How Did White Men Go From This
How Did White Men Go From This
To this?
>brown hair and eyes
No this
Don't tell me soy or fluoirde. Millions of non-whites consume the same things as whites do in the west, and don't look like this
Don't tell me jews. They don't genetically alter white people into betas
Who gave him that SS uniform?
>>brown hair and eyes
who said you only blonds are white?
Most Germans were brown hair and eyes
It's sitting down too much that's giving people low test. Balls are over compressed
What is color photography
I like your hypothesis user. Seems plausible.
but I sit on my tail bone? my balls are completely free.
Damn all these disgusting smiles!
a life devoid of competition or challenges to drive normal male development, a complete lack of fitness regimen, purposeful cultural emasculation, poor diet, and most of them are clearly homosexual (2 of them almost guaranteed bottoms), all adding up to a terrible imbalance of hormones.
I'm sure an abundance of soy in their diets doesn't help.
absolutely based
Isn't it obvious? Through degenerate Jew leadership.
This isn't our creation, that's why everything seems so foreign to us.
It's not our culture. It's their design, with the sole purpose, being our destruction.
>(2 of them almost guaranteed bottoms)
Yeah but a lot of soyboys have tight ass pants and they don't notice the gradual squeeze
good one
My balls compress me. At best we fight to a stalemate.
I once read on this board that all the brave, true, men died in the wars and the millenials/genz are descendants of hippy boomers who were too pussy to fight in the wars.
to this?
yup, its worse than that. Russia under Jewish rule genocides all of the superior Russians, i have heard somewhere that a LOT of the best scientists were killed in WW1 and 2
"The best of the Goyim should be killed."
That's what they've been doing for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They've done massive damage to the European gene pool.
>Gets paid to smoke weed and do nothing
Who's the real loser?
winning is not not being a degenerate
Not to mention they dress up a lot shittier too.
and currently are, even excluding the newly arrived tenants
>Who's the real loser?
pretty sure anyone with a mullet.
except donald trump of course.
>leading a life with no purpose other than to get high signifies success
Hadn't had a war in a while. Race war now! Survival of the fittest! Nu-male cucks will be too busy feeling sorry for the muslims and blacks.
The SS was A E S T H E T I C
Once white men started wearing sneakers outside of the gym it was all over.
>year 2037
>the Alt-lite has won the culture war
>President Cernovich has successfully overseen a gorilla warfare strategy of liberating Europe from the Caliphate
>your daughter is dating a boy who is president of the school's THOT Patrol
>he's a mix of Atlanta Black and New York Jew
>father was a pickup artist and his mother was a conservative talk show host
>favorite book is Roosh V's "Return of Kangs: How the Black Man Got his Mojo Back"
>daughter is a right wing culture warrior
>asks you why we still name scandals after Watergate when Nixon did nothing wrong
>you have no answer
>she starts a Rebel Media petition to change the name of Pizzagate to "the DNC Pedophile Ring Scandal"
>academics object to this historical revisionism
>young activists take to Gab and call said academics cucks
Guy on the right kind of looks like me if I started taking estrogen for a year to drop my T levels by 75%.
>christcuck unity fag trying to tell anyone about the jews
That's an awful lot of cherries you have there.
You mean after Russia and American BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THE NAZIS?
Fuck off Pagan semen drinker, I'd rather side with a Christian Black than a White Pagan scum
they take no responsibility nor discipline, so they blame their problems on le ebil boogyman.
>I'd rather side with a Christian Black than a White Pagan scum
Expertly crafted bait.
>Fuck off Pagan semen drinker
le screenshot of text written by some kike fag enabler
>I'd rather side with a Christian Black than a White Pagan scum
Precisely why Christcucks are cancer.
>not all blacks
I hate niggers, but I'll stick up for the blackies in my church.
t. baby boomer
Nah I'm a millennial, but I really like my church and da blacks there are super whitewashed. It's too bad their race is a complete mess.
The soyim
jew post
Why are the medieval guys so crudely drawn compared to everyone else?
Also the angry hamburger guy seems pretty conservative to me
low T guys have always been around. they just weren't ever empowered by Jewish meddling. Plus they're all shepherded together into the cities eating shit that's turning the frogs gay.