Lol antifa aren't even going to the protests, just some small activist groups
Lol antifa aren't even going to the protests, just some small activist groups
So who did this?
Even if some people are dropping out, rest assured I and many others will be there. Fascism is a scourge on society and needs to be stopped at all costs. Women, PoC, the proleteriat, and sexual minorities are in grave danger under the Trump/Pence regime, and we will liberate them from white supremacist patriarchy.
A few of my so called comrades are playing chicken because they're pussies scared of you retarded rednecks and computer nerds "threats". Not me, and not my crew. We'll be one of many out there. Red Fighters 651. We fucking detest white supremacy and it's time to actually fight against it on the front lines. I'm ready to shut you all up. This place is the voice and recruiting ground of the far right in America at the moment, and you are on my shitlist. I'll be out there in Seattle, ready to smash white supremacy, the revolution will not be televised.
SIDE NOTE: /leftypol/ are NOT our friends, /r/socialism are also NOT our friends as both are racists and sexists. They ignore intersectional issues in order to focus on the white male worker exclusively, instead of ALL oppressed classes.
from what ive seen most people on pol are just getting comfy for possible happening, we all hope its a giant commie chimp out but it's most likely a nothingburger, do you really think we would leave our rooms when we can be comfy?
So I won't need my truck of peace? I think I'll still keep the second set of keys on me just in case.
Nice pasta kek
Fuck off, instigator faggot. Everybody knows this is a meme.
Where does it mention antifa?
I want so bad for you to get your helicopter ride my droog
It was a genuine question - then who did this
what city pussy I cant wait I will be in Cleveland.
The same people who made the original post about Nov. 4 refusefacism is the one who started it
Keep larping
I am dropping out too I won't be in that shitty rally to get smashed by some redneck. I recommend every single one of you to do the same. Do not waste your time going there. You will be smashed please sisters and brothers listen to yuor comrade
>be antifa
>plan revolution for Nov 4th
>becomes in the (((news)))
>mom and dad find out
>won't give me ride because they heard me practice fighting nazis in my bedroom
>took away my homemade nunchakus
>will only give me a ride to my community coll get now until I "cut the childish bullshit"
>(((small activist groups)))
What ever you say Mohammad.
You will be shot buddy. Don't do it.
You have no chance and you never will.
>So who did this?
The FBI.
Good goy, enjoy being used as a pawn tomorrow for the new world order.
>take away computer and cel phone priviledges
>no hanging around with Ms. Ivette after class
Anyone going to question why antifa is suddenly a thing after Trump got elected?
Obama....literally nothing.
Drump....immediately antifa
A real organization is against the trend, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Trump, although I think Trump is against the trend.
Antifa is 100% paid for. Shit is going down. Soros spent...oops I mean donated....all his money.
I could've done that myself, you gullible fuckwit.
Oh, by the way, did I mention that December the 4th is the end of the world cuz I say so?
>won't give me ride because they heard me practice fighting nazis in my bedroom
antifa goes back to the 1980's just because you are uneducated on the matter doesnt mean that it started now
A full fucking page on the back of the New York Times? No way your third world ass could afford that.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
George Sorros could afford it.
First, it's real. Second, I doubt some dumb Mexican wasted that much money that he could have otherwise spent on torture equipment
>only useful idiots show up
>implying a civil war would have happened
They're reactionary in that they wait for someone else to give them an excuse to act out.
>Refuse Fascism
>Anti Fascists
>Different groups
>lets ignore antifa chimping out to write headlines that focuses on right-wingers so our audience thinks the right are still the bad guys
Nothing to do with Guy Fawkes. It's the 100 year anniversary of the bulshevik revolution in Russia
>plan mass protest to "overthrow the president"
>WOW how dare people think a protest is going to happen?
Well I guess the cops will just stay home tomorrow then. Yup...
why doesn't the website work? happening cancelled?
>UHH IT'S NOT EVEN ANTIFA, IT'S George Soros Presents™ NotAntifa™ #fucktrump YOU STUPID NAZI ALT-RIGHTERS
>don't forget to DONATE
Because nightclub night is on Saturday. They gotta attend.
Soros's check must have bounced.
Odd how this ad played on my TV a couple hours ago.
>yfw he grew up in a Jewish family in NY and donated heavily to Obama and Clinton.
>leftypol spams the internet with "THE REVOLUTION BEGINS ON THE 4TH!!!!11"
I hate the media. I genuinely want to abolish freedom of speech. Only state and party propaganda from now on.
19 gb ddos from Turkey.
Friends in high houses.
Don't forget the cognitive dissonance of the groups by thinking a democratic election was unjust means to appoint a leader, so they are trying to use illegitimate actions to remove him. Not to mention they think the next in line is chosen by runner ups in the election.
Even Antifa says it's a conspiracy theory, they're more worried about the right showing to cause violence
no free press and a competent and honest monarch or national tribune.
If you want to save the world, build a business and feed/shelter minorities.
You have no skills.
And you're a faggot.
Not only are you not going to change shit with your gay ass movement, but you'll be left in the dust with no ability to do anything but bitch.
WATCHOUT november 4 ANTIFA WILL false flag the right with mainstream media collaboration. they already are preparing the puplic opînion.
it's just a concoction where the useful idiots and what's left of their media try to gin up a story to provide cover for other operations
This is the fake news, shill. Right wingers are staying home. When you attack cops and get arrested, it will be your own fault, not the right's.
