what is Sup Forums carrying tomorrow?
show me your kommiekillers
what is Sup Forums carrying tomorrow?
show me your kommiekillers
My benis is all I need.
Nothing, Antifa is full of pussies
nice try fbi/russian troll
1) Because nothing will happen
2) Because if something was happening, you're an idiot if you're aren't just going to let the far-left just shoot itself even more politically
3) Because they aren't a threat outside of major cities
Nothing special.
I usually carry but thats because I live in Virginia and the permit is literally a click away. These fags are full of shit
dont you fag, you never correct your enemy when theyre making a mistake, if you go there with your "hur dur gunna shoot some commies XDD" one of two things will happen.
1. You'll get the shit kicked out of you in a 100 to 1 fight
2. You'll kill some one and end up being Jeromes dick warmer for the rest of your life
if you feel the need to be a hard ass go to an elementary school playground and make fun of some fourth graders faggot
REVCOM(Revolutionary Communists of America) and "Black Block Anarchists" are planning a riot on Saturday down at the *. Local police have been informed, but I suggest you avoid the area, as violence is expected. If you live or work in the area, stay indoors and away from windows. Many businesses are expected to close, so being caught on the street without a safe place to go is a possibility. Please keep your pets indoors, as it's expected there will be loud explosive devices used by the riot police and rioters. Again, if you live or work near *, STAY INDOORS and away from windows.
Isnt that revolver known for breaking itself in half? who has the webm?
>.357 on top (revolver load)
>10mm on bottom (15+1)
chose wisely.
nothing because I don't own a gun. and even if I did, I'm not stupid enough to go outside tomorrow.
I have to work like a functioning member of society, anyways.
Unironically this.
Because I have this same remote.
>tfw noguns
>nothing but a kitchen knife
A pack full of candies
Damn, that looks really nice. Nothing like a non-fluted cylinder with a nicely rounded barrel.
We are all staying home tomorrow user... stick to the plan.
no? rugers are overbuilt like a motherfucker
You cia niggers just don’t give up so you. The only people that are going to show up are you faggots with your brand new Nazi flags with creases still in them and the cops.
armed and ready commrade putin
Anyone who goes is undercover antifa and should be considered as such.
fits in back pack, nuff sed
>Sup Forums killing anybody
I highly recommend you beta shit fart sniffing queers stay inside so you don't get a scrape on your knee and start crying for your mommy who won't be there to comfort you.
>"These fags are full of shit"
Every time. Rueger blackhawk single action 6"+ barrel.
It takes care of business at ranges in excess of 100 yards.
Carrying my Taurus G2
If you go out tomorrow you are a shill.
AUG or krinkov
decisions, decisions...
I am not a fag, I am a homosexual. There is a huge difference.
The greatest weapon against ANTIFA: A camera.
the right arm of the free world
If you're having to shoot at something more than 100yd, might as well just carry a rifle, no autism.
Playboy Magazine published child pornography in the 70s. Had pre pubescent girls appearing nude wearing makeup and body oil. Possibly involved in child prostitution.
Exposing Playboy - Social Media:
Tumblr (For feminist rage)
Make sure to comment on Playboy Magazine Twitter posts about their history with CP:
CRDPS molefockaz!
>t. no style points
literally produced by the country from which the freedom of European countries is constrained
I wish I was over there, it would be fun to bait some antifa in a trap and smash them to submission.
Just another failure like occupy wall-street.
They are actually saying they are doing this till Trump and Pence are out. There will be no happenings aside from the usual brawl and trashcan tipping.
