>Claim Islam is degenerate
>even though it prohibits drinking, gambling, sodomy, adultery, and usury
>even though it supports upholding the traditional family unit and institutes charity in the form of taxation
Explain yourselves.
>Claim Islam is degenerate
>even though it prohibits drinking, gambling, sodomy, adultery, and usury
>even though it supports upholding the traditional family unit and institutes charity in the form of taxation
Explain yourselves.
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The only way to heaven is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Islam says he is not.
Thus Islam is heresy.
>fucking kids isnt degenerate
shoo shoo, pedo
>forgives all those things it prohibits as long as you're a martyr for mohamm*d
yeah not even once
>bans research of robot waifus
>bans research.
we jews might be horrible but at least we love technology that isn't explosive
Depends on your definition of degenerate. Islam is a fucking cancer that is holding humanity back with it's neanderthal ideology, That's why I think it's degenerate.
submit or die... tolerant..
mohammed is a pedo and fucks goat.
May piss be upon him
Shills on here trying to create a divide between Muslims, Christians and Pagans. No one who isn't a cuckservative faggot has a problem with religious Muslims in their own countries.
They fuck kids and they stink.
muslims are degenerate
islam is a heathen faith
Because fuck you, If I want to drink and gamble you shouldn't be able to stop me.
So does Mormonism, plus, Mormons are white.
Mormons and Muslims both have an extremely redpilled theology.
>2000 years later
>still believing Paul's fanfiction
not necessarily
Not saying I don't beleive you, but give me a source ya yehud
It's not tolerant...of degeneracy
typical aussie degenerate
muslims =/= islam
And islam is not heathen.
You muslims are pedophiles.
primitive tribal culture =/= islamic doctrine
The most degenerate thing is to reject glorious pork. Behead those that insult bacon.
Don't you have some little boys to rape Mohammed?
what they consider to be the "perfect human" fucked a 9 year old
>Vision of heavan is a place where you can engage in your most base and crude desires for eternity, claims it isn't
>Founded by a warlord and parttime highwayman
Allah = SATAN
Pork is unhealthy for human consumption
Nah. Don't you have some emus to pay tribute to or abos to run over?
She was actually like 12 when they consummated iirc. And there is nothing in any major religion that says that sort of thing is taboo.
>modern western society
>not degenerate
Kaffir, pls
>No teaching against contraception
>birthrates plummeting in places like Iran
You claim Islam is not degenerate. If you die a martyr you go to heaven with 72 virgins, a literal virtual brothel. No degeneracy at all.
Islam is a gang, there are some ideas that it's bad to do this and that, blah blah blah, nobody really gives a fuck about that it's about control
Mohammed (PBUH) is the real Prophet.
Jesus Christ was "a" prophet, just not the real one.
Also he was a jew.
close the door when going back to whatever desert you came from, ahmed
>>modern western society
>>not degenerate
Whoms'tve are you quoting?
>>even though it supports upholding the traditional family unit
Quranist here, you have no absolutely clue. Quran support whether you want to life like celeb or traditional family or being loner, whole responsible thing you do is gave them house or food.
Christianity is a religion of betas. The cuckold mindset encapsulated. Not saying Islam is the way, but Christianity is bluepiller
>behave yourself in this life, get good stuff in the next
nothing degenerate about it. Certainly doesn't support brothels in this dunya
It's about devotion to God above all else
Islam is by force. Christianity outlines the path but you have the free will to choose.
>inb4 free will doesn’t exist
Matthew 5:39
"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also
Proverbs 17:5
He who mocks the poor taunts his Maker; He who rejoices at calamity will not go unpunished.
Proverbs 25:21
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
1 Corinthians 6:7
The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you are thoroughly defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?
Matthew 5:40
if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as w
Are you a faggot or something? 72 virgins
.VIRGINS created for you as a reward and you would complain? Did God not create these desires for women in men? So why can women be one of the many rewards in Paradise?
Islam is an ideology fit only for slaves. Bowing down in docile supplication to their masters.
Its pathetic.
I really wouldn't care if you guys didn't push it on people, but you do, so fuck you.
>not wanting afterlife virgins
Ameen brother ''kill the jews wherever you find them, their spilled blood makes Allah happy'' -Hajj grand mufti Amin al Husseini of Jerusalem
Claim Christ was not resurrected because lying murdering thieving got bandit founded murderous satanic moon worship cult .
