Hi, is this all a joke or are you guys Serious?
Hi, is this all a joke or are you guys Serious?
Other urls found in this thread:
My name isn't Serious and this isn't all a joke.
It's an imageboard.
Oh, that puppy's adorable. He's just so happy that he discovered that snacks are just running around outside.
Better keep him away from frogs and toads, though, a lot of them secrete poisons.
Krieg bis Sieg
War until Victory
you got us, it's a joke
Oh, ok.
what is serious? how do you define serious? if your talking jokes n memes they are just nural impulses interpreted by your funny bone.
Stay awhile and find out.
That's actually really funny.
yea bro Sup Forums is just satire bro look the camera's right there lmao
it's a joke to most of us polsters.
a few people on here fall for the memes and larp as nazis, but most of us are just here for the memes.
Personally, for more mature, intellectual discussion, I prefer reddit.
Nice trips
is this a joke (pic)
is this a joke?!
Gas the kikes. Race war now
Oh shit, what up!
You ought not to make a thread about it.
Numbero uno on Sup Forums in its entirety is not to throw a hissyfit or ask "hi is this the infamous Sup Forums hacker?"
Just watch Sup Forums and let it re-affirm your beliefs.
think of it whatever you may, it has a place for any kind of ideology, mostly on the extreme ends. if that is offensive to you or if you are easily shaken by ADULT LENGWIDSH then you might turn around, this is the wild west of the internet. people don't care about your sensitivities, be loud, be honest, be yourself.
Only the truth can survive the chaos of Sup Forums. remember this.
Yes it is
We're good boys
Go away and never come back
as a heart attack
haha haha
glad everyone is laughing
Why? what face would you make after killing someone?
>pic related
this ones for (((you))) OP
I like to think i have tough skin...
Show me your worst and i will tell you when i get offended.
haha so funnXXD!!
Ignore slide threads.
(((They))) are on Suicide Watch. Pedo rings are about to be exposed to normies.
Clintons are going down:
Mainstream media starting to report on Hollywood Pedophilia:
Corey Feldman names John Grissom as one of his abusers:
Dustin Hoffman groped underage intern when she was 17:
Kevin Spacey, friend of the Clintons, is a pedophilie:
An Open Secret goes viral:
Normie Red Pills:
Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.
Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:
Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.
just a prank, bro
class action suit against.
we know the routine
Hitler literally did nothing wrong.
This is well crafted.
watch this. ..NOW! m.youtube.com
>is this all a joke
>are you guys Serious?
Learn to Janusian thought process.
Best dog face EVER.
All things are a joke, OP.
Back to T_D you go
I wouldn't like to think of anything i believe in what could classify as "worse"
Nigger, someone got angry for using adult language and cussed in GTA 5 ... mind you a a game where you mow down civilians with a sense of bliss and destroy cityblocks worth of lives in a tank.
Just browse Sup Forums, let it give you their view of things. Just never vouch for a Jew or Multi-Culturalism. you're in for a world-a-hurt, bucko.
Thank you everyone. I think i have my answer(s)
Anyone who takes Sup Forums seriously is a fool.
Anyone who thinks Sup Forums isn't being serious is a fool.
This isn't a joke.
What do you mean
not so fast
pic related
white genocide is not a joke
They're serious unfortunately.
I was joking at first.
Then I was serious.
Now I'm just tired.
That's pretty cool you named your pup Sirius
Is all a cruel joke
Schrödinger's Sup Forums
Need to nuke africa.
Sorry niggers, its for your own good.
Yes, many of us our serious. The Anons of Sup Forums respect the fact western civilization is better and we will protect it with all we can.
good luck, they will just grow resistant to nukes with that population
They aren't laughing anymore, aren't they?
interesting conundrum to be sure. reminds me of the "fake and gay" secrets leaked here that apparently we let the thread die
or just stop giving them aid, natural selection will cure inefficiency in populations
I'm sleepy.
I wish capes were fashionable again
It is a free exchange of ideas. You get both brilliance and retardation within a few pixels of each other if not the same pixels.
It is complicated.
Eat healthy and lift you retard faggot
is it required to wear a hat with a cape?
I just started lifting. Holy shit when do I get used to this? I'm wiped out for the rest of the day.
>meme flag
>lacking the literary sense to understand that "tired" references exhaustion in the metaphysical sense
Swear to fuck why do you idiots even post on this board. I can only pray you don't share my country so I can take solace in that there's one less retard under the red white and blue.
take BCCA (branch chain amino acids) recovery is much faster
For the most part, its regular people who are so sick of modern society and willing to say fuck you to the main narrative being pushed. People are here becuase they have opinions that arent shared by their peers or society, and find solace in a place full of otber opinions. Plus the memes.
oi m8, ave ya got a Sup Forums license?
I bought some quality whey with bcaa's in it. My muscles aren't fatigued or particularly sore by the next day I'm just overall tired after the gym and it's hard to do all the other stuff I need to get done.
Who would have imagined that feeding them and letting them procreate without birth control or limits would result in a population explosion? Who could have forseen such an outcome?
Stay in school Oliver you faggot.
>tfw not rich or charismatic enough to walk around with a cane and cape
Fuck off shill