:
Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.
>wants to punch 'nazis'
>Thinks SC is racist shithole full of nazis
>avoids SC
We all knew from the beginning you were too scared faggot.
I'm ready to relax and have a few beers while (hopefully) watching some faggots get rekt by riot police.
Nothing political, but would be around where protests would be.
>Why don't you come to South Carolina?
>Don't wanna get Dylan Roofed, you pussy faggots?
are you dylan roof in this analogy?
there is nothing of value in the south or midwest. stay out of our cities, we are past dialogue. come to san fran, la, ny tomorrow to see what i mean, coward
It's an autistic slav
guys hide your trash cans tomorrow
you type like you have brain problems, although i guess the flag should've answered any questions about that
>antifaggots riot and shit up their own cities
Just like niggers.
and you resort to ad hominems because you have the iq of a doorknob
Praise Allah these whites kill each other.
Communist fags are atheist tier. Their euphoria can't be matched. Euphoria addicts are embarrassing.
Don't fuck up.
you're going to be in my city supposedly, and we're 100% flyover. don't even know why you steers and queers are out here in the first place.
cant wait for tomorrow desu. finally all you cishits will get what's coming to you. we're turning the world gay and muslim and it's gonna be wonderful
is anyone going im cute
Dedicated slav training regimen. Learning to squat when you cant stand to rest
>most of us will stay inside on a Saturday playing video games
Just like everyday
But user, thats next to a woman.
numale, imagun ma shok.
im trying to find the right size dragon dildo to shove up my ass tomorrow gotta be prepared for tyrone in prison
can't wait for the white cucks to get massacred by the brown hoardes they thought were their allies and realize they were wrong the entire time
Soros hates Israel because it’s nationalist
>nothing of value in the midwest
You can have chimpcongo and MSP. Did you notice MSP got more niggers after chimpcongo started to give less in welfare because cuck dayton (married to a trustfund kike) wanted more diversity? But rest assured, most of the midwest knows what is going on. The midwest is already prepped to not only shelter on the lake, but completely cut off all major cities. You will starve in the fucking breadbasket of america.
What's more she's just comfy arms and long black hair. I bet she reads Neil Gaiman.
what if they declared a war and nobody came?
guess we'll find out tomorrow
well you're obviously not from the Bay Area because the only people that say 'San Fran' are tech industry invaders and Europeans. San Fran is the equivalent of saying nigger.
ok? I never said i was from the bay area. what's your point?
What do you say, the sco?
british antifa cum guzzler
why do millenial shits always sit down crossed legged everywhere?. I always see them on the side walk like this
he says, while resorting to ad hom
man you people are so dumb. I wish you had the IQ to understand the multi-layered mental destruction you're going through.
>Be me
>Be in uni
>Have foreign exchange roommate
>Forget about the habbening tomorrow
>He leaves with a backpack without a word in the middle of the night
What time Trump does declare it ok to attack the antifa.
Thank you
calling you stupid was not the basis of my argument. merely namecalling is not an ad hominem
You occupy less space. I do it when I'm at home and I need to fit under my wal-mart shit table. It's a habit you pick up when you're fucking poor.
They always do
Not as ready as I could be as I never got around to travelling out of state to get those 30 round AR magazines I need to complete my 80% AR ghost gun. However I'm failry confident the .45 spookpistol I've already finished and have ammo for should see me through the festivities.
It's just fucking antifa not the freaking Red Army.
They teach you to do it in elementary school now.
My class regularly gathered in circles and sat on the floor cross legged when I was young.
Most people never stop doing it.
I have double jointed knees though so I do that one thing where legs are on top of one another rather than crossed.
Someone make a virgin-chad meme of this then have the chad be that one guy who drove a challenger or whatever the fuck it was through a bunch of commies
beta(op pic) has such low testosterone production he doesnt even have leg or arm hair in his early 20's...he should be rebelling against his parents for giving him shitty genes.
vidya is better then larpers v. cops
Whats wrong with gaiman faggot?
oh shit, after seeing that guy, I'm DEFINITELY staying home.
Don't wanna get hurt.
By laughing too hard.
Hoping for a happening, but 99% sure there will be no happening. There's never a happening when we think there is going to be a happening. Happenings only happen when you don't suspect them.
(op pic) he gets shitty ass tattoos to make him look tough to hide his real insecurity...low test beta
Nice gifs, nig. You really scare all those Nazis! They are so scared of black men!
Can confirm, was taught this too
Aboslutely nothing. I want a comfy arm gaiman waifu.
No one. We aren’t coming. Antifa gets to play alone tomorrow
I thought iq wasnt real?
nice attempt to save face. not really though.
you being stupid is having an adverse effect on your ability to argue, i see. this is why you need to leave it to your more intelligent communist peers, while you lick envelopes or something. from each according to his ability, and your ability is digging ditches
Should have kicked him in the head. Suffer not an anti white marxist to live.
Allahu Akbar!!! Once whitey is gone, we will kill the Faggots next!!!
You are already doing that retard, stop larping its so obvious
>e-e-excuse m-me can I....
>voice cracks
>drop phone
>bend over to pick it up
>spaghetti falls out of man purse
>n-never m-m-m-mi-
>slip in spaghetti
I just realized why it's the 4th of November. It's because they got it from V for Vendetta, where a facist government rules. Remember, remember the 4th of November.