Nov 4

So where is everyone going when Sup Forums gets shut down? Where can we stay online?

Why would this place shut down? You can't just hire shills to post shit and pretend it's regular users then hire NPC degenerates to pretend to be us in real life. That's fucking retarded.


> Phase 2 is DON'T FUCKUP PHASE 1


this place will never shut down. as if the ptb would want this cancer to spread to normie intrawebs.


Why would it get shut down?

Messages boards. We will infiltrate message boards all across the net. If the normies won't let us have our fun, we'll bring the fun to them. A Hitler on every website, and Rockwell on every forum.

>turbokike thread
>wants to find out where we will go
not telling you shit

Everyone spread the word not to show up to Nov 4 rallies

We can MAGA with the kind folks over at the_donald.

Watch New York City in particular VERY closely over the next twenty-four hours.
Do NOT go out yourself.
If I explained further I would be targeted.
This is my only warning.


Sup Forums are watchers and this is the habbenings spot

worry about those brave souls knocking over garbage cans and shrieking at cops tonight

When was it shut down?

If all else fails, and there is nowhere to turn, and there is a Happening of Happenings, start carrying the card. The old guard knows of what I speak. Normies and antifa won't recognize it for what it is. It won't guarantee your safety, but it will guarantee you 30 seconds to properly identify yourself. Carry the card.


Do we have backup site?

>t.12 yo edgy troll

Why would this place shut down? There'd be Sup Forums refugees all over the site and others that nobody wants.
Can't commit genocide on people on the internet either.

This place is is going to be shut down for the last 13 years.
Ignore it.

Screencap it. Look at it again in thirty hours to shit bricks, preferably in a loo.

>Hitler on every website, and Rockwell on every forum
is this really the only site you visit? because those things already exist.

8ch, end ch, etc. There's lots of other chan sites, I'm sure we can pick one and shit all over it in a matter of hours.




>is place will never shut down. as if the ptb would want this cancer to spread to normie intrawebs.

This. Its containment 101

See this is the problem,

Don't get scattered into the wind brothers.

RCP used be funded with bags of cash from the Chinese embassy. Wonder if the norks pay them with forged dollahs>


shopping, i live in indiana and 2 hours away from Indianapolis so even if antifa has the balls to show up ina red state i'm far away and up wind from them.

Hiddler is here :D :D

I'll just describe the card. I'll be ok, w won't I user?

show your proofs fag

>having any usable intel

I'm in New York, user. Can you tell me more? I live right where the antifa protest is going down

I'm getting so sleepy. I think we should all hit the hay and get up later and see what happened.

>Can you tell me more?
No. If you do decide to go out, be very cautious, have an escape route or something.

roof korean that shit

8/pol/ sucks tho

it isn't an acceptable replacement for the free speech we enjoy on Sup Forums

There was a failsafe established back in the very early days of Sup Forums, so that >we could recognize one another in the event of a final Happening. It's very simple.

Lurk more.

UN fag is full of shit.
you can tell who's who just by how we speak and act.

Eat a dick you double nigger. I know what the card is.


You could talk to your mom?

I wish you the best then.

hold on tight bitches we are all going to hell.


>1 post by this ID
hi newfag

Probably 8 chang. Either that or some fag here will make a new board we can migrate to

Go shove a club up your ass you screaming faggot.

Theres only one card...

Anyhow if Sup Forums goes to shit just go to other chans. If they all go to shit theres a big chance it will be to radioactive to go outside anyway.