its idiots like this woman that are gonna get white people murdered on a mass scale in south africa
Its idiots like this woman that are gonna get white people murdered on a mass scale in south africa
sorry pic not really related
bump for the SA user who posted IOTBW posters at his Uni
yeah that was indeed epic
>living in South Africa
absolute madman
You can only push so much before the majority gets sick of your shit and pushes back. White people in South Africa are going to learn this the hard way.
If whites started getting killed en masse over there, would you do anything about it or just whine?
just leave africa, fuck!! Even Indians and chinks wouldn't touch Africa with a 7 feet pole.
If you are a white person apply for refugee status if it can be done, jump ship, or go out to study and settle in a different country.
In today's society being white is a crime, people will have no sympathy for you and once niggers are more in numbers it's ogre.
Fighting nignogs is not worth your sanity.
Wish you and other whites there the best of luck. You guys have been able to survive more then most people have... especially if you are a Boer
I read the comments on the video and have to say, the niggers are right. They are right because we whites in the U.S and Europe are correct as well with the same argument. The bitch needs to leave SA and the niggers need to leave the U.S and Europe.
She is right. The filthy Negroid cannot do for itself. It is a plague upon humankind and it needs to be eradicated.
Just start a civil war already. I'm sure you'd get foreign backing from the US or China or some other country with geopolitical interests in that region, as well as a shit ton of right wing volunteers.
>the problem will go away if we stop talking about it!
The first humans to live in South Africa were European.
I'm from SA and let me tell you how bullshit this is, The Guptas are trying to kill, steal, bribe and blackmail their way into power. Also there are atleast 5 china towns in central P.E (Port Elizabeth) alone (And like 50 in Durban, and those places are HUGE). Don't be deceitful you curry nig.
chinks are winning there, they don't need to destabilize it anymore.
Even if whites take back south africa, they will still be surrounded by nigger countries. SA will have to make a wall to protect itself.
Not completely true, but the tribes that lived there at the time were scarce and scattered.
Is the word kaffa comparable to the word nigger, or is it not as bad?
It's basically our word for nigger.
why don't all white people move to the western cape and north cape .
if you don't own a farm get the fuck out now
Anglos are the fucking worst. They're all a bunch of snarky arrogant cunts with no self awareness. They're the moat naturally liberal white ethnicity as far as behavior, but they also are pretty much the most liberal politically in Europe. I hate them. Everywhere anglos go is cucked. Anglo girls race mix more than any other white people.
I've never seen so many black male white female couples in my entire life as when I visited the UK. I've never seen television as cucked as british tv. As much as we meme about Sweden, the only true rival to British cuckoldry is Fremch cuckoldry, because the french have been a nation of cheap whores for years. Lots of mixed french people.
I thought it was kaffir
Wrong shithole
seems about right south ontario is all english same with new england the 2 reasons our countries are so fucked up.
Shouldnt you be firing a gun into the ceiling somewhere?
I thought it was spelled that way but they say kaffa.
All of africa needs to be nuked. There is only shit coming from this place.
he is right though bong prick I hate living around so many of your kind
Aren't you committing a crime just by being here?
>Say mean words
>Blacks use as justification for genocide
Good, I almost want them to do it, just to have them toil in the mud and shit they leave themselves in.
No more electricity.
No more food.
No more medicine.
No more functional special forces.
Come to the West Boers, we will know South Africa as the failed experiment.
A rainbow nation is much like its metaphor - it only exists in the sky and can't be found on land.
Masturbating is not a crime
Luckily their police don't even have enough power to enforce the law so even if they came to arrest him he could probably just say fuck off.
Did this dumbshit have her purse on the passenger seat in plain view and then someone broke the window and grabbed it?
So she had a racist meltdown?
Maybe think about your surroundings and take precautions next time. It's fucking South Africa for Christ's sake.
Why is she in court? I need a tl:dr. I'm too lazy.
no more roads outside major cities. and there's not a good track record of keeping a safe water system either
I still wonder if Boer user is okay