>muh crusade n shieet
there will never be a new crusade kiddo
Quranist, what does that mean? That you follow only Quran? Doesnt Allah command the believers to follow the example of His prophet aswell? Aka Sunnah/ahadith?
How many times are you going to post this thread
You all fuck your cousins and smell like shit.
Fuck Islam and fuck all Muslims
Everyone's a slave to something. All too easy to take your own vain desires as your god in the delusion that it's being free.
We serve the only one worthy of worship.
Man might've meant well, but I don't agree with what he did.
You can only poke whitey for so long
>there will never be a new crusade kiddo
lol ok
"earth is flat"
Idiots produce more idiots
egdelords, your autistic magic powers will never make a new crusade
Don't reply to me with all this retarded bible shit you sand nigger
All the arabs at my school seem like they would be homosexuals if islam didnt forbid them from being so
It's fascism and eliminates free will and is also an imposing system of government. Nothing that exists is inherently evil and should be prohibited. For example I personally abstain from alcohol but don't think everyone should. Also Islam doesn't prohibit adultery, they can have multiple wives.
It essentially copied he good from Christianity but without a messiah and added a ton of other fucked up sht
There is literally nothing wrong with a strong, centralized government, Jesus is the messiah in Islam, and polygamy isn't adultery
>Nothing that exists is inherently evil and should be prohibited
>Being this liberal
“And there shall wait on them [the Muslim men] young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.”
Hadith Number 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter Title: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan”:
“I saw the prophet – pbuh – sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)
He (the Prophet) lift up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis..”
روى أنه صلى الله عليه و سلم قبل زبيبة الحسن أو الحسين
He (the prophet) kissed the (little) penis of al Hassan or al Husein
رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
He (the prophet) put Husein’s legs apart and kissed his (little) penis
Another Hadith. Majma al-Zawa’id, Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, 299/9 مجمع الزوائد لعلي بن أبى بكر الهيثمي
رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
رواه الطبراني و إسناده حسن
translated into English: “I saw the Messenger of Allah pbuh putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his (little) penis.”
Related by Al-Tabarani and it’s authentication is fully validated by Islamic scholars.
Hussein and Hassan is not the same name, so clearly this is of two accounts and he kissed more than one penis.
Narrated Anas: Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterized, till they die. Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 794.
>Pork is unhealthy for human consumption
OK, so basically you admit to having a 6th century mindset. Islam is perfect for you.
eeeew mohammed is a child penis kisser.
fake hadith
>thieving lying two-faced murderers shouldn't be punished
Have you tried not eating pork for a long while? When you go without it for an extended period of time and suddenly eat some again how do you feel?
your greatest ally has been sowing chaos there since WWII, with your help, and that radicalized them. you got a taste of the shit they've been put through since that time in 9/11. moozies were controlling their clay without causing major problems for Europe and the rest of the world for some hundred years but your nosy masters had to go nuts with their satanic agenda and created that chaos in middle east. then the nosy bastards went on a mission to destroy Christianity in Europe and opened its gates for the bloodlusty moozies. what happens now is the international jewry destroys both worlds by colliding them. dumb reactionaries watch it happening and go full anti-moozie, some of them posting here for example. whoever think the moozies are the problem are sorely mistaken. Moozies honor both Jesus and Mary, and believe in His second coming and the Judgement Day, while "your greatest ally" mocks Jesus and calls Mary a prostitute. so my friend to conclude, focus on the jews, never lose sight of them
>New testament written more than 600 years ago
>come hurka durka muhhammad
>literally copies most of it, install a bit of his own tribal rapist bullshit
Islam was truly founded on the stupidity of it's subjects.
Islam is fucked. A garbage philosophy for intellectual child and their fragile little minds.
>Pork is unhealthy for human consumption
Try cooking it first you fucking moron.
Nobody gives a fuck...nobody at all. The bottom line is muslim countries are fucking shitholes full of inbreds with birth defects. I don't want the fuckers any where near me.
Is it just me or that guy's face looks completely Pepe-like?
>Literally obligated to destroy what we have built for our next generations to remember us by.
>even though it supports upholding the traditional family unit
And fucking goats
And burning people alive for sorcery
And that Mohammed split the moon half with his sword and that he put it back together
And that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
You know, degenerate and retarded shit. Basically medieval Catholicism with the added bullshit of goatfucking.
>Have you tried not eating pork for a long while? When you go without it for an extended period of time and suddenly eat some again how do you feel?
The same way you feel about eating anything else you haven't eaten for an extended period of time, you god damn moron. Of course meat requires more time and energy for your body to digest, but it also gives you a lot of protein and a number of vital nutrients you can't possibly get from eating your little soy testicles.
such as synthesizing drugs
>with proof from an Islamic "scholar"
>unironically using a jew funded station whose purpose is to slander arabs and praise jews as evidence
Well which is it Ahmed?
Does the Sun revolve around the Earth or does the Earth revolve around the Sun?
Remember, Allah is watching you!
Quran is not a copy, it's the true message in it's purest form
raw, rare or cooked, it is still filth
Islam says none of those things and some wackjob so called shiekh with a lack of understanding of basic physics doesn't change that
Get on social media and red pill normies on the reality of Hollywood:
Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.
Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:
Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.
Exposing Playboy - Social Media:
Tumblr (For feminist rage)
Make sure to comment on Playboy Magazine Twitter posts about their history with CP:
this is saudi arabic scholar. jews never forced him to say that. they just like to expose how stupid muslims are. dont need actors for that.
you know the answer you retard
Stop reading wiki islam
It's fucking memri
It was started by an isreali to slander arabs. That's literally a fact
I want a bigg tiddy wife and 12 children but how am i gonna pay for it?
>islam isn't degenera~
the bible has proven to have lines that are forgery.
lets stop this meme
Islam and Conservatism are equally degenerate and cuck in nature.
>Quoting Matthew
You should know quoting matthew is the worst thing you can do right?
It's not Christianity. Therefore it's degenerate. Check mate, faggot.
Isam isn't totally degenerate, it's just a false religion, like mormonism or sihkism. They can't recognize the divine light of Christ because their minds and hearts are dim. So they bow to a pagan rock in Saudi Arabia instead.
Also pedophilia, polygamy, killing apostates and easy divorce are degenerate. Circumcision is also useless now.
Because it makes each individual supreme judge, and beckons them to violently carry out their judgements on their fellow man.
God is the only Judge and you are only the master of your own soul.
A religion which tells each man he has the right and authority to take the lives of others as he sees fit, is degenerate.
>even though it prohibits drinking, sodomy, adultery
>even though it supports upholding the traditional family unit
Islam is cancer equal to communism
>they can't recognise the divine light of christ
Men aren't gods you filthy heretic
>they bow to a pagan rock
And you bow to a pagam stick
Fake and gay accusation. Most muslim countries have their age of marriage (marriage not consent) at 18
Only allowed if you can love all wives equally and if you have the ability to support all. Rarely in our time do you see a muslim having more than 1 wife but the option is there.
>killing apostates
and what happens when he tells someone about it? He gets slayed?
No, obviously not.
He is offered a space for discussion with adequate scholars and time to research the issues that are bothering him.
Obviously, one who publicly slanders Islamic holy figures and other things deemed sacred by the population is punished accordingly.
This lengthy publication by Muslim professor J. Brown explains the Hadd of Ridda.
If you’re genuinely interested, take a look. yaqeeninstitute.org
>the circumcision meme
Stay mad christcuck
Only God can judge one's soul, but tell me where it says men cannot judge others by their actions.
How so?
Because blowing up and murdering anyone like them is a part of their damn agenda.
Family values? Give me a break. Women have almost zero rights, men can fuck as many women as they want, even in they're underage. Fuck Islam. Muslims need to convert to another religion and fast because this hate isn't dying down anytime soon.
PS I'm not even a white Christian.
>even though it supports upholding the traditional family unit and institutes charity in the form of taxation
Traditional families don't marry cousins and consummate marriages at 9.
She was 9.
Stop using Taqiyya.
>blowing up
Suicide means instant hell
A murderer is punished by death in islam
>women have zero rights
Whatakes you think so? Is it because we dont let them go around naked in the streets fucking whoever they want
>men can fuck as many women as they want
Fornication is punishable by lashing and adultry by death
>muslims need to convert