It's okay to be Somali
She needs to be colonized
fuck somalians, dumb as shit - from mn
I used to bang a Yemeni girl that looked like that. Missin that ass right now tbqh
If you're in Somalia, sure.
she was, by arabs
Damn straight :)
>hottest chick somali has ever produced
>still looks like a starving ethopian child
No it's not.
This is not okay
It's okay to be Somali as long as you're in Somalia
Sure, in Somalia.
Ooga booga nigga nigga
in somalia
She is saying Finland is a nice country.
isnt that the country were pirates come from or is it Sudan?
Somalis are the niggers of niggers.
just dont give them a police badge or they keys to your immigration office and theyre fine.
tfw no qt somali MN state senator
No, is not, fucking nigger.
Yes if they are in Somalia.
Who is this
No, it's really not
How the fuck are we the niggers of anything when we arent even black?
Our phenotype, language, religion, dna, are all non negroid.
We even used to enslave niggers. This niggers of niggers claim needs to stop, we are literally the most anti nigger people in africa.
>literally the most unaesthetic people on earth
>tfw no somali qt to go on pirate raids with