What are your thoughts on the Church of LDS?
What are your thoughts on the Church of LDS?
Literally the Osama bin Laden of religion
It got the ideas from ffxii?
what kind of church is that? they worship latter day saints??? what wrong with the old saints
How so?
Recent convert here. Was baptised, but no temple recommend yet.
They believe these are the "latter days." They thought the end of the world is coming soon.
Yes, I like the Church of LSD
My favorite thing is that when you die, you get judged by God, Jesus, and their founder, Jezibiah whateverthefuck.
I always laugh to think some LDS asshole gets up there, God looks over his record, gives him the thumbs up, Jesus too, but ol' Jezibiah - fuck you. Off to hell you go.
They are the Religious arm of the US Military. Their mission is to bring freedom.
>unironically believing that some random guy from Virginia was a prophet and all the nonsense he spouted was the Word of God
>Unironically believing some goat herders from the desert spouted the Word of God
see what I did there?
They are not Christian.
Was just looking for a trad wife.
I love Mormons. I’ve never met one who’s done anything bad to me besides cheat at board games.
Or a few.
I do see. That's precisely why I don't believe.
The main church is completely corrupt and compromising. Avoid like plague.
>Recent convert here
You better be with one of the fundamentalist groups or you aren't real LDS.
Anything after non Catholic or orthodox is egregious apostasy.
That's all I've got to say. Not a Mormon just someone that understands reality.
Yeah well Catholics are cucks now and Mormons are the only whites with morals and large families anymore. Their religion may be bullshit the the tree bears good fruit.
I'm surprised at pol, Utah is the last white hold out. Most are nice, well spoken, have lots of beautiful white babies. LDS demands high levels of purity and self improvement. Seems right up pols alley
What do you mean?
>What Do You Guys Think About X?
I think that you need to read the rules.
We need a society like LDS, but without the crazy beliefs.
Culturally they have the right idea, religiously it is kind of embarrassing. Would have joined if it wasn't for the bullshit neophyte crap.
More patients and taqqiya as muslims, but not good for the country.
I mean all religion is literally insane, but morons seem to do it quite well, maybe even the best?
just as laughable as some goatfucking pedophile knowing the word of God.
> Virginia
Do some more research, faggot
creepy white person islam
Burn them all
>no longer allow plural marriage because the State said they couldn't
>blacks are people because society says so
There's other stuff too. Just bad times.
As far as I can tell 21st Mormonism is a spawning ground for teenage middle class whores. They value fertility and in some cases polygamy, have a shit ton of kids, the devout parents act like imperious faggots for the entire development of their kids and the households end up pumping out vapid whores who in 0% of cases end up as Mormons themselves.
sauce: Me, I fucked a bunch of "Mormon" whores in high school
The full name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
They're right about that
>tricking people into a cult, dooming them to hell
>bears good fruit
Changing God's Word is a grave sin. Grave.
Bull shit religion based on aliens.
Founder was a charlatan.
followers are misguided, but genuinly nice people.
I dated a Mormon, sweetest girl ever, we broke up because she moved but other than that was a good person with a good family. I could never blame her for growing up in a dog shit religion.
Church of lsd
>don't believe that whatever some guy says is literally dictated to him by a supreme being
>le tips fedora XDDD
Vermont, rather. Shit, I guess my mistake completely unravels any criticism of Mormonism.
Why not?
Ill pray for yoy
Neo-Aryan Latter Day Saint Scientology Occultism is the religion all top alt-right leaders like Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer secretly follow.
>that's bad
White Shariah is the future.
Ironic - Tell that to Paul
I had one really surprising experience with their missionaries a year ago, however i'm not interested in their beliefs, especially considering the origin story of the book of mormon and that they actually believe the origin story
However, nothing against them, here my experience:
>they're always friendly and helpful when on a mission here in germany
>i once carried 2 packages to the post office
>wallet in my left hand
>wind gust comes
>wallet falls down
>literally 300 euros flying around on a busy street
>2 LDS guys from the USA ran after it into the traffic and picked it up
>gave it to me and spoke in broken german with heavy american accent
>i thanked them and expected them to immediately bother me with LDS
>instead they asked me if they can give me a hand with the packages
>opened the door for me
>handed me their LDS card
>"you're obviously busy right now, if you're ever interested in the LDS, give us a call, have a nice day mister"
>walked away and didn't bother me
It's a soft cult.
They're not my cup of tea of religion. But generally they tend to be nice ppl. And even though i view them as fake, they tend up uphold religious values more so these days in west over in america. So i can respect that at least.
>mfw LDS is the whitest religion
No more or less plausible than any other religion. Either you believe or you don't. From a doctrinal prospective, I've never found an official teaching of the church that goes against what is said in the Bible, I grep up Protestant and read the entirety of the Bible while serving as a missionary, only people's shitty interpretations of the Bible. As for Smith being a charlatan, for as many things that seem questionable, there's just as many things you'd have to take on faith to say he hasn't inspired; that is to say, he got a lot of things right and accomplished a lot of things that shouldn't have been possible. If you make a serious investigation into it, you have to take things on faith whether you accept him as a prophet or denounce him as a fraud.
t. Mormon of five years
>be you
>be agnostic with a loss of "faith" more in Christians than Christianity for many reasons
>one of those reasons being that being Christian was a thing long before Constantinople codified it into a "religious dogma"
>want an ethnostate where Whites can just be left the fuck alone
>look at Mormonism and its purity of ethos; where the women are not interested in becoming a blown out pic related
>the men do not aspire to become whores nor whore mongers. the men do more than abide by mans laws. they are a cut-above in terms of today' standards early in life
>who gives a fuck what anyone thinks about your choice in faith.
>you can be a member of a powerful group
>you can marry a traditional woman
>you can a huge beautiful family
>and you are surrounded by people to support you in a relatively, hermetically sealed environment with wall-to-wall self-determination
>it isn't for everyone, but it's an answer to the chaos outside
Woah there, user. Don't open this can of worms
Descendant of Wilford Woodruff here. Pic related.
Have you ever noticed the strange parallels between Muhammad and Joseph Smith?
Both were
>political figures
>military figures
>given a "divine" scripture by an angel
>believed their revelation is the final one for Abrahamic religions
>ran away from hostiles and took refuge in a desert
>both dislike any forms of idols (Mormons don't wear crosses or have them on churches)
I grew up and worked around a bunch of them
The pious ones can be intolerable if you're the "gentile"
The chill ones I never get tired of
>t. worked at a call center, fired for saying "damn it" during a tough tech support call
Why don't you believe Muhammad was a prophet speaking the words of God instead?
>niceness is a front to get you relaxed
>Affinity Fraud leader
>Prescription Abuse
>Child rapists
>Love them some MLM
>Curators of pseudoscience
>Lots of deep state CIA exe McMuffin
>Zero historical evidence any of it is true
pretty based
shame they had to go back on their previous motto of "niggers cant join the church because they bare the mark of cain"
he said LDS not Judaism
Yes this!
Here's a redpill on Mormonism from an ex Mormon missionary
Part two
Part three
im game. ex-mormon. if it wasn't just so fucking cray cray I would probably have a few kids by now and motivated to do shit.
If you're converting to fucking Mormonism in order to chase an ideal because Sup Forums gave it to you, you really need to lay off the memes for a while. Get off Sup Forums. Go outside.