Fuck, looks like Donna Brazile was full of shit
Other urls found in this thread:
"The actual deal"
That conveys no actual information.
>honestly guys, this is the real deal
Oh well, if you say so
>democrats trying to say democrats didnt do anything wrong
imagine being retarded enough to believe this
It's over shill. Kill yourself.
(((They))) are on Suicide Watch. Pedo rings are about to be exposed to normies.
Clintons are going down:
Mainstream media starting to report on Hollywood Pedophilia:
Corey Feldman names John Grissom as one of his abusers:
Dustin Hoffman groped underage intern when she was 17:
Kevin Spacey, friend of the Clintons, is a pedophilie:
An Open Secret goes viral:
Normie Red Pills:
Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.
Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:
Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.
former head of DNC who had to deal with this is a liar according to a nobody
If there was a deal, that means it was fixed... remember all of clit-ton super delegates....The fix was in...everyone knows it to be true.. even Seth knew... Donna will be suicide soon...
Good, let the in-fighting continue. They're all going down in flames.
yes, the head of the DNC had no idea what was going on, but some random reporter does. makes sense (it doesn't)
Holy shit. I almost just denounced her. Thanks for sharing this OP. Im still wth her
This bitch reminds me of the end of the first Resident Evil movie where that have all the evidence against Umbrella, but they just spin it around and it becomes literally nothing. The Uranium deal, DNC everything. She's untouchable.
nigga even warren said pretty unequivocally that it was rigged. let it go Hillary you can stop calling in these favors now.
Hildawg is so fucking Guilty as Sin at this point Shilling for her is just a waste of time
They have the contract
> We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.
Brazole is just another pathologicalky lying sack of shit...
Cant u remember, btw ?
Sure it does.
They admitted to an illegal backroom deal.
and yet only 3 republicans have been charged so far drumphkin
> mfw tyt just did a vid a few weeks ago BEFORE this all came down the pipe with hitlary and the collusion to fuck bernie with the DNC about how the DNC was actively purging ANYONE in the DNC that was for or had backed bernie sanders at any point in the campaign....not just useful idiots, but political operators who've been running high level positions in the DNC for decades...and replacing them with hitlary shills.
And at the end of the video, the fat fuck looked like he had swallowed a red pill the size of a volkswagen while he's saying "and it's all because of the money involved".
What really blows my mind is how anyone can act surprised that the DNC was absolutely and completely behind hitlary from day one, and it was PLAINLY obvious that Bernie never stood a chance of EVER being nominated, just based on his policies alone, let alone how he was stealing voters from hitlary.
>Haha, we didn't do anything illegal, we just conspired to shit on our own electorate and force them to accept our establishment candidate!
I laughed way too hard at this image
As long as the Hillary and Bernie factions keep fighting each other, the Democrat party as a whole will be too splintered to accomplish anything.
Shilldawg is quickly running out of friends. Having this nigger shill for her now that Donna B and Pocahantas have abandoned her.
haha holy shit. So the memo has nothing to do with the primaries, which is what the entire story is about. They must be desperate.
Democrats lying to Democrats
When they're supposed to only lie to non-Democrats
What a world
One group looking for a better liberal american party and the old guard desperately trying to hang on.
Not really a tough choice who i might help.
Why are Establishment Dems trying to put up this much of a fight? Why draw blood, when the water's rising for all liberals? This is going to be their weakest years yet
I'm still with her.
Hollywood A-listers being exposed in droves, its already hitting the ruling political class and oligarchs in the US hard. Things that were laughed off as crazy conspiracy theories one month ago are being brought to light. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. This will continue for a while, and thank God for that.
Remind me again of this imaginary popular vote that doesn't exist for the emmys since it's a closed membership oligarch?
They're in too far to ever admit that they were wrong. There's too much of a risk of it snowballing. Admit that they lied about not rigging the primary and people might start to wonder if they lied about Russia hacking the DNC.
Wow it's like dncgate or something as they mass red pill Democrats with their gaslighting. Very poor move
That’s the point. Hillary had no control over the primaries and couldn’t have rigged it against Bernie. She only would get control during the general.
Wow the mainstream jewish controlled media said it's not true so I guess it's not true then. I will totally believe them now.
Hillary Clinton has become the Qween of the Kangz.
Brazile was ONLY the chairman of the DNC, it's not like she would have access to the Democratic Party's finances, amirite?
and CLEARLY she must be wrong if Hillary's campaign had access to DNC financials, which is exactly what Brazile claimed, right?
Quick turn tyt now.
FPBP, holy shit I don't know how braindead you would have to be to come out to defend Shillary during this thing, she's never going to run for office again and she's going to be dead in like 5 years, it's like God set her up as a fall guy and they're too stupid to seize on it.
Total nothingburger. Deal to prop up the DNC only if Hillary won the nominee, doesn't mean she was guaranteed it. Bernie could have easily won and the DNC would just find other ways to make up a $25 million dollar hole.
I was waiting for Jamil's opinion on this controversial issue because he's such a smart fellow and he's pretty much correct all the time.
