Crapitalists will defend this

>crapitalists will defend this

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at least I got food.

Because 56%=most

as if communists got anything, ever

No socialist has $500

Stop buying cable TV you complete faggots

Most Americans have iPhones hurrrrr I wonder why they don't have $500 in savings

I'm a complete and utter failure at life.
I still live with my parents
I spend all my spare money one anime blurays.
A fin literally cucked me.
And I still have enough money to grab an sks and go innawoods. It would take a sub-subhuman to be unable to provide for their family in an emergency.

Well most americans are black so that explains that

WTF most Americans must be retarded.

I have guns worth thousands of dollars

I am prepared for any emergency

>Well most americans are black so that explains that


Damn! A communist who reads Forbes!
What's your connection with Greece?

gotta have money to buy dem apple products and snapback caps my nigga

>In the majority of instances
56% is a majority
t. brainlet

Stupid nigger

I think KKE is the only non-cucked party on earth except for the Naxals in India and the NPA in the Phillipines

That used to be me. Still sitting on my 2 bitcoins two years later. There's no knowing that wallet is American. Please tell me I was the spoiled son of a farmer so I can caste my luck to outside influence or corruption.

>I think KKE is the only non-cucked party on earth except for the Naxals in India and the NPA in the Phillipines

Commies are the biggest cucks and Nikos Boyiopoulos is one of them.

socialist bullshit ruins economy, then blames economy, please die

As a capitalist I do defend this because if people are stupid enough not to prepare for the unforeseen then they should get what is coming to them.

>emergency fund
Such bourgeois thinking should not be coming from enlightened proletarians like yourself comrade. Only the Party needs emergency funds, everyone else can live off enlightened truths of real Communism.

It's not capitalism, it's the fact our society drastically changed from saving to consuming every shiny thing during the 1960s.

Don't click, post the archive faggot.

It’s almost like turning the currency into a bullshit Jewish lie would effect people.

yes get off your ass and work.

I'm an unemployed NEET, and I'd be able to cover a $500 emergency. You have to be retarded to not know how to plan for the future. These people should cancel their Netflix subscriptions and stop wasting money on wine if they're that broke.

Its the same here, yet everyone has a new car, new phone, big screen tv etc.

Stupid cunts don't know how to spend save money. Turns around and blame capitalism

Spending all your money instead of saving happens because of their culture, not because of the economic system.

He could have saved us. He warned about this.

>In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose.

>get taxed for everything to pay for diversity
>central bank inflating all the money
>insurance scam mandated raising all prices
>retirement pyramid scheme mandated sucking up your nestegg
>regulations and corporate tax rate incentivizing all business to move overseas
>can't run your own business unless you have five lawyers and a million dollars

Yeah man sure looks like free market capitalism

Because they're terrible with money.

>being this shitty at money management
unless you are literally living from paycheck to paycheck, there is no excuse

>not having $500
Whose fault is that?

>he can't save $500

Instead, get a netflix and pornhub account.

Army is more important. The US has to protect themselves from literally nothing so they must spend most of their cash on military

>be retarded with money
>blame everyone and everything else

wow it's fucking nothing

Those poor poor americans!

And yet they have cell phones, big screen TVs, and $200 sneakers. That is why they don’t have $500 for an emergency.

The richest motherufuckers in Greece are communists. Greeks calling the communist party as "the party of the Gold". Im 33yo and i never met a poor communist.
This is the leader of KKE (Dimitris Koutsoumpas) with a 30k $$$ Rolex

we don't need to protect ourselves from anything because we spend so much on our military

With 30k you can buy one apartment in central Athens.

You wouldn't need to protect yourself from anybody if you spent 5% of what you spend now.

Your shithole pathetic excuse for a country overspends on military, and you probably think Russia wants to invade Europe

Also the fact that it is the 21st centure and the only cause of global conflict in the past 50 years was USA (Israel)


Americans are horrible in history.
Russia saved Europe from the lunatics and stabilize the region.
They could have overtake Europe when they defeat Napoleon, but they didn't. They actually create Switzerland and liberate France Austria Bavaria etc.

The only cause of world peace was the US.

World Hierarchy of strength > Balance of power

The latter caused 2 world wars. Now power has to be taken away from Europe as they can't use it responsibly.

And it was our nuclear umbrella that kept Western Europe safe from another war for over 40 years, our money that rebuilt most of the same, and it was mostly our military hardware that was on the TO&Es of the Western European powers (except Britain) for a decade after the war.

And by the way, it was because of us that there hasn't been a global conflict since 1945.

So, fuck off.


>creating der schweiz
>implying America did anything remotely wrong
It's news to me but if that's your criticism in addition to thinking Russia was a saviour you deserve every meme you get.

I bet you are one of those cunts that thinks the U.S.S.R. won World War II on their own.

>I bet you are one of those cunts that thinks the U.S.S.R. won World War II on their own.

Im not a communist, USSR was a real threat for Europe.

aw the mom and kid are sad :(

Europe always attacking Russia.

Most people in America are literally living paycheck to paycheck.


Get on social media and red pill normies on the reality of Hollywood:

Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.

Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:

Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.

Exposing Playboy - Social Media:

Tumblr (For feminist rage)


Make sure to comment on Playboy Magazine Twitter posts about their history with CP:

Because you have appealed to my sense of empathy, I am now prepared to discard all of my held beliefs in the pursuit of improving comfort at the expense of liberty

wtf I love communism now

What is savings?
I have a line of credit with my mortgage.
I have investments for retirement.
I literally have no savings because it would increase my debt and increase my mortgage repayments.

>not even having $500 in savings

There's really no excuse, just people being stupid with their money.

Not really too surprising either when interest rates are artificially held down (by the government, mind you, not the private sector). Why would anybody leave their money in a savings account when they'd only earning a whopping 0.25% interest on it? The monetary system is intentionally designed to discourage savings, and instead to encourage spending/borrowing to "stimulate" the economy. Has been like this for decades.

Oh yes. Banks totally don't give the amerifats a free 10 k $ to borrow without checking wether or not they'll be able to pay it back.

Yawn. Is this supposed to some kind of revelation?

Rich and powerful people have always been allowed to do things the rest of the population can't.

Suck a fat dick nigger.

>It's stupid to buy commodities with your money instead of saving it, even though consumerism encourages people to constantly acquire more material goods
Damn. It's almost like capitalism is contradictory and will inevitably fall apart

MFW retarded communists who can't name a single commie country they'd want to live in think not having $500 lying around is terrible because they're judging it by the standards of hardworking white capitalists

If you're an illegal immigrant you get free healthcare.

I would literally, unironically give my left net to live in North Korea. Sadly, they don't accept any immigrants under any circumstances.

well you dont need 500 dollars for an emergency, if you are already dead by famine

left nut*

I'm making $11.00/hour working for the collections department at a major Telco company. Almost bottom-of-the-barrel wages. I still have 5k saved in case I need it. Working a shit job and dealing with the sorts of people who talk to a collections department, I know that most people are just dumb as shit with their money. I spend all day talking to people (overwhelmingly blacks and mexicans) who are signed up for premium cable television/Internet/cell phone service and who have trouble scrounging up the $150.00/month they need to pay their bill. They have the latest smartphone, they have 200 channels including all the premiums, they have blazing fast Internet connections, and they call in all day with sob stories about not having the money to pay their bill this month.

This isn't capitalism's fault. These people are morons who spend money they don't have. And yeah, they're mostly non-whites. There's a reason all their countries are poor as shit. Their people are bad with money, generally because they're stupid.

Saving money is something white people do. We came from cold climates where you either save for the winter or you die. People who came from places where you can pick food from the trees year round just don't have the instinct for it. Again, the problem isn't guns or capitalism or education: it's non-whites living in a white society and not being cut out for it.

>it's non-whites living in a white society and not being cut out for it.
But the poorest region of America is Appalachia - which is 90% white. How does that fit in to your narrative?

What does the ability to save money have anything to do with it? I make very little money and have lots of bills yet I manage my money well enough that I'm never without anything I need and I still have thousand saved up in Investments. However if that article is referring to cash then anybody who's holding on to cash is a fucking moron so that gives me hope for all of America.

Americans aren't white, most of them have injun or nigger blood

check out the crime rates in Appalachia compared to black areas, commie. Suddenly, the narrative about blacks turning everywhere they congregate into Mogadishu because muh poverty collapses. You've fallen into my Xanatos Gambit.

btw, most of those hillbillies are way better prepared for shit hitting the fan than you are. Every time a natural disaster happens, those communities pull together and thrive. That's the genetic inheritance of the survivors of the ice age.

I never said anything about crime rates dotard

Do you know what "dotard" means or are you aping John Oliver or something? Doesn't matter what you mentioned: I know where you stand on every issue. You're not a group known for independent thinking.

Most Americans have debt and the interest rate on a savings account might as well be negative, what do you expect?

The main focus of your finances being toys and fast-deprecating assets that give you a slight status bump indicates you are pretty stupid with money, but it also suggests it's been a while since you've had a real brush with scarcity.
