> Do not attend Nov. 4 Rallies
> Antifa will btfo themselves
> Your attendance at these rallies can ONLY HURT our cause
> Shills planting evidence to blame Sup Forums for false flag attempt tomorrow, don't fall for it.
> Phase 2 is DON'T FUCKUP PHASE 1
IOTBW + Nov 4th
Nice concerned troll faggot but I care about my people too much to sit back at home like a coward and let this happen. If the communist Jews win, then it will be people like you who are to blame. Remember if yougo to put a black X on your hand or wrist so that Sup Forumsers can identify each other discreetly.
shut the fuck up and play smart
>Phase 2 is DON'T FUCKUP PHASE 1
Shill detected, reminder to stay home and do not fall for the bait!!
Bro, they are literally fucked. The Bolsheviks did not have to face an armed population, a regulated government, OR a standing military. They have literally no chance. The only way I would have even an ounce of concern is if you happened to live in the downtown area of one of the shit holes they plan on rioting in. Other than that, they are gonna get creamed.
Reminder to all true Sup Forumss
>remain comfy
>meme the normies into action
>do not fight in the streets like an animal
>play with your puppets
>stay comfy my friends, fuel outrage as an user
There's no way for you to go out and for it to be a positive, they'll cry out as they strike you
We must attend the rallies and show antifa and co that we will not sit by idle and watch the country our ancestors built burn the ground at the hands of thuggish and uncoothe behavior.
Rahowa until the day I die
We will soon start production so watch out antifa
kys shill
>Sup Forumsers
I may be the eternal newfag but still.
This a million times. Let them chimp out on their own. Watch from home as they burn down shitty parts of town and even call in reports on people we can id.
Don't be a hero.
Reminder that November 7th is local election day around the country. This is bad optics for the Democrats.
This. Also check local laws. I know for a fact it's illegal to wear a mask out in public in Atlanta. Anybody watching those steams be sure to call in reports to APD if possible.
Bumping for the truth
Go back to
I think Antifa will get shot at by their own. Similar to Ukraine/Euromaidan.
pls turn on your fucking brains I know its hard for you brainlets but pls try. if they really where planning a nation wide protest you would see massive groups of leftist starting to gather weeks in advance. you would see blog posts about it in their shitty wedsites ect ect you none of that. nothing of a large scale will happen tomorrow.
this for fuck sake stay home let them shoot themselves in the foot
This. Its not like ALL the Russian trolls are American.
>got my energy drinks
>got my case of beer
>got my /comfy/ on
What's a CIA nigger?
If no one shows up but antifags then it'll be like the Sam Houston rally in Houston.. no leftists showed up and there was just internal conflict all day between groups. What I really mean is just that everyone was just really mean to the people with Nazi flags and Confederate flags... Then they fought about that... And so forth
I'm not going out. But I usually don't and I don't think anything will happen in LA.
Just google it bro.
Meme flags are gay anyways.
Ah Chewbacca's stunt double
> Your attendance at these rallies can ONLY HURT our cause
that ought to be common sense.
Oh, is that tomorrow? I remember hearing about this months ago. I just assumed it came and went already.
yeah, I'm just gonna go to work. only faggots go to that kind of shit.
RIP trashcans. you provided more to our society, by holding garbage, than any of the people who kick you down tomorrow.
pres F to respect fallen trashcans
I'll come back in a minute with some trash can pics.
I’m new to Sup Forums can I get an explaination if the antifa war thing?
you're gonna need the quicc rundown cia nigger
Bump for being one of the few intelligent people in this shit hole
>Sup Forumsers
kek jesus christ bro i hope they dont pay you to shill
>> Shills planting evidence to blame Sup Forums for false flag attempt tomorrow, don't fall for it.
That is exactly the reason to attend and record every fucking thing.
stay home let antifags chimp out and burn shit if they will you can only come on top better yet if they do some collateral damage or fight with cops
I'm watching UFC today, GSP is back and he's fighting Bisbing.
Got my Ak, 7 magazines
Why the fuck would you go to an antifa rally??
Police already decided they want to deal with it, so let them unless you want to be arrested
Remember, fake and gay goes in every field.