Sup Forums‘s autism works in its favor with this ‘event’. With so much media attention now focusing on it, the protestors will back out.
refuse fascism is an Antifa affiliate obviously cock sucker
That right! Ill be there bringing up the rear. I just cant wait till the rusty trombone conga line starts. Im going to lick so many buttholes with my commie friends. I love sucking commie cock. hopefully ill see you there.
>they're more worried about the right showing to cause violence
seriously kill yourself
you have to go back
im snuggled up in bed on my laptop with a hot choco hoping for a half decent riot somewhere to watch on a livestream
Us anntifa guys just have one simple message, we love to suck cocks. We also enjoy excessive anal plundering which is why i always have tampax with me to prevent anal leakage due to my cauliflower butthole. Cant wait for tomorrow !!! (_O_)
Fucked how the media is trying stir up emotions like its Nazi Germany all over again.
They love the protests and riots because it gives them something to report.
Nice the counter memetics initiative worked like a charm.
> it's okay to be white -> Major win.
> Antifa civil war conspiracy -> Major win
Future operations
> Make traditionalism great again.
> Make beauty great (and objective) again.
> Make mocking degenerates great again.
screencap this post
Kys faggots
b-based roach?
You mean specifically in the US? Because worldwide they go back to at least Weimar Germany.
too late. get on the street nigga.
Thanks for the information, fag.
>So who did this?
Someone who has enough money to take out a full page ad in a fucking newspaper
Let's do this, comrades! We must {wipe out|destroy|eliminate} {Nazis|the alt-right|fascism} in the United States, starting tomorrow!
Bullshit those fags want any excuse to destroy things, """"punch nazis"""" and just outright chimp. I swear there better be police batons smashing commie faggot skulls tomorrow, some live ammo going off would be fap material.
Got too real.
Antifa like beating up unarmed Trump supporters. The idea of armed people fighting back terrifies beta males.
As long as we keep to the agreement of sucking each other off im game. I love our meet ups. Just make sure you give the reacharound this time!
May I have $300, George?
So then who set up the website refuse fascism that listed specific dates times and places for Antifa to meet?
Bray doesnt speak for Refuse Fascism.
Susanna Taylor speaks for Refuse Fascism. She's still bent on calling the "end" of our government, so how does you "end" a government without voting? Violence.
So Nov 4th is all about wanting violence logically.
It was never on. It was always a joke that retarded youtube people pushed as serious for views.
negative, all us commies want is to get throatfucked. We also llike a good pink-sock.
This is what I'm saying, we think antifa is going to show up and riot and antifa think "violent Nazis" are going, when in reality both sides are staying home comfy while a few spurges from refuse fascism march around with signs and bull horns until their feet get tired and go home
We'll live when our mouths are tired from smoking pole and our anuses are sore from anal plundering
Homosexuality goes back further than that so I assume so does antifa?
It’s already too late. The retard right is in a complete frenzy over this and will sperg out all on their own.
The Nov 4 date was displayed by just 6 communists. And now the entire right thinks a civil war is brewing. When the retards roll up with their pitchforks, klan masks and kekistan flags it’s going to look like a failed uprising.
Fuckin' knew you commies were a bunch of flamers.
Saint Paul, Minnesota
russian dnc psyop. propaganda can only augment existing zeitgeist to a limited degree - say, push a pot that is close to boiling over the edge. but it can't allow you to make tea out of lukewarm water
>only state and party propaganda
I’m fairly certain this is the case now, no?
they b8 and people triggered...they kinda did... they are using /pol tactics now
>they reject reality
>replace it with a false fantasy
>lose themselves to what is and isn't real
>start to think they are fucking prof. X or some shit
>start fights with people in their mind thinking it's a real mutant revolution
About par for antifa followers.
What a disappointment. I was really hoping I'd get a good excuse to start killing commies.
Lol I can't wait until the Fourth Reich rises and we get to use communist POWs as lab rats to test new weapons on.
guilty! Me and my communist cohort just cannot get enough cock. I imagine it is pretty obvious.
The Ff doesn't work because there is no need for them to riot if Trump is truly fascist. Makes no sense at all
>sexual minorities
>literal faggots
good luck pussy
ummm no sorry sweety its definitely happening, batten down the trash cans
Are you saying antifa is trying to pull a massive false flag using the media?
I think there will be a decent turnout, but like always, it will be a majority boomer and millenial white women. They will be the human shields behind which the few real antifa will hide. When the antifa actually commit a crime and the cops push aside the women to get to the antifa, the left will call out the cops for excessive violence against peaceful protestors, and the media will beam that message out. The bonus for RevCom is if a Trump supporter shows up and vents a bunch of boomer women. Lesson is: STAY HOME!!!!
why does the happening never come Sup Forums. I just want the happening to come. Is the final red/black pill that nothing ever happens?
I cant wait from our balls to slap together. I just love being a commie taint licker
I know you think you’re making some clever label that communists are gay but all you’re doing is promoting the gay lifestyle of hedonism and sex for fun. It’s beginning to come across as wishful thinking on your behalf.
>When the retards roll up with their pitchforks, klan masks and kekistan flags it’s going to look like a failed uprising.
This happens tomorrow?