>tfw poorfag
If I die defending myself with this shit, I absolutely deserve it. I know that. On the other hand, if I can kill a few bugmen with these, I want some fucking recognition for how badass I am to overcome this martial handicap.
frig off, Randy.
datamine thread
either lie to him or dont post ur gunz
i have a pump action 22. its old as fuck but so textbook and reliable
plastic shit can burn in a barrel
>tfw working onna military base next 2 days so I won't be able to have any guns on me
LOL oh yeah, I forgot about those antifa queerbaits are supposed to have their little protest tomorrow... I aint carrying shit, Im going out purposefully unarmed, because they aint gonna do a fucking thing but wave signs at people. Here's how its gonna go down, theyre gonna look big and bad out bashing the fash minus the bashing because theyre gonna have police escort them and keep them safe. Then, one of the limp-wristed cucks with his face covered will get a random burst of testosterone from out of nowhere and it will cause him to gently toss a water bottle in the general direction of some officers and the officers will push their shit in with night sticks and tear gas. At this point they will disperse and run home and after a shoving/name-calling match with their younger sibling, they'll finally get accesses to the family computer where they'll update their tumblr blogs about how they really destroyed fascism
Tomorrow is a trap
That's a dodge charger, you're gonna want a challenger for killin commies.
If you kill your enemies, they win
im carrying a duty size springfield xd 40 cal, in a fanny pack no less!!!
Antifa here, ready to lay waste tomorrow, pic related has 3.75 kill count already
goddamn I love my country
is that even fucking legal
>If you're having to shoot at something more than 100yd, might as well just carry a rifle, no autism.
I don't argue that point at all. I agree totally, and without reservation.
However, My father owned (while he lived), and was left for brother a .357 that I talked about. It makes 3" groups at 100 yards standing. I certainly trust hitting center mass of something "slower" moving.
I used to carry a .44 as a hunting rifle. It worked well for the places I went with less than 100 yards visibility. .357 is much better for range than the .44....but the .44 will barrel through obstructions like branches. Its the difference between baseball and football throwing.
P320 9mm
yuck gross commie flag
Chekd and kekd
how do you even achieve a figure like that?
in this case, if you kill your enemies, they win the narrative.
Bulgarian Makarov
Killing commies with a commie gun for the lulz
Another thread leftists can screenshot as aftermath for false flags.
Keep going, you're giving them plenty of evidence to prove their points.
Forgot pic
Every single individual on Sup Forums at this moment or any past moments lost all their guns in tragic boating accidents. I know, it's sad, but it's true. We have no weapons here, Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Nice, I just suck with pistol. I end up concentrating too hard and my grip turns into the grip of a parkinson's patient.
patrician-tier, user
5.56 APF AR-15
You're right, I personally only kill deer, moose, squirrels, partridges, coyotes, and fish. I've thought about bear hunting, but I don't like the thought of baiting and the bastards are elusive.
>You know they won't do anything.
>We know they won't do anything.
>They know they won't do anything.
>Most importantly, don't speak about Sup Forums like it's one person, faggot.
458 socom
One shot you can kill 4 lined up commies
You faggots wish you had this.
Poorfags btfod
>All this larping
They aren't even a threat in major cities, just lock your trash cans in your garage.
Don't have it with me but an m4, m9, ASP, and tazer
that's kinda the whole point family
I'd go with 10mm. Its big boy bullets but more capacity and bone shattering/cns damage potential
both are however patrician calibres of bullet so well done
not carryin anything staying at home but if that shit spills out to my neighborhood im ready to pop off at them
Blue plastic? Nice
Dead center in safe, Type 53 carbine. Only for ultimate irony. It started its existence built (1955) on machines sent to china from the soviet union for making mosins. They got removed from service in China and instead of scraping them or selling them to their people, they sold them to the american capitalists. Where I got mine.
Otherwise its the Mini14 on the left.
I wonder if the media will say Nov 4th was russian propaganda to troll the alt-right.
Rare steak and cows milk. Like garlic to these vampire faggots.
lol I'm sorry friend. Nothing will happen tomorrow.
Too lazy to post pic, but just imagine an M1A rifle leaning up against my desk right now
Fuck Yes! Another single action .357 user. I love my river vaquero. Very satisfying hammer cock, makes me feel like a cowboy.
I don't show anyone my guns, and you don't want to find out.
I'm a carnivore, and therefore healthier than any member of Antifa.
Don't drop it.
Now that I think of it, maybe I should use my K98 instead.