
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Briefing @US Pacific Command 11/3/17
>Pres Trump Arrival Ceremony @US Pacific Command 11/3/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in HI 11/3/17
>AF1 Landing in HI 11/3/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania departing from DC 11/3/17
>Pres Trump speaks before HI trip 11/3/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #15 (Lara) 11/3/17
>This Week @State 11/3/17
>Pres Trump on Ingraham Angle 11/2/17
>Ivanka/PM Abe @Worlds Assembly for Women in Tokyo 11/2/17
>Ivanka/Melania's special Japanese guard 11/2/17
>Ivanka in Japan 11/2/17
>Pres Trump Nominates Jerome/Jay Powell to chair Fed 11/2/17
>Pres Trump makes Broadcom Jobs announcement 11/2/17
>Pres Trump meets w/House/Senate Leaders 11/2/17
>VP Pence arrives in Orlando FL 11/2/17

>Pres Trump will fix it! 10/31/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
>The Renewal of the American Spirit

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't Trump CiC? Can't he dismiss this JAG-off making these outrageous military tribunal decisions? King Nigger seemed to have no problem purging the military ranks and replacing everyone with degenerates and Marxists.


i can do a few but i won't be up all night

I'm not a racist.

God bless President Trump.

I want the Texas cap she wore

Requesting awoo edit

Goodnight /ptg/, I hope tomorrow will be an eventful day.



all yours

Then why don't you fight back against the ridiculous racism in the media towards whites

Yes, don't listen to the Thailand tranny.

>ridiculous racism in the media towards whites
you could cut the delusion with a knife

shouldnt you be sleeping, /ptg/? perhaps some relaxiium will help?


is happening yes?

/ptg/ give me your best Trump wallpaper

A MyPillow would help better, and they're Made in America.

sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishcentral.com%2Fnews%2Fblack-msnbc-host-accused-of-racism-towards-irish-by-aoh

Is something actually going to happen tomorrow or is it just larping?

What that user said come to me as a surprise, people here in Brazil know that the Democratic Party is the party of Internationalists, dictators, people like Fidel Castro, also when Chavez was alive he loved Obama.
Our most traitorous individuals always loved the DNC.

The problem is that you'll become the problem that Obama was in micro managing soldiers and playing sandbox. If it's one thing Trump doesn't like is doing the work that he appointed people to do, notice how you don't hear of any layoffs like the communication director or interns. """"Strange""" right?

To the leaf in the last thread I think you should know both travel bans have been in place and summarily expired after being ruled in favor of by the Supreme Court of the United States. Also Thailand posting under the mistake known as meme flags you should know that all people in trouble right now with cuckueller are in trouble for shady dealings with the UKRAINE specifically. They were most likely trying to sabotage Trump and anyone getting prison time is a fantasy.


Remember to pray for our police and anyone else who might be put in harms way by commie scum tomorrow.

Friendly reminder that Trump is Scottish.

On that note, let us all take a moment to celebrate the existence of the fine Scottish folk and their wonderful contributions towards the western world.

God bless Scotland and god bless the Scottish people.
Lang may yer lum reek!

I just want to ramble because I'm drunk
We made a subreddit, did twitter raids, attacked youtube comments, followed twitter personalities, patreoned yo tubers

,I personally went to forums for hobbies like NASCAR, country music, rodeo stuffs, gun enthusiasts


nice url


Any vets or currently serving here? Is it worth it?


they dont want sexual harassment charges from something like that with guys, but if sol anime reflects anything about japs couture, one in 8 women enjoy molesting other women

>>Martin Luther changed the world
>>just like Trump
>... What?!
I don't think we're quite there yet but Trump has been very upsetting to the post-war liberal order's dominance, if not actually dangerous to it.

hyenas eating some shit


He's also a German Jew.

Congrats on your 2nd mixed president.

>tfw I'm in aiea and want to sing karaoke for Trump

Yes, and sure.

dont forget to refresh pastebin

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania visit USS Arizona Memorial 11/3/17

>prior to this only irish lived there

>Scottish german jew
What else goes into the pot

We made national news by printing out flyers that say
Its okay to be white

Obama was a talking head, nothing else.
It's like you put someone from CNN to run your country.

So? We love Jews. Maybe go be a nazi on stormfront yeah? Fucking racist bigot asshole.

In a word, no

He’s not any bit Jewish your replying to Thailand directly

>German Jew
No he isn't, dumb tranny boy.

Is mayonaise an ethnicity?



are we friends again

>November 4th
I hope you're ready, drumpfkins.

