Colorado Anti-Trump Protests

Insider information:
Antifa and alt lefties are targeting
>Colorado Springs
and nearby areas for anti-trump protest this weekend
11/04/17 - 11/05/17
They plan to focus on Police stations, court houses, gun ranges/gun stores, and other establishments.

Any Coloradans be warned.
This may be only local or state wide. Probably not national (but my source said it affecting other states is a possibility.)

Any source to this? Previous reports had no mention of Colorado

hence the insider information
To sum up, this info was given to me by a friend who runs a group of local activists.

Few guys infiltrated the antifa groups down in the springs.
Might be a hit or miss, but i trust the reliability.
Just nothing to really prove it.

Better than nothing... stay frosty

CS here. Will be monitoring the situation tomorrow.

Proof op?

Right. Foco here. I'll monitor CSU, doubt anything will go down here though.
No proof. I just talked to the guy for a few minutes so i'm just going off his word.

Could just be like 4 guys trying to start something, or maybe nothing at all happens.

Will keep an eye out for Denver. See how it turns out. Here's hoping its a LARP

Do not look for trouble. The best strategy is letting antifa shoot themselves in the foot.
Stay inside. Watch the faggots tie their own rope. Get comfy.

CS here. Stay frosty.

north sub of Denver here. Sounds like tomorrow might get interesting

Cherry hills here. Nothing will happen in my area be we don't allow poor people

This is all bullshit as an attempt to get you to react and go.

Pic related user?

Colo Spigs, here.
Got my elevated position + shiload of beer.
My body is ready.

Boulder here-- I will report back-- honestly though I doubt people will stop smoking cannibus long enough to do something.. I would be surprised if Denver did NOT have some SJW outbreak..

Anyone hear of anything going on in NM? I thought there might be something in Albuquerque, considering last year's protests

React and go where? Everyone here is just staying vigilante. We don't even know where to go. But if SHTF better to be in the know.

Works for me.
My natural reaction to being physically threatened is to drink kickass beer.

tanner gun show is tomorrow, at I25 and 58th. maybe there will show there

Was thinking that as well. Sounds like a bad place to start something.

Commiforian here hoping not to die

GJ here, will report if I see anything...

Antifa will fire the first shot, then turn on the camera and claim the opposite.
Media will spin like gun nuts were on the offensive.

2 blocks from civic center and dpd hq. I hope they do it. Il be filming.

>Commiforian here hoping not to die
Coloradan here hoping you die too, Califag.

up near where the tanner is going to take place. Might put on some mismatched clothes and get a starbucks. try to blend in


op here
friend will stand by from chad neighborhood
>he's got front row seats
if anything happens or he updates from the chads i'll update

Might be a good opportunity to periscope the show.

Knew there was gonna be some stupid anti trump thing some where in Denver where people were gonna just yell at the sky for no reason. I doubt any of these supposed targeting of police or courthouse is gonna be more than a couple of fags with signs whining for an hour or 2.

Hello fellow gj user. Nothing gonna happen here.

Glad I took vacation to whiteytown New England and won't be back to Denver until Monday then

Move now. Don't move here. You faggots are ruining this great state

I have a feeling we’re going to be good over here as well... just saying if

wonder if this fag will show up after performing a false flag one himself. Larping antifa

Californians need to leave

Another Springs user checking in.

Shit won't fly too well here. Too many well armed old fags getting fat retirement check from Uncle Sugar for 20 plus years loyal service to the Republic. Some of us take the oath to the Constitution seriously.

But please, I beg the antifa faggots to show up at Dragonman's starting some shit.

Harrass cops about the homosexusl communist protesters you see on live streams.

Please let this happen

Op here

hoping to not look like a larping faggot.
friend says he doesnt think anything will happen.
>mfw might be false info
still hoping something happens. I trust this dude. I see him all the time and he's a Sup Forums kind of bro.

Dont let me down.

Will be in Idaho Springs /comfy/ by the fire with some neat whisky

Fort Collins here, I'll post pictures if Old Town gets stupid.

what'll you be drinkings?
Im drinkings some rolling rocks and jim bean. cozy.

I'm moving to Colorado soon and I'm excited to hang out at heady micro breweries, smoke some dank pot, and vote Red in 2020!

This stupid shit?


Goddamn it, fucking faggots leave my city. At least I don't have to go outside tomorrow.