Do you guys seriously think Japan is fine without immigrants?
I can't find out you guys are kidding or not
Do you guys seriously think Japan is fine without immigrants?
I can't find out you guys are kidding or not
How do immigrants fix your problems exactly?
How will inviting mass amounts of people who don't speak your language who have no education help your system stay running? If anything it will just make it crash faster because they'll be leeching tax dollars.
moreGDP more taxpayer more diversity will generate better idea
Yes, don't fall for (((their))) tricks
this guy has done this trolling for months now you retards
its an english teacher who posts >tfw japan is racist threads >tfw not american
But it comes with more crime, more spending, less room, higher prices, lower wages, and the loss of your cultural homogeneity.
N. Korean immigrants incoming.
Japan's birthrate is going down, but trying to combat that by bringing in people who aren't qualified to immigrate is not the right answer.
Capitalism wants populations to always be rising, but that's inherently flawed especially on a small island with tons of people like in the case of Japan and Hong Kong.
don't believe what (((they))) tell you
Diversity is strength.
more immigrants mean more crime, doesn't matter how strict your laws are
Stfu you army base faggot.
Hello english teacher
Still alive, huh?
I thougt you were going to end your shitty life
Japan doesn't need immigrants, they need to stop embracing a life of degeneracy. A declining population is given when you let porn/video games run rampant in your country.
>more spending
so more consumption or government spending? both will generate more wealth(GDP).
>less room
sadly there are TON of room in rural area. Also population is DECLINING. so There is room
>higher prices
so, MORE CONSUMPTION. more investment.... GREAT!
>lower wages
yeah it will enable japanese company to supply cheaper goods and service and people gain happniness from it. NOTHING WRONG
Alert! Alert!
Shill thread detected.
Beep! Beep!
t. english teacher in Japan
the japanese only like us germans obviously
>pic related from 1937 showing german napola students as exchange students in Japan while japanese students were in Germany in the meantime
>Better ideas
The populations the "globalists" propose you draw immigrants and refugees from are low IQ and known historically for lack of innovation. So called "arabic numerals" are an Indian invention, for example. The "golden age of Islam" ended and never started up again in any capacity whatsoever when my people, the Mongols, cucked the Muslims eternally.
>More GDP
Liberals tend to say that GDP is not the sole, best or even at times a valid indicator of a nation's health. This is tied to the idea that money isn't everything, which is an idea well known to and accepted by modern liberals, classical liberals, conservatives, and fascists. Doesn't it tell you anything that this idea goes out the window when it comes to non homogeneous mass immigration?
>More taxpayer
People need to be smushed into subway cars in your cities and rural real estate is probably at a premium. Japan needs less people, not more. Not to mention you'll get your taxpayers if you're not retarded enough to be able to wait three decades for the baby boom that'll happen when your old coots die off and leave lots of premium real estate. This will make it totally kawaii desu to move into a big house with a big family.
We're not. Japan can do fine without Refugees.
Yes don't do it or the Jews will enslave you all
Japan needs to change their cultural lifestyle in relation to work/life balance, and provide a culture that encourages community and family, as opposed to greed and blind dedication.
That's it. It's not like Japanese are sterile or anything. Just give them the time to court and enjoy life instead of working 80+ hours a week.
You can't just import immigrants forever, there are population limits of earth. You already have a ton of people on your tiny mountains islands
It's at peak population mother fucking globalists cuck faggot as nigger Jew.
They don't need immigrants, they need their fucking population to dwindle a bit. Then the cycle repeats itself. God fucking damn't, I studied econ and finance in school and this obsession with modern people to keep that graph constantly going up is an endemic.
This. You need to learn that projections are legitimately useless in every field. You either can't control it (economic bust/boom cycle) or you can easily change it (population: see Iran), which renders the idea of long term projections useless.
Lay off that proxy you fucking schlomo. SAGE
>nips don't want children
>import immigrants
>japs still don't want children
>immigrants breed
>country gets replaced by foreigners
Importing immigrants is a short-sighted solution, you need bold steps to handle the problem long-term.
>I can't find out you guys are kidding or not
Let me explain it like this:
more immigrants =
>no more moe and usual animu shit
>even less work for nips because immigrants will work for waaay less money
>violence will go up drastically
>japanese culture will die out and replaced by whatever shitskins you imported
>bad things will happen etc etc
Now, commit sudoku, english teacher san.
>more diversity
>will generate better idea
The whole aging population therefore import immigrants meme is bullshit.
Automation continues to replace jobs, and the boomer generation can take a cut to their benefits.
Countries taking in “refugees” and immigrants are trying to maintain their welfare states by importing future taxpayers.
It won’t work though.
Socialism always does immense damage to a country right before people revolt.
English teacher san,
omae wa mou shindeiru.