I just wish the bombs would come down already

I just wish the bombs would come down already.
I know what you're thinking; "cuck" is just a meme... But no. It isn't. You wouldn't know unless you lived here. Our Prime Minister is a fucking teddy bear. We are so tightly wrapped around (((their))) fingers it's ridiculous.
I honestly just wish we'd go full Fallout mode. Then at least the tendrils would be severed. But no; here we are, left to walk this country, seeing niggers, chinks, spics, sandniggers, shitskins of all kinds walking around as if they're our equals. They even took our flag. Our fucking FLAG. I'd give anything just to see our true flag in its place again.
I can't take it anymore, Sup Forums. I made it my mission to find and swallow every last redpill out there, and all that I was left with was the blackpill.
Yeah, at one point I was in full race-preservation mode. I had a qt blonde gf with an amazing ass for 5 years. We were engaged for 3 of those, just saving up our money before we could really tie the knot. Then she dumped me a month ago for some sandnigger she met a week prior. Even women are a meme.
Where is God, Sup Forums? Why isn't he helping us? I don't know whether to string myself up or just sit and wait for Him to come down and fix everything. Sometimes it feels like he hates us.

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>Left for a sandnigger
Did you try being violent with her?

Most women like that (unironically)

I know your feels, user. Living in this country is the ultimate blackpill. You're constantly bombarded with absolute filth and blatant anti-white rhetoric.
We've fallen so far.

I know that feel.
Any time I try to get anywhere in life, my dreams are always shot down by political/legal limitations.

I don't consider myself "Canadian" anymore... It's a really stupid term.
"Canada" was a province consisting of Upper Canada (Ontario) and lower Canada (Quebec). If Quebec wants separation, then what does that tell you about Canadian identity?

I just want to live my fucking life

Yeah I beat her up plenty of times. I still feel bad, horrible at times, but it's in my blood. My dad did the same to me when I was a kid. I loved her so much, man. She made me believe in true love. Like the actual movie magic shit. Then she left for some shitskin she had just met. It really takes the mysticism out of life when you realize that love; something that seemed so magical at one point, maybe even the most magical thing in your life, is just bullshit. At least for them. Because it was, and is real to me
I don't know how the masses over here haven't done anything about it. So many people blinded by the shit they throw on TV, movies, whatever the fuck it is. I stopped indulging in all that shit years ago.
And the worst part is, any time I get that rebellious feel, like "yeah! I'm gonna rise up and take a stand for what my country used to be!" I am immediately shut down when I remember that most of our country hates people like us. Patriots for a country that doesn't exist anymore

I too am blackpilled about this economic zone in what used to be a nation

I've noticed that every former Colony of Britain (the ones that made their own nations anyways) turned into turbo cucked shit holes.

But why though? Anglo-Saxon "nation of immigrants" countries have some kind of death wish.

it's the white guild (((they))) have programmed into literally everything dude. TV, movies, video games, fucking everything. it even effects older people too. was talking to my dad a while ago about native americans and he ended up literally saying "white people suck".
it is programmed so deep into society, man. it's a real fucking rabbit hole. i know i sound crazy, especially if this is all new to you, but you sound like a smart guy. heed my warning dude

guilt* fuck me

What the fuck is wrong with you, how do you expect she'd stay with you if you're beating her? I'm sure its in your blood, all you can do now is kill yourself, and help clean the race.

nah she stabbed me before as well. we were both really fucked up mentally. she was raped right before we started dating and i am a total headfuck as well. i've given up on the idea of having kids already anyway.
>how do you expect she'd stay with you
5 years is nothing to scoff at nowadays, especially at our age. we were 15 when we first got together. 20 now obviously


pretty accurate, not sure who rob ford is though

This is relatively new to me I guess. I started out jumping on the blumpf train late last year when the whole "lel SJW's are stoopid xDDD" stuff was big. Saw a couple infographs and news stories and now I can't stop noticing (((coincidences))) and all the pervasive anti-white rhetoric in mainstream society.

