John McCain V
Why isn’t he dead yet?
McCain let his daughter get BLACKED?
his cancer isn't real
Sasha Banks looks like THAT?
He let his son carry on his name through a niglet
Beat me to it
Some one post the political specturm reaction to his cancer
Forced her, the way I heard it
McCain had a very dark, black-skinned burnt match daughter that his wife purchased from Bangladesh. The son may have gotten used to dark meat from raping her.
At least he lost in the end. Failed to get president, got brain cancer and his grandson is a nigger
It's obviously his son's baby. Look at the picture and you'll see McCain's daughter in law.
>Failed to get president, got brain cancer and his grandson is a nigger
sounds like a triple win of us!
>of us!
*for us!
He has brain cancer and is going to die soon BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
So that's why he wants Obamacare... he knows his progeny are gonna be niggers for the rest of eternity and will need mo' money fo' dem programmes.
>Whatever you do, don't let Grandpa McCain play "airplane" feeding the baby unless you want the rest of the table to go up in flames.
whiting nigresses on government time based
>Sup Forums BTFO
>marrying a nigger for political power
How noble. At least the subsequent McCain generations will be too stupid to be a problem.
Everyone say hello to John McKANG
this.... this is gold
>All the politicians that support mass 3rd world immigration, have some one in their family who is a mongrel.
I'm telling you. If you look hard enough you will find that they only support it, because they are married to a chink, or their kids married a black or something.
That faggot British guy in the EU who pushes hard for multikult is married to an Asian for example.
Fuck John McCain and his entire family. I'm glad his genes are even more soiled.
I laugh everyday at the elite whites mixing with the lowest tier of humanity. Even the British royals are starting to mix it up.
cindy mccain was a nice piece of ass anyone got nudes or bikini pics from her 20s?
To be honest she has very light skin and white features for a nigger. Octoroon at worst.
>John McCain Plead Da Fifth
that's a pretty qt negress.
John V...a cucking that spans generations...