Objectively, the age of consent should be abolished
Objectively, the age of consent should be abolished
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Just convert to islam and move to gofuckurselfistan. You can bang brown lolis there all day.
Objectively, Australia should be nuked and any remains shall be eaten be emus.
No shit. I'd rather raise my wife than find some garbage-bin whore who's been filled with dicks by the time I found her.
Fuck you and your pedo bullshit you fat fuck.
Girls below the age of 20 are barely sentient though. I have no sympathy for virginity fetishists always breaking up because they are dating animals.
>Girls are barely sentient
Objetcively, age is just a social construct, as well as gender, race and intelligence
Nothing obviously wrong with this in my mind
> lower legal age
> posts the purity of 2d loli
You blasphemer... loli are pure and permitted in 2d form, not 3d. Death to 3d pedos. They are to be protected and nurtured, not lusted over!
>we weebs aren't paedophiles! T-they're cartoons! Not real people!
>abolish the age of consent!
Your existence should be abolished. You come near my kids and I'll torture you
Lol youre Australian? Read about the snow town murders. You'll get a kick out of that
Best couple
Leave the aussie alone, hes in his homeland, you're in yours
This is why im a nazi.
Gas time soon for you.
I hope a nigger rapes you.
I hope moot lets us use sound webms so I can post the proper video
How about you take basic health classes you aborigine.
Fuck off mudslime!
>sentient at any age
2D has no age though faggot
why do people respond to obvious bait threads? saged and filtered
Fuckin muslim, go back to where you came from.
nice bait
Yes, it should be abolished, but not just "so I can fuck lolis".
It should be abolished because government can never prevent actual sexual acts among monkeys, and only function of these laws is to give government more way to control populations that have religious moral hangups about sex.
"The government should not have control over social aspects of life! US 5th Amendment critical to social creativity and forthright living in a democracy!"
"Oh, but we need to backdoor every computer system ever because maybe two 12year old kids were sexting each other."
This causes a strategic vulnerability in the West. You will use moral panic about this to backdoor every computer you make, but backdoor cannot be made "only for police". And how can you trust one police guy is not take from Russia HUGE money to leak the key to the backdoor? The more people know the more likely to leak out. It is just too much power.
So that is strategic vulnerability and you will never fix that.
Now to the actual issue: sex is not assault. Obviously.
But assault is assault, even with penis, because it is an attack. A person of any age curious and starting or taking part in sex activity is normal and not damage them. And "sex activity" not only include full sex.
No family is going to just allow their kid to run off and be fucking anybody. When this happen there is either a very special social situation where the relationship has much more important meaning for everyone that only maybe involve sex maybe not, or situation where girl is being really need to sell sex in some way because no other way to survive. The first situation is not bad at all, only benefit to everyone -- the second situation is the case where sex is the smallest problem because the girl is having trouble just basic survival so who care about the sex part! Sex is not the big issue.
This issue totally crazy in religious country that believe in invisible man in the sky telling them secrets.
Find a way to make people mature mentally faster then
Absolutely, it's the best.
Only for 2D
In Islam you have completely crazy thing: women is like a pet so you cut off her clitoris and make her slave and cannot drive or read or anything and it is OK to force 20cm adult dick onto 8yo pussy smaller than little finger. Of COURSE this is attacking the person and really really bad! But not bad "because of sex" -- the basic situation is already so much more fucked up that sex is the side issue only. So stupid.
On the only just now modern Evangelical Christian in last 40 years or so (before not so much rules about sex age) there is opposite stupidity: Grandmother married with grandfather when she was 12 and he was 26 or something in late 19th century and this same way for many generations before. And now suddenly sex is bad and evil and if man thinks 14 year old girl look pretty suddenly he is an evil "pedophile". What is this shit? Of course you have now very big problem with "underage" girl becoming slut and sexting and making porn image of themselves! Most new created porn image of young girl is self-made -- so who is victim in this and why is it a crime? So stupid for a totally different reason. And now you want give government instruction to create hardware backdoor into every system "because just in case maybe someone have a picture!" Strategic vulnerability.
Basic problem:
- Government cannot solve this problem
- Protection of kids is the family responsibility
- Never have "pedo law" until just now in history -- and society do well until now
- Now have problems with making many social laws and, hey look! Western civilization falling apart, losing identity, getting overrun with Islam nigger!