It's just mind boggling to me how opinions like "Hey guys, maybe we would be better off if we were ethnically homogeneous" and "Being white is okay" are verboten. Where the fuck did we go wrong?

there is so much to learn, man. i wish i could sit down and talk to some of you guys in person. just isn't the same on here

>Where is God, Sup Forums?
Hes in you faggot. Hes the thing that kicks your ass out of bed in the morning, compels you to fight the jew and breed with a white woman. You are right, women are a meme, they are easy to understand though and anyone regardless of penis size intelligence or strength can get with them because women are interested in one thing and one thing only. Winners. Want to get her back, or better yet get an even hotter gf, do it. Read what ever you have to read do what ever you have to do and get it. Learn to fight make a shit load of money and make life your fucking bitch. Up until now what happened in your life wasn't really your choice because you didn't understand the power of your free will but as of now you do. I am telling you, you can do anything, you can drive the niggers from your land , bring back the church uncuck your race anything. And now that you know it it is now your choice and your responsibility if women get raped in your country, its because you failed to act, if children die in your country it is because you failed to act, if muslims invade or kikes manipulate it is because you failed to act. Failure is a choice. But so is success. As of now you have the ability chose. So I ask will you or wont you save your country?

dead yourself you scumbag

Hey dude don't get down. We're just beginning to see the shit finally hit the fucking fan. You should be fucking excited man I can't wait for the end.

stop being a faggot and just accept not everyone conforms to your shitty view of how society should be. Are race survived by being crazy psycho killers, its in our blood. It doesn't make us bad, it just makes us the most dangerous mother fuckers on god green earth, something a faggot like you will never understand.

I would give my life a million times over it meant the white race would rise to their former glory. I just lack faith in the rest of us. So many have been brainwashed. So many of our OWN. It's fucked, man. In just a few years my mind was opened up to a whole new world. I want to fight. I want to fight so fucking bad. I ache for it. But I just don't know how to. All I do is spread knowledge wherever I can, dropping redpills wherever I can, but I can't help but feel that it does nothing in the long run. We need something big. A shock to the system. Stuff like this Weinstein shit is just the beginning. I think people are starting to see there are long noses hiding in these dark corners, pulling the strings they need to to get a couple extra bucks out of every poor bastard they can.
Amen, brother.

At least you're not in Britain.

I feel for you, man. Sounds a lot like what we have over here but worse in some ways. I wish I could reach through my screen and give you a firm fuckin handshake dude. Just do your best. That's all we can do I guess. Maybe the masses will wake up eventually. We just gotta not kill ourselves so we can see that day come

>muh feels

so how's middle school going?

Excuse me for not being as jaded as you claim to be.
Come on, let's hear some rough shit that's happened to you, bud. That's what this thread's for. You're even a Canadian, too. Sit down and chat with me, friend. No need to bicker over stupid shit. I'm sure you've got some stuff you want to vent. Let's hear it

Brother I'm not telling you to fight, I'm telling you to win. I don't care what you have to do or how you have to do it if you want something achieve it. Its that simple. Be smart, out jew the jew if you have to. You can literally do anything. Make a shit load of money and start buying out media outlets to start pulling public opinion towards the right. Wright a book, organize a political party. I'm sure you have the will to fight but what you have to understand is that you have to fight using the enemies weapons you have to fight them in the minds in the schools in the women and the children. You have to present your knowledge in such a way that the young accept and the old realize it. This is a choice. Every victory or defeat in your life is a choice be it a choice on whether or not you have prepared or whether or not you have learned something or executed knowledge based on it. After you close this thread make a list of everything that has to happen to uncuck your country and return your race to its formal glory, then figure out how you can make it happen, what you have to do to make it happen. You can do this, anyone can do this, but most people don't know that, making you one of the only people who can do this.

Yeah I get what you're saying. It's why I respect people like Sam Hyde and Varg Vikernes, because, "memes" as they are, they have introduced extreme rightwing ideas to young audiences on jew-controlled platforms (youtube, music, TV). I don't really have any skills, and any charisma I have is quickly spent because it's all an act as I'm really anxious in public. I'm a fucking NEET for Christ's sake. I guess I just gotta figure out a way to make it work. Even if I can just make it to the day the jew falls, I'll die the happiest man on Earth

fyi; you kinda suck at inspirational speeches. I really hope op didn't fucking off himself after this, cause I know fr a fact this post killed a minimum of 3 whites.

Listen to this audio book you will become more charismatic then you will ever need to be

Nigger the next time I want your opinion ill ask for it

cool thanks man I'll check it out

This thread made me sad

to be pretty honest with you winning the actual lottery so I didn't have to really go to work would be the only real upgrade to my life.

in pretty much all other areas I feel like I've already been handed a winning ticket

Holy fuck man you aren't exactly the best representative of the white race. You need to first get your own problems sorted out, you need to not be violent especially with prospective future wives. I'm sure you enjoyed it but your relationship with that woman was clearly awful.

You know Stefan Molyneux? Ever seen is call in show? One of the many topics he covers on it is relationships, he's really good and if you send him an email and explain what your relationship with this woman was like and where your at now I'm sure you will get on his show.


As for the Red Ensign I would usually say the Gandhi shit, "Be the change you want to see in the world." It'd usually advise you to publically display it, buy a proper flag poll preferably and fly it or at least just mount it outside your house. Or if you live in an apartment hang it off your balcony. Get a bumper sticker of it and patches. However like I said that is what I'd normally suggest, but when you fly the Red Ensign you become a representative for it and everything you do reflects on it. So do all that stuff I just described but only after you sort out your violence.

honestly at this point I think I'll refrain from having children. I can't trust women anymore and I wouldn't want my kids to inherit all my issues. Don't worry, mate. I know better than to pollute the gene pool.
Worst part is, physically, I've got near-perfect genes. That's why this chick fell for me in the first place. I look great and I can eat whatever the fuck I want without gaining weight. I could get ripped if I wanted to. But mentally I am a fucking mess and I wouldn't want my kids to go through what I had to growing up


>I think I'll refrain from having children
>I can't trust women anymore
>I wouldn't want my kids to inherit all my issues

Come on op, the fact that you are able to do this sort of introspection means you aren't totally retarded. The problem with voluntary eugenics is only those with high impulse control (highly correlated with high IQ) can actually do it and the people that society could actually deal with not having more off breed without giving it a second thought.

One hundred years ago, exactly one hundred years ago, our ancestors were fighting in the Battle of Passchendaele. How much did they give? How much did they sacrifice? You owe it to them to have a good family and to deal with your issues. Seriously, try calling into Molyneux's show. I'm not asking you to die for your country, I'm asking you to live for it.

I'll try, mate. It's just hard not to give up. I've seen what my dad's become and it's hard to not see myself becoming the same as him; alone and angry at the world. It's a hard cycle to break. But worth a shot.

Youre being much too hard on yourself man. I was in your position essentially 3 months ago, I kinda had a revelation that when you redpill too fast you can stop seeing the evil in everything. Please remember to try and embrace the good once in a while. Get enough sleep, drink enough water (this is a huge thing), and go out for a brisk breath of air in our frozen hellscape. I also find seasons fuck with me hard up here, maybe you could use some vitamin d as well given that winter is coming. Please take care of yourself, and then you can take care of the world around you. I love you man, as a member of our ragtag group of autismos and awoken people. Don't be afraid of the stuff you now know. You have more courage then you know if you are only willing to cultivate it.

Can't stop**

Thanks bro. Good luck out there

We're infested with niggers so I would guess you guys aren't as bad as us.

You have the 1st and 2nd. We don't. You can be imprisoned for not using someone's proper pronoun up here. Or for advocating too loudly for people to realise the flaws in certain belief systems, all under hate speech laws

Just vote Scheer and God Save the Queen

This is how I felt until Trump hit the scene in 2015

It gave me hope

There will probably be a push-back in Canada...maybe

No they don't you fucking idiot