why are liberals so much better than conservatives at art? does being a liberal make you more creative or does being creative make you liberal? are there ANY good write wing artists? (painting, photography, ect.)
Why are liberals so much better than conservatives at art...
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english is not my first language plz no bully
Time to go back home Juan
Tumblr vs Sup Forums
conservatives were better at art when art was relevant. Now computers are relevant and we are kicking their ass at that too
bavarian, but thanks, i appreciate the sentiment
Listen to Jordan Peterson. He explains it in terms of trait openness. Those who are more open to new experiences are more likely to be liberal, as well as more likely to be creative. Conservatives are high in trait conscientiousness, which predicts for things like hard work and conservativeness
yeah but theyre kicking our ass in music, television and movies
art like pic related?
art like the glorification of the ugly and the irrelevant?
art like the corruption of images, statues and such?
no, they are far away from being better, and even good
or im just dumb and dont now shit
If that's the best you've got to argue your point maybe you should head on back to sweet cream land, Klaus
Ask yourself who owns the media.
fuck, wrong pic
false, when its not pishing an agenda liberals can make really moving works
forgot again the pic
where is the right wing artists then, if it is being censored, in the internet age its impossible to suppress real talent especially with social medias permeation
Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison
Ben "The Walking Holocaust" Garrison
Ben "Nigger Grave Digger" Garrison
Ben "Chimp Choking Champion" Garrison
Ben "Gook Gutter" Garrison
Ben "Six Million More" Garrison
Ben "The Real Holocaust" Garrison
Ben "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger"
Ben "The Man who will impale the Shemale" Garrison
Ben "The Sheboon Destroyer" Garrison
Ben "One Man Genocide" Garrison
Ben "Kike Killing Kommando" Garrison
Ben "Montana Merchant Mangler" Garrison
Ben "One Man Auschwitz" Garrison
Ben "The Ten Ton Terror of Tel-Aviv" Garrison
Ben "The 500 pound Führer of Ferguson"
Ben "The Racial Pain Hurricane" Garrison
Ben "I Ain't Afraid of no ZOG" Garrison
Ben "The Beast that will destroy the Middle
East" Garrison
Ben "Defile the Jewish Virgin" Garrison
Ben "Holocauster Tycoon" Garrison
Ben "Aryan Vs. Predator" Garrison
Ben "Beaner Cleaner" Garrison
Ben "Nuke the Spooks" Garrison
Ben "Frag the Fags" Garrison
Ben "The real final solution" Garrison
Ben "Going Rambo on Sambo" Garrison
Ben "Kebab Shishkebab" Garrison
Ben "Three Reichs and You're Out" Garrison
Ben "Master of the Aryan race" Garrison
Ben "Awakening the Aryan people" Garrison
Ben "Morning in White America" Garrison
Ben "Securing a future for white children" Garrison
They were better 50 years ago, now their art is played out. Meanwhile, all new media such as video games, memes, youtube conservatives are FAR better than liberals while liberals repeat the same stale cliches they've had for half a century
conservatives typically value things that actually matter, and most forms of art are completely trivial and irrelevant now. Forms of escapism for liberals, so they actively try to improve in that field. Same reason why a lot more liberals are interested in video games, tv, etc.
I think most of the current 'write wing' artists have to pretend they aren't, so as to not be ostracized from the community they work in.
Because the schools you dumb fucks
more specifically because of the Jews
if you don't know this yet go read 'why johnny can't read'
Do you know how they say the left brain is the calculating logical side and the right brain is the abstract creative side? I see libs as the right brain of society, they're very emotional and abstract, and I think that translates into their art because art is more about feeling than anything.
>Hitler wasn't a right wing artist
kys and get cumfy
Art like the thousands of shitty tumblr cartoon profile pics on twitter with pronouns in their bio?
Because more liberal schools happen to focus on the arts and encourage it more.... I thought "Liberal Arts" would suggest this.
And it's more of an average.
Liberals buy into fantasies more than conservatives do. It only makes sense that, since they can suspend their disbelief better, they would be better at creating things that require a suspension of disbelief.
>why are liberals so much better than conservatives at art?
If video games are an art form then Japan being one of the most conservative countries is dominating that area
Conservatives don't go to art schools or make careers out of art for the most part. There are probably lots of creative right wing people out there, maybe some with a natural talent for arts, but in the modern age it seems they're more focused on money, politics, and personal career development to enter something as risky as the art business.
The people doing good art have a more balanced view of things, I think. People who are way left tend to put their ideals in everything they make, and it rarely comes out good.
I also prefer anime to traditional media, painting with a broad brush. I mean, there are exceptions, but for the most part, there's more good anime shows than there are good TV shows/movies.
damn im missing out on some sweet ass liberal art.
If you want modern degeneracy, no. But there's about 4,000 years of Western, right-wing art. Capitalism carved out the soul of the right for most of the world and filled it with burgers.
they're not. truth be told, almost nobody is actually creative. certainly not artist enough that they translate a previously hidden idea through a medium into a zone of intelligibility.
most of the people that think they're artistic are just doing 'crafts' of some sort, and most of those are a total waste of time.
they're just stupid and lazy. that makes them a liberal.
Memes > art.
What? Most of us are better than liberals at art, they just fuck people and get famous and then dance around while deep throating a mic and call it art...we are better.
according to humanities professor Jordan Peterson people who are more organized end up being more conservative and low in conscientiousness while those who are more open and loose end up being more liberal and high in conscientiousness
When you spend your time being an unproductive burden on other people around you, you have more time to be 'creative' creating something that has no real benefit.
bully bully bully
All art is propaganda, you have a lot to learn. Politics and production is downstream from culture. youtu.be
yes yes, please enlighten me on how much better tumblr noses are than realistic ones, or about how making every character disgusting for the sake of it is somehow more appealing, or how putting a single brushstroke on a canvas is somehow worth $1.7m. liberal art is laziness incarnate. they care more about the surreal than the real, and as such their shit has no impact.
>"b-but its more popular :((("
so is it right for everyone who comes out of calarts to have the same god damned style, with there bubble heads and tube arms?
libtards having a better sense of style is the biggest meme. faggots cant even make something appealing without divorcing it from reality, which is a disgrace unto itself
This, pretty much. My art's not political anyway, and I don't broadcast my ideology irl
fuck off egon schiele is great
As a former art student I can tell you they aren't. Liberal artists paint or draw for the degenerates like furfags and child pornographers.
The whole modern "art" craze was started by liberals in an attempt to hide the fact they actually sucked at the fundamentals of traditional art. If you want people to blame, start with idiots like Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol.
Thanks to them a militant dyke can save her piss for a few years and display it at a museum and dare to call it "art".
Example: Here is a piece by Peter Paul Reubens titled " Massacre of the Innocents" made in 1612. A beautiful work of classic art.....
They're kicking, or should I say, kiking, our ass in getting jews to sell their aborrent garbage and force it into social acceptability.
So now we have milennials who say you are pretentious and hateful if you just don't give a damn about the latest HBO serialization of a trashy fantasy novel
.... and now compare that to this piece of fecal matter from modern "artist" Barnett Newman.
Title: Onement VI
Made: 1953
Sold at a Sothebey's a few years back for 43.3 million dollars.
Jimi Hendrix played the star spangled banner yo.......he understood what this country has gone through. Left/right bleghh true artists are beyond the tape and try to unite both retarded human factions ao we wont blow ourselves to smithereens.
Hey, OP! You see this bed? Is it art?
The Tate Gallery thinks so. The artist was a finalist for the Turner prize, one of Britain's top honours.
Yes, it's rubbish.
Enormous if verified
They are far more inclined to take drugs which helps creativity.
Plus you can hardly become famous then say fuck niggers.
That is real. She put paint filled eggs inside her cunt. Not sure if it was feminist related though, more of a sexual liberation movement thing.
They aren't, people just lick their assholes about it because they're conditioned to take other people's opinions when it comes to the "finer things"
lmao Salvador Dali was a literal fascist
also this, it's why the best of the hippie music sought to transcend politics and just be good art, that anyone with a good ear can appreciate
srsly watch that and listen to jerry soothe your soul
Im conservative and I still do drugs and art fag
People high in openness are likely to be left leaning. Same people are more likely to be creative.
Liberals aren't "better" at art itself, but they are more likely to spend their entire lives dedicating to making it big, whereas conservatives are more likely to get ordinary jobs and raise families.
Pointing out a ridiculous amount of exceptional artists draw pony and are based right-wingers.
Bowie produced his best work as an unironic and open fascist.
its probably a left brain right brain thing, that and jewish control of media institutions leaves conservative artists vulnerable to persecution for expressing their views publicly.
took this photo in Harvard's art museum
Sup Forums is a christian board please don't bring your antisemitism here
Memes is an form of art, and we dominate in that area.
It's about whats being accepted as well, in hollywood there's underground conservative groups, because if they were revealed as conservatives they'd be out of work, essentially, they've taken over the scene and you pretty much have to follow their trail of thought in order to play.
I have to check my one post? what the hell happened to this board?
Real talent doesn't need to be suppressed it just needs to be oversaturated.
Take this guy for example, voice like that and he still has to dress up like a clown and play up a gimmick to get noticed by anyone.
Talent doesn't count for shit if you aren't (((marketable))).
Don't worry, lefties. Your inability to compete won't completely impoverish you. The market lifts up the poor, too. No starvation in capitalist countries. Even the uncreative will do well if we can protect freedom from those who would see it die in enervating handouts.
so never?
I know for a fact that writers DH Lawrence, Evelyn Waugh and others were right wing, and they were titans of English literature.
Only a total fucking retard dedicates himself to being an "artist" in a modern economy. Conservatives get actual jobs.
Pretty much every question about the disparity of employment can be answered this way. If you hang out with guys in finance, you'll realize quickly that while most are disinterested in moral wedge issues, they are all deeply conservative in terms of social hierarchy and economics.
The moral wedge issues business is primarily due to those being invented to appeal to people who don't understand the complex issues of finance. You cannot actually discuss economics with plebs without boiling it down to the point where it's pointless. "Free Shit" is not actually free shit, "Tax Cuts" are not actually tax cuts.
Most people who fancy themselves left-wing would actually scream in horror if they got an economically left-wing society, because they'd actually be the ones to suffer the most.
a lot of artists pretend to be liberal bc it's an obligation if they want a career. A lot of "conservatives in the closet" can be spotted by the way they act on a day to day basis
This. I'm sure that there is a big leaning towards liberal right now, but that has more to do with the current atmosphere that's drawing them in in larger numbers and pushing everyone else away.
The cycle will continue though, I'm sure.
>when art was relevant
Art is always relevant
We just don't dedicate 4 years and 100,000 dollars, thinking we can actually make it as a professional artist. Why? Because Art degrees are the most useless piece of shit in the world and almost everyone is an "artist" these days.
Also because today, REAL art is not sought after.
>not posting peak fashwave
Libfags excel in most of the arts, except storywriting. They always hamfist their bullshit ideologies into literature, movies and games that have true potential
A conservative is rationale, to put large amount's of time into something completely non productive and mostly non financial is not rationale. I mean if we could all pay our bills by putting scribbles on paper we would all be doing it and nothing real would be getting done. However you will find art in trade work in unexpected places (found some beautiful leaf, flower and Celtic knot designs in lead flashing that only other trades will ever see) but the people that do that don't bang on about it as its just something they can do and anyone can do it if they practice, it is not worship worthy.
silicon valley is computer shit and it's liberal
All the discussion of openness vs. conscientiousness and creative vs. analytic talent has some validity. Generally speaking, artists should not be in charge of anything. This should be obvious.
However, artists in different eras held radically different values compared to artists of today. The values of the right also have a spiritual core that can be expressed through art. It's a problem of cultural decline and subversion first and foremost.
Founded by William "Shockley is the name, Eugenics is the game" Shockley.
it's just a culture thing - left-wing ideas happen to be dominant in "artistic" fields, and anything that doesn't conform to that tends to be shat on by that community.
Unsurprisingly, art in the past century-and-a-half has had a history of being anti-capitalistic (because obviously the value of an artistic piece stems from the work the artist put into it, right?), and anti-capitalism is associated heavily with leftism.
People in art school are idiots. Idiots are impressionable.
Impressionable and useful. A deadly combination.
Part of being right wing is the realisation that the real world will always be more interesting and better for you than retreating to made up lands
>why are liberals so much better than conservatives at art?
>at art
Dunno. Why are National Socialists so much better than Progressives at memes?
You are just wrong user
>better at art
Artist is someone who bares their soul. Anyone can do it, you're doing it right now. A lot of it is about breaking boundaries, it's not that right wingers can't do it, it's just like- do you even want to do it?
At any rate there's tons of great artists who are/were right wing or at least anti lefty. Just to name a few-
Aldous Huxley
Bill Burr
Matt/Trey Parker
Ted Nugent
Glen Danzig
Mel Gibson
There's really thousands more but you don't hear about them bc A. To air right wing views in the arts is career suicide. and B. Conservatives don't feel the need to yap about what they are 24/7 like lefties
And let's not forget this guy. Only the fucking King of Rock n Roll, greatest singer that ever came out of the US. As conservative as it gets
>Matt/Trey Parker
Not really true but South Park is underrated.
People forget how consistently funny they are.
I dare you to watch any ep and not laugh, they're masters of making jokes land with great delivery.
They're not. Conservative artists are blacklisted.
Creative thinking manifests itself also in political thought, hence liberalism and the need to come up with new stuff.
Big time