Nationalism is the only thing that unites different classes within society as it puts a greater emphasis on wealth of culture and the race rather than than financial wealth, as cultural and racial wealth begets financial wealth.
You guys are the reason the internet is getting shut down. Thanks fuckos
If the faggots who run the internet can't handle the bantz of 1 fucking imageboard they're pussies.
muh special feefees such down the internet
Perhaps the best way of society dealing with it's Jewish problem is simple. Just assimilate them as much as possible to reflect your nation, the reason for their distinctive power over America is simple, because the American nation didn't developed culturally enough to assimilate other people's compared to as an example the Afrikaner nation.
The internet will not be shut down, governments are too reliant on internet databases to do so you understand.
Correct, it's natural and central to any healthy society. That's why the (((media))) has worked so long and hard to destroy it.
Wealth is the only thing that disunites the race
No, they always were, are, and always will be hostile aliens, and the more you give them, the more they'll take. Our mistake was ever letting them come to America in the first place.
Naturally, financial wealth is indifferent, however some use it to intentionally divide it.
This is one of the funniest depictions I've seen. You know even an ultra fascist Jew would not be able to suppress the crack of a smile at this one. And why not? Because he would know it's true.
Personally I would agree with you, don't invite a potential problem. But the American people embraced enlightenment philosophy from the time of the revolution and cannot decide if they are a Christian nation or not thus invited the subversives from across the world.
(((Nationalism))) is a Jewish trick, tribalism is the final redpill.
Aristotle set out the basic tenets of civilisation while Socrates and Plato only set out ideals within the framework of a civilisation.
the problem is that your government is full to the brim with Zionists/Globalists and shit-tier jews, faggot!
>you're like the nigger single mom wanting someone else to take responsibility for your shitty decisions and non-action
You have it reverse. Tribalism divides rather than unites a nation.
So? Who gives a fuck about the nation?
Just some information I don't endorse National Socialism as it is self defeating in essence. Like Communism it is born out of dissatisfaction.
Nation is basically a tribe, not giving a fuck about a nation is basically wavering your loyalty to your tribe and family.
Inbreeding has bred out the logic yet improved the methodology of this race. Method without logic.
>a nation is basically a tribe
No. According to nationalists a thug nigger is just as "american" as a hard working white man.
>Nativist Nationalism is the answer
Civic nationalists aren't nationalists as they don't know what a nation is, civic nationalism is the plan B of the international cabal because of the obvious flaws in globalism.
Why does Nationalism need a fucking prefix. It's NATIONALISM.
I believe in both nativist and pan-nationalism, everyone should have nationalism but nativism is what gives nationalism it's individual character.
To be honest, you should quit your country. You are of no use to the nation and are thus invalid.