Pedo law not really the point, same as sex actually not the point. More basic problem is people want no responsibility to family and kids and now thinking government can act like parents. This only go to a very, very bad place much more evil than anything you can imagine with just kids doing sex things.
You should be abolished.
Anyone that touches actual children needs to be punished harshly.
2D images are not an issue and should not be illegal.
The one on the left is hundreds of years old.
This has nothing to do with anything.
Ever meet a girl 22 years old who is totally social retard?
Ever meet a girl who is 14 who is really solid?
Age is not the difference here. Something much deeper at work when saying "mental maturity". This is a cop out anyway.
I think older system is better. Mandatory education should end at elementary (like about 6th grade). Testing into middle school should be same like testing into high school and trade school and university. Why? Because only purpose of middle school right now is to act like minimum security prison for kids so they are not running around in streets.
Cannot fuck them or employ them -- so they are economically and socially useless at this age. This is "to protect them". But also prevents the naive young girl from marrying an experienced older man who is NOT naive and can do better job (and has better motivation for own family) than father of the girl who is disconnected socially from her at this point in life because has either career concern or younger kids who cannot take care of self, or whatever.
Also solves "monster parents" problem where angry parents cause compulsory education system to infantilize and remove consequences from kids in school. Didn't pass a test? Just complain about it and graduate anyway because "everyone must graduate from X level of school!" This is worst thing in society. If you want to have consequences until kids already 16 years old they are already adult mind (just inexperienced) and have been trained to get free pass on anything hard. But that is not real world. Real world has consequences and very severe!
Marrying young to old make much more sense in this context, and this is the way culture evolved until now. Also make kids have to learn responsibility earlier and prevent "danchi mom" from becoming society-level terror bitch.
Again, this has implication for sex age law -- but sex is not the real point.
Ravioli ravioli dont lewd the dragon loli
I just want to raise a pair of twin cuties like rem and ram and make them my wives. Which religions let me do this?
But should take continued brain scan image until death. Because brain NEVER stop aging. No such thing as "this mature" or "this immature" beyond structure. Many phases of mental development. Even this 20-year-old brain section has many undeveloped in highlight section. Should be totally blue? How about life experience?
Also difficult to see how this only one aspect is strong argument when body has many parts and history of mammal shows not "only start mating past 20". History of human not have this even today -- most people in world have kids very early teens starting right now. And planet is still spinning like always.
Studies have shown conclusively that consensual sex is benign regardless of the age of the individuals involved. Even in cases of non-consensual sex it's not that harmful unless it was violent.
The idea that child-adult sex is somehow harmful is not supported by the scientific literature.
Objective morals are needed in a society who thinks murder is subjective morally, and that morals are just a concept made to control civilization.
There is a God and he is loving and forgiving. He will return soon and you can accept him whenever you choose, if you choose.
> You come near my kids and I'll torture you
This sentiment is EXACTLY why not need these laws at all. Only family can protect family. Can anyone show a single case where an age sex law actually prevented a crime? We can show many MANY cases where age sex law is used as a weapon (accusation all needed for weapon, not need actual incident), causes girl to develop mental problem later, and cause many strange legal problem where government can easily overstep.
Let family take care of family. This is only way, anyway. It is a dream to think having cops involved is useful at all. I think all probably agree here that fucking really little kid is not a good thing anyway, but also there are many aspect of "sexual activity" and not so easy to define everything black and white. But every father have clear idea what OK and not OK with own kids -- and so we not need law here -- only need strong culture.
Culture is MUCH stronger than laws.
Oooh bi I s agree
I want. To risk this
Pacino gesso. It
>he adds "objectively" to conversations it doesn't belong in to feign education
given the immaturity of Americans' these days, she might be raising you, of if you get a real mentally healthy person will be very mature in a young body.
I detect fear, someone just getting in the vicinity of your children is enough to torture someone? I'd get that checked out.
Easy get the gov out of people's lives.
>The idea that child-adult sex is somehow harmful is not supported by the scientific literature.
and it never will as long as its consensual from both parties, nothing happens, but these people will continue to virtue signal - yall are no better then leftists.
This is also true. Sex is not a harm. I think it is a harm if shove something too big somewhere, of course. But just act of sexual thing is not harm to anyone.
