Whoopi Goldberg had 7 abortions by the time she was 25 years old.(en.wikipedia.org
Should this be allowed??
Whoopi Goldberg had 7 abortions by the time she was 25 years old.(en.wikipedia.org
Should this be allowed??
Isn't that typical for an African?
For Sister Act? You bet your fucking ass it was.
This explains alot.
Was the 7th one free?
The surprising part is that she was fucked at least 7 times by 25.
Bitch was uglier back then, than she is now.
7 abortions is pretty bad, but no where near as bad as 7 fatherless niglets
hello Santa
Do you wish Whoopi Goldberg had 7 children instead? Does the world need 7 more Whoopi Goldbergs? