Why do we come here?

Why do we come here?

It is uniquely satisfying to be able to brainstorm and meme without fear of social repercussions

Because it's fun. Why the fuck do you Jews feel so compelled to shit all over mankind?

To feel less alone.
To feel at ease at being yourself.
To talk the truth without fearing repercussions.

To make fun of delusional faggots who believe larpers

Because Sup Forums got boring.

to mock canadians

It was this or play Minecraft.

to rise through the masonic order.

>just to suffer

I come solely for tranny hate threads.

Because there isn't anywhere else left to go, even though this place is kompromised too. At least we're red pilled together as we go down.

Just to suffer

Trying to start a race war.

I have no friends and I love to hate.

comfy response user

To staple faces and conspiracies on top of our own shiftless sense of despair so for a brief moment we might feel as though it isn't actually our fault that our lives are they way they are.

News and luls

For news that isn't fake.

Just to suffer

hey man, I never asked for this
I just wanted to play vidya

to battle the Jew brainwashing

it's addictive. It's called information lottery. It's like going to a goodwill where you regularly find genuine Rolex watches for $5.

Lately good nuggets of info are harder to come-by, though.

This website is kind of unethical in that regard.

Distract me from the never ending emptiness of my life and fill the ever growing void inside of me

Big news stories break here first. I wish I had the balls to look through facebook the night of the Las Vegas shootings and harvest as many photos as possible. I am a big creep and am talented at looking for photos of people buried deep in friend's albums and timelines using a variety of techniques and hacks I have developed over the years. I can dig up a lot of stuff.

If I had done that with Stephen Paddock the night of the shooting I might have done something relevant with my life. I guess I could still try but I'm scared now.

The most feral form of communication. Worldwide even. It's the flea market of information insanity.

>information lottery
That's a new term I hadn't heard before it is appropriate. I did know Sup Forums is addictive and stimulates your dopamine levels like any other kind of social media. I have stayed up til 6 am many times because I was getting (you)s.

to feast upon the fruit of the tree of knowledge...soon to feast upon the tree of life.

Muuuhhh the position of my opponents is ultimately derived from some pathology of self-image or sexuality, high school called they want their insult back

For learning and reassurance that not the entire planet has gone insane.
Sometimes? Smart people say smart things here. Good lucking finding that elsewhere much of the time.
And there's a lot of truth here, with bullshit shill sprinkles. Oh and it's the nerve center. Of the online war.

because leaving my room is hard

>unethical in that regard.
welcome to the abyss, faggot.

4 gazillion retarded ‘Q’ threads suggest otherwise

I'm here for the bitches.

For these.

Because I got banned everywhere else and you guys are funny.

and to checkem

>tfw no white gf

What's the alternative? I mean really? The internet has gotten progressively shittier over the past 10 years. IVchan is no exception but at least I know it well, and it's still fun sometimes.

>it's not that you don't care, it's that nobody else does
made me smile

I literally have nothing else to do with my life.

t. here >12 a day