Of course, though, this is cultural issue and should not be legal one that can be used as weapon of accusation.
Three strong point:
- Sex is not harmful in the normal case
- Sex age law create social weapon
- Already have assault and rape laws for the other case (and adult beating 10 year old up get harder punishement already, just like adult violent raping 10 year old -- so not see a big difference here)
People cannot use their mind when see word "sex" though. Shut off all logical thought and knee-jerk reaction only when this is the subject. Very stupid.
Island chinks are strange people
Age of consent laws make no sense and were something put in place because of an oldworld belief that it was society's duty to protect young people from pre-marital sex until they were of marrying age. Same issue with prostitution - It was an effort to protect christian fundamentalism.
Today, we don't have those social concerns, but we still have laws because it's shocking to do away with them especially when people are already naturally hysterical when it comes to the idea of protecting children.
If you're old enough to want sex, you're old enough to consent to it. And sex between two people that want it is not harmful to anyone, so you're not protecting anyone from anything in the first place.
why do people confuse pedos with early wifers. that guy didnt fuck her until she was 14.
Only 80 years ago. Within 80 years could we boomerang back to cute loli-wives?
I would agree, old sayong goes. If she bleeds she breeds, however it is dependant on the girls education. Cant wife a girl thst has not finished middle school yet. 16 is a good min.
>retarded over protective idiot internalizes boomer morality
Enjoy your old spinster, feminist daughters and your dead lineage faggot.
2 late
Lol you are afraid of someone fucking your 10 years old daughter? XDDDD Bigot
user, where's her penis? I don't see it.
What's wrong with her?
I'd love to see the sauce of this.
actually sex IS harmful if they arent married
youre on Sup Forums you should know this already
make fornication a crime and turn age of consent into age of marriage
Uh, NAP?
It's kind of a non-issue anyway. Removing the AoC would do nothing to correct womens' life cycles or strenthen the nuclear family again because there is so much other shit that dissallows it. You'd have to remove all those other factors first before settling down and having a family at the appropriate age would be viable, even with lowered/no age of conscent.
Removing it now would just make it outright legal for diseased niggers, spics, muslims, white trash, and urbanite scum to fuck a mongrel into your daughter at age 13, or give her AIDS at 11. You really want that? Society and sexuality are in such a weird place right now, true, but opening children up to sex with people older than 18 wouldn't do anybody any good.
Read the rind et al study and the independent replica.
And what is a gebagebof marriage?
No seriously, following common law it’s 21 yes? Or sho Let it be by consent of parents?
>Posting Kanna
>Like I wouldn't know
>oldworld belief that it was society's duty to protect young people from pre-marital sex until they were of marrying age
No, they were put in place because feminists and older women were jealous of younger girls and also believed they should go to school and become factory workers rather than become house wives.
The day /pol showed it's true self.
>that guy didnt fuck her until she was 14.
I thought she had her first child at 13? They still could have had sex before then.
Hello newfriend
there is objectively nothing wrong with this thread
No, they were put in place because feminists and older women were jealous of younger girls and also believed they should go to school and become factory workers rather than become house wives
100% true
God, you’re new
Japan, ultimately you're right about culture but as you see in the west, we're tainted by diversity so we use extreme litigation as a crutch.
This is why Japanese recovery so well from natural disasters while urban areas in the US chimp out when there's no electricity for 2 days.
when they can menstrate i suppose + parents permission. age is a stupid metric because age has nothing to do with physical development.
i dont know i cant remember the story fully because nobody posts the other caps of the article. i dont really care what people do once they are married. if they were humping from day one who cares. i remember the girl was way more enthusiastic about getting married than her parents were.
Checks out.
I agreee, even though I don’t eafjrbb to
Arranged marrrre I’ve trad/10
Thank you. Interesting stuff. Funny that this squeaks into the ~40% of replicated psychological findings lel.
As if the laws are what stops niggers muslims and other scum from fucking young kids.
The laws certainly do hand weapons to that scum to make baseless accusations against the law abiding and fuck them over with absolutely zero proof of wrongdoing though.
Saged. You're fucking disgusting.
