Income Inequality

Quick! The middle class is shrinking, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Wat do?

become rich

What does the middle class even do other than leech off the hard work of the working class and the ingenuity of the upper class?

Fuck the middle class.

So you've solved your problems. What about everyone else? You know the backbone of the nation. Should they proceed to become rich?

Or should we continue our descent into Neofeudalism?

I see nothing wrong with this, the poor grew by 4% while the rich went up 5%. Even upper class grew some while lower middle stayed the same. This is only good. Poor people are usually poor for a reason. The US has huge social mobility for those who aren't pieces of shit.

I grew up in a lower class family, but I went to work and worked well, so I advanced in a large company, now I make 75k a year at age 31 with ample room for more growth within this company. I have gone from lower to middle class by my own effort which isn't unique or special, everyone has this chance.

>population 1970
205 million
>61% middle class

>population 2015
325 million
>50% middle class

40 million new middle class people over 40 years, half the population of Germany

When wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few and the middle class shrinks to the point where it's no longer a politically potent force, democracy becomes a feudal aristocracy: the rule of the elite. As Franklin D. Roosevelt pointed out in 1936, the rule of the many requires that We the People have a degree of economic as well as political freedom. When We the People are given the opportunity to educate ourselves, earn a living wage, own our own homes, and feel confident that we have good child care, health care and care in our old age—in short, when America has a thriving middle class—America also has a thriving democracy.

I hope you realise that social mobility is fading away, that the American dream is becoming less achievable.

get rid of free trade and foster stiff domestic competition.

>even the "right wing" is centrist filth
>whites will be a minority within 1 generation

Who cares? The US is fucked.

I agree that the strong middle class is ideal. However it is still very doable. We are just in a lull of non-producers (college BS). Once this corrects itself we will be back on par. And if not, I will make plenty of money to support my children and their children as well via land owning and other wealth.

>more people from the middle moved up instead of down
>this is somehow a problem

This is the final plan, not to racemix or any of that non-sense. But to really segregate people by money, which will be white hyper majority. Remember the rhyme, black is beautiful, tan is grand, but white is the color of the big boss man.

This is how society is trending and it is all to plan. We will have a hyper wealthy class, a large middle class that produces, and a slave class whose only chance to move up is random sex spots or athlete spots.

I can guarantee this is because of the flooding of America by Hispanics.

Anyway OP. Shut the fuck up. The UK is a sinking ship and is collapsing fast. Soon you won't even be able to view this board without getting arrested so focus on your own problems.

America still has a chance so long as they have firearms. And yeah, even if it's a lower percent white, the people there are a hell of a lot nicer than the stuck up cunts in Britain.

Your country is trash. You had something great and you fucking destroyed it.

Kill yourself. America is a shining light on the hill in comparison to your shithole. Even in the 18th century living standards there were far fucking better, and they still are.

>pic related
Also, when looking at households, keep in mind younger people and people in general living on their own can skew stats. Moreover, single family homes can also help to give a disingenuous picture. Two adults per household will have more income than one. There are also more individuals by sheer number in the top brackets of society.

Remember 3% of the population owns 50% of the guns here. Its not a promise of victory, but it is a nice stat to have.

Keep in mind 2010-2013 years are affected by recession

>Right wing
Lmao what?
Dude the Democrats are centrists

Incomes in the US are actually starting to rise again, they've stagnated following the recession but that's to be expected. I think we'll see a roaring economy soon so long as Trump doesn't fuck it up(NAFTA).

1- tell unions to stop lobbying governments to inflate their boomers wage by making it impossible to get a job by making tons of licenses and useless diplomas mandatory if you want to work in a specific field (I mean I understand how it would be important for a doctor to be very well qualified but you need to study for trades now? like plumber? why?) it used to be much easier to climb a wage ladder

2- reduce immigration, it would reduce demands for goods (lower prices) and reduce supply of labor (make labor more valuable), getting number 1 fixed also solves the "skilled labor" bullshit (I saw stats here in canada where a fucking cook was considered skilled labor and worthy of a visa, no joke)

3- encourage women to be stay at home moms, would also reduce the supply of labor

4- discourage divorce, divorced families means two house, two cars minimum, etc. which increases prices through increased demand

It's 8-9 years into an economic expansion

>I think we'll see a roaring economy soon so long as Trump doesn't fuck it up(NAFTA)

No, Trump needs to pull a rabbit out of a hat in order to produce a roaring economy. It's not just a matter of not fucking up, don't be naive. Personally, I think we're going to go into a deep depression in the coming years, a lot of this is a result of age demographics and is almost inevitable.

Actually we're due for another global recession, bucko.

The worst state for both income and wealth inequality is by far California. Californian liberals love to brag that California pays more taxes but that is just because it has a disproportionate amount of billionaires. Literally. I will tell you one set of policy solutions that won't make this better: The Democratic Party's platform. We see it in CA right now. It just makes things worse!

Stop giving bailouts and subsidies to multinational banks and gigantic oil companies

separate what you advocate for on a public level from what you can do on a personal level.
Keep your costs low. Avoid excessive debt. Room and board with others far later than you hoped to when you were younger. Lower your expectations for a house. Buy food from Asian markets to get cheap daily meals. If you get a raise don't spend more, maintain your current living standard until you get another raise in income after that. Always live one step below what you make. Put money into a vanguard account or something similar that tracks with the market in general. Don't trust anyone who claims they can beat the market. Someone can. Most can't. Don't let yourself be swindled.

Your goal is first to have a month's worth of saving's so that you are living on last month's income instead of week to week. Your goal after that is to have 6 months to a year of income put aside as emergency funds. This is untouched liquid money for you to be able to reach into in case of something unexpected. A medical expensive. A $2000 dollar car repair. Anything that would require a buffer beyond a normal paycheck.

Lower your expectations for your future. Respect and admire those who live frugally instead of pitying them. Look as education that doesn't have an immediate job lined up for it with great skepticism. Be wiling to date below your class if it means finding a partner whose truly supportive in tough times.

And always remember that when times are tough the value of living in a high trust community based on ethnic in group feelings is one of the greatest predictors of whether or not someone will rise out of poverty.

>implying democrats have different economic policies than republicans

They've both up until Trump came along supported open borders, free trade, union busting, H1B expansions

The only difference between the two parties is that democrats support stupid SJW policies and want to import more hispanics because they tend to vote democrat.

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