Holy shit just shut up. For someone who calls other people reddit you surely talk a lot about. Sarcastic faggot who is probably from r/politics/



And the literally context of the bait was
these people are so racist this will make national news

God I hope their pic related is true. I can't wait for phosphorous/magnesium strikes.

>Can we have a "10 Times Harder Edition?

when did we stop?

Yeah, he's got Jewish blood.


Leave Chief O'Brien out of this!

Literally the whole point. And even though we know journalists and shit lurk here nobody seems to be able to grasp that.

Nah, dumb chink dick sucker.



He was a nobody who did he best to build his legacy. And he's well known for adding tons of bureaucracy to the military and deciding how soldiers operate on capitol hill. His rules of engagement was unrealistic and ignorant of the enemy and threat it forth and to make up for it the expansive drone warfare was greenlit and expanded 10 fold. He's delusional to think his charity work makes him a field general.

>Holy shit just shut up. For someone who calls other people reddit you surely talk a lot about. Sarcastic faggot who is probably from r/politics/

>There's no proof

Black guy here. Just watched White Genocide: In Their Own Words...

That was a major black pill. Come on white man! Don't let that black pill kill your spirit. I don't want to be here in 2050 an old man surrounded by fucking niggers and MS13 spics. I'm in California so I already know what it's like. The only way these people will run a country is if they run it into the ground. You need to get your shit together. Start fucking like rabbits. Have 10 kids. Have 20. Gas the kikes. For real this time.

Kiwi is alright even though he hates

so that's why they're so loud?


get a desk job and get some training if you are actually interested. it is shit though no matter what you do, but its a great option if you cant do anything else

He built himself a bubble around him, took portions for the DNC himself to build up a progressive movement, put the Dimms further in debt, refused to meet anyone and even had his WH chief of staff act like attack dog against anyone even to other democrats who proposed legislation ideas. He was a shit leader to begin with.

I'm sorry
International news

>his response is a personal attack.
Bro I get the fucking point Trump is a zionist. I guess I’ll vote for Keith Ellison now. Also New Zealand is like 6% whiter then the US stop fronting

Of course they're white. They were just unfortunate to be the first "niggers" in America.

At what point does Trump start nuking the home country? Two attacks from now?

by "we" he meant the coalition, not necesarily just the USA
and "we" in the above meaning, have been absolutely ass raping isis, pakis, and turks for at least 2 months now

Pussy shit. 10 times harder is too tame. He needs to drop a MOAB on Mecca.

His legacy, if anything, will be race riots and a shitty healthcare bill that forces people to buy health insurance or pay a fine.

Why did he move? Did the civil war demolish his neighborhood?

Don't look for reasons.

They can't be analyzed.

IDK Whipper of Poos

Modi is the only one that escaped the Trump handshake
>gave him a hug instead

so they are immune to jewish tricks?

and trump spoke the word l'chaim.

It doesn't work that way, nigganon. It takes a lot of time and effort to raise a white child lest they become a commie or heroin addict. In that the spics can just shit out a dozen more that they don't care about because they know the state will take care of them.

I think he's just shitposting, there's no way he would let the terrorists dictate his actions. But he knows it sounds cool and there won't be any proof of this being tit-for-tat so he comes out looking fine.

It's the same deal with the MOAB strike, I don't really believe the number of dead terrorists they say it caused (not much visible damage aboveground after, trees were still alive) but it still makes us looks 'merica Stronk.

>needlessly antagonizing the oiljews when he's already convinced their Crown Prince to remove Mudshits for us

Wheres da proofs


More time I get into the Pres, more time I wish there was a Trump Mod for Civ 6. Any good strategy games like that? Nation building, etc.?

It was never about him, Socialists don't think in the same term as we do, it's always for the long term that they push everything.
He wanted to destroy and undermine the country as much as he could, people held him back but still, 8 years of him after several years of other people selling the country short for foreign interest doesn't make the social engineering go away any quicker.
And if you're trying to undermine the country it's obvious you'll do so in the military too.
They started with Christians, making them miserable while serving, removing icons and things of the sort, also the whole racial bullshit people was preaching and the MSM never took the side of the American people.
There are people who only got interested in it right now or were born later, I've been following their politics for a long time, I might not remember minute detail but what was happening always got me upset because I know what they were doing and wasn't seeing anything being done about it.
Just now it happens that things changed.
Leftists think of a way to fuck you or your family 40 years from now.

it seems he's getting the saudis to lead an arab coalition against iran, which seems good short term but arabs in power doesn't feel good for the long term

Not exactly.

Tricks do affect them, for a while. Look at how they voted when they came here during the diaspora.

lads nature is fucking brutal goddamn this hyena is just eating the face of this wildebeest