What about the wikileaks memo when the DNC said lets call Bernie a Jew?
From Clinton News Network itself...
of course it only applied to the general election, all the state money was already robbed kek
so if the memo only referred to the general election, doesn't it make a BIG FUCKIN ASSUMPTION that Hillary will be the candidate, or was her campaign going to finance Bernie in the general election as well?
As the hollywood elite crumbles, where do the Leftists go for their campaign $$ and "free" promotion?
This seems like the house of cards crumbling.
Will the Democratic Party go the way of the Whigs in the next few years?
>We were only pretending to be corrupt!
Bravo, DNC!
liberals will
Everyone knows Clinton rigged the primary and fucked Bernie. It was a big reason why people didn't like her.
If she didn’t win the nomination she would probably just get control of the DNC
>finishing off trump
??? lol what ???
The mueller investigation? Where they are going to arrest the podestas? That's going to finish off trump?
ofc not goy, just go to sleep.
>she was funding our operation, but we totally remained impartial
Yeah, sure.
This doesn't make any sense. The deal was that donations go to Hillary regardess of potential candidates. Are we to believe that Hillary would not then be *the* candidate? Were they going to nominate someone else, but then still send all their money to Hillary?
How soon until the Dems start calling her a nigger?
They've had a good run, they literally date from the Founding. Let them be replaced by Blue Dogs, Libertarians, and Bernie-types.
Yeah man, without Jamil we would be lost.
When did Sup Forums turn into 'Shills and Twitter posts' the board?
The more they attack Donna Brazile the more she needs to reveal to defend herself and the greater urgency for the Godmother Hillary to add another name to the bodycount list.
You are thinking of the oscars.
>all these morons believing Russian propaganda
I can't wait until Mueller ends this pathetic forum.
>we've been rigging our primaries for 15 years
I'm sure you have, Howard.
Time for Twitter to silence a POC woman to keep a rich white woman out of prison.
>I don't know how braindead you would have to be to come out to defend Shillary during this thing
While the Clinton Empire may be falling they still wield an incredible amount of power, if only through their ability to expose the crimes of their partners and minions.
This reminds me that I don't have to listen to the media covering for HRC everyday. Quite a bit has gone out today from the likes of Salon, NBC, etc. The money laundering is well documented in the wikileaks emails along with them accepting money from foreign entities. It was common knowledge the states were not getting the money at the time. Not buying their new narrative especially after HRD went from not knowing about the Russian dossier to admitting to paying for it a day later on television. No trust. I'm dumbfounded people really by this stuff. It's right in front of your faces.
>transfer from the Victory Fund a minimum of one million and twohundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000.00) to the DNC from its share of the net proceeds underthe allocation formula on the first day of every month (beginning October 1, 2015)
>at least $1.2 million
>every month during the primaries
>hurr, we're totally impartial
underrated. soros flushed his whole fortune down the toilet
Politically entrenched families are modern medieval nobles.
Tfw howard dean scream is so embedded that you hear it everytime you see howard dean in print.
I noticed all the lefty news outlets referred to DB as "interim" head of the DNC implying she was never the real deal ,only a temp and not an authority.
I spent all day visualizing no Democratic party any more.. like they only run tranny muslim homo spics and eventually there are zero D;'s anywhere in any state in America..
Once Media Matter and Correct the Record and other shekelers started coming here.
You know what is really messed up for them..is that these are the people saying how bad this place is, you can now associate all the shitposting to the HRC camp.
You're all missing a big fucking issue.
Hillary bankrolls the DNC, and all the superdelegates are downballot beneficiaries of DNC funding.
Hillary bought the party.
Hillary broke campaign finance laws by using the DNC as a campaign fund, without restrictions.
These fucking liberals say that democracy is being abused by Russian collusion, when their primary votes were wasted effort and time.
Wow thanks for clearing that up Jamal I was beginning to worry she might be Crooked or something!
Hahaha, listen audience, when a "JAMIL" is talking,....... I fucking pee in my pants laughing. I Hope for You all that JAMIL has no car,...... Hahahaha.
>get caught
>get exposed
>deny everything
>"this proves she didnt do it guise!"
More than a month ago, say at least a year, year and a half.
I am torn, between my intuition that DNC is corrupt as fuck, and also a mistrust of anything coming out of Brazile's mouth. I'm afraid this time I think Brazile is lying (again) and just thinks she can sell more books by burning every possible bridge she ever built in her corrupt wretched career.
As eager as I am to believe these stories, coming from the likes of Brazile I can't believe anything.
she was only the interim chair because Wasserman-Schultz was shitcanned after the wikileaks emails showed she was colluding with the Clinton campaign
Sounds fair to me but understand with 'The Right Wing Death Squad Truck' made by Brianna Wu threw Libertarians under the bus.
>They will probably vote out of spite for awhile
Nice trips Hans
>more independents than dems
>dems are bankrupt, morally and financially
>about to get steamrolled in 2018
>completely falling apart
What party will fill the void?
> my intuition
Only a fool goes against their gut feeling.
Always trust your gut.
Will Brazile become a witness in one of the lawsuits against the DNC?