The one the back, pefrect age, every healthy fertile male would of jumped on the opportunity to use her to spread his genes over every other woman in the tribe. Early in puberty, maximum health virility for best best chances of healthy child.
>Government cannot solve this problem
>Protection of kids is the family responsibility
pretty good summary, nip
I think West will find way to stop "diversity" problem soon. Many indications in this direction, and that will be a good thing.
Problem here is that to fix it in Europe will require much much larger holocaust, and Americans (and probably UK) and Asians will not want to have anything to do with that until already over. So then politically unattached Europeans (mostly French, I think) will be taking over Africa more completely than before because "solving the root problem".
Anyway, yes, there is a strong connection between uniformly respected cultural norms and the other issues -- to include, peripherally, age of consent.
People really have a hard time understanding the danger of age of consent laws and focus only on the sex, not all the other more important context that overwhelms sex in importance.
There's a lot more, I have a ton of bookmarks but I'd have to find them. I had some pastebins filled with info on it.
niggers cant even conceptualize laws. all they know is violence and whatever the tribal leader says is what goes.
this is why they are confused when they are busted selling crack. in their minds they really are being victimized by another tribe ("whitey"). their "tribal leader" aka the head of the gang says slangin' dope is A OK so they dont understand whats going on.
>The idea that child-adult sex is somehow harmful is not supported by the scientific literature.
Sex is naturally not bad since nature has made us all desire it so how can something that is encoded into out genes for natural selection be "bad". The question is whether a non sexually developed (ie they don't have breasts yet to feed the baby etc) kiddo is ready to benefit from the natural evolutionary act or sex as an adult is. Girls 15+ already have tits though so sex has a purpose for her and it should be legal for them to have sex without any restrictions at this age.
stop being an autistic fag
we all want to rape that dragon loli
ah, the final redpill
Pedophilia is a mental illness, not a crime. Pedophiles that have have not raped or molested a pre-pubescent child are not deserving of death. You can't murder someone for a state of mind, otherwise it would be just to kill all the LARPers that want to murder Pedophiles. Child rapists should be executed.
There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I'd advise waiting to impregnate your early adolescent wife until she is 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. It is imperative that we strive to repair society and free it of degenerate. (((AoC))) laws help create such degeneracy by normalizing premarital sex.
The female's place is in the home. Betrothment is a necessity. A female having multiple mates damages her ability to "pair bond", Microchimerism also permanently soils her eggs. Commie "feminists" pls go and stay go
Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists(Thought foot and scat are less extreme and pose less of a threat), and the mere presence of thoughts is not justification for killing these individuals. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable trash that deserve nothing but death.
Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not comparable to attraction to pre-pubescents. While this is true, it isn't generally healthy to breed until the female is around 16, so she should wait until she is that age and married.
If I'm wrong, please illuminate me.
>b-but children can consent!
>b-but women deserve freedom to whore around!
>b-but the laws developed by man over a couple hundred years trump tens of thousands of years of biology!
>b-but my feelings!
You deserve to be crucified.
>Poor quality bait.
Here's something useful.
(((They))) are on Suicide Watch. Pedo rings are about to be exposed to normies.
Clintons are going down:
Mainstream media starting to report on Hollywood Pedophilia:
Corey Feldman names John Grissom as one of his abusers:
Dustin Hoffman groped underage intern when she was 17:
Kevin Spacey, friend of the Clintons, is a pedophilie:
An Open Secret goes viral:
Normie Red Pills:
Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.
Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:
Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.
Wtf? I love pedophiles now
Gtfo limey cunt
Reminder that this is a bot paid to post here and never deviates from script.
>pedophilia is a mental illness, not a crime
kill yourself, I don't want to share the same air as you scum
Where is the flaw in the statement you just quoted?
Is that 8 chin
They always have more detailed responses I find
- when she can menstruate she will have breasts
- sex outside marriage shouldnt exist, so we can take that out of the equation because we already know it is destructive
so the only question we need to find the answer to is:
"is sex (or sex acts) within a marriage damaging to a girl who has not yet had her period?"
to answer this we first need some preliminary questions answered:
1) would this type of girl understand what marriage is? (each persons roles, that its for life, etc)
2) can girls this age discern desirable traits of a partner? (is he handsome, is he jacked, is he rich, etc)
Judeo-boomer "moral" values have to go back to Rebbit.
Found them: