UC Berkeley students protest in class exams

Students at UC Berkley demand take home exams and that in class exams discriminate against immigrants,.

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>Student of color
>claims to be educated
>chimps out when asked to prove it on a test

Checks out

US Berkley students block white students from class

>Students at UC Berkley demand take home exams

Grass is always greener

Take home exams can a lot be harder than in-class exams

the questions are more challenging and they can often rely on concepts that are out of the scope of the course.

I say do it.

Make those degrees worthless. Meanwhile over here at Boise, I am studying my ass off for 3 exams on tuesday

why are brown girls the most insecure/racist/stupid?

This strikes me as sort of hilariously racist.

"Nigs are too dumb to take a test!"

Every take home exam I ever took was like getting fucked with a cheese grater of unlimited length. Took an advanced chemistry course where we were given the final on day 1 and told to figure it out. What a shit show that turned into.


take home exam. what creature is this i never heard of it.

The hardest tests I ever took outside of PhD quals were take-home final exams.

Then again how hard could a take-home exam in gender studies really be?

>Students at UC Berkley demand that in class exams discriminate against immigrants,.

Thanks for yet another thread of old news.


God beaners are so stupid and ugly. And those are there good traits.

>take home test

It was created so the darkies wouldn't have to watch all the white kids turn in their test with confidence with 20 min left in class.

>Fucking white privilege

Lower IQ



>Be black
>Call white people evil racists
>Openly declare how badly you want to shoot them
>Not an issue
>Be cop
>Get tired of being shot at by nogs on a daily basis simply for trying to uphold the law
>Finally lose it and declare niggers are violent and you'd like to put an end to it
If black lives mattered, blacks would demand we do something about black on black crime.

Is that the same cunt as in this video?

Wow, imagine that. Darkies expecting special treatment because they can't hack it in a class of whites/asians.

I am totally surprised.

Nice butt.

> Educated
> Doesn't want to take exams

....ummmm .... guys... nevermind... just... nevermind

pull out muh 9

IQ damaged due to native admixture

pol btfo!

឴ ឴

Yes! Continue to destroy higher education libfags. Once everything's racist, nothing will be.

Only one question: name evrygender that has a biological reinfocing factor.

Entire class fails

C'mon Bro! That is so uncool... Take home exams are tough, I end up using the instructions on the packet for rolling paper. These are smart dudes, supposedly. THey just don't know how to ride the groovy train and take the easier test in class.

The Teachers work for the man, they will make it harder. Especially when you make them write up a special test.

it never ends

many of them are trying to abolish tests altogether

you remember the gre?

they already reformed it to compress the score distribution. they group problems into sets, each having an easy, medium, and hard problem. the easy problems count for more points in moving up the percentile score, the hard problems adjust the difficulty of the folloing set

think about that for a second, colleague user

the reform test also removed emphasis on crystalied intelligence

>Explain how white cis society has fucked you
>Get a 3,000 page paper
>Entitled The Plight of the Intersectional Negro
>18 pt font double spaced printed out at the library
>No bibliography
>Fake fingernail hotglued to a color pencil for a yad

wow literally 6 month old 'news'.

This shit is old

My take home exams were never hard, but they were annoying because it was like writing a second term paper for no reason.

I always preferred just going in and giving short summaries that showed I actually read the coursework.

The only reason this shitty excuse for an educational platform hasn't imploded is because faggots and lefties keep throwing their money at it first, THEN crying themselves into a stupor.

they have various forms of legal protection

employers in some fields can be sued by the justice department for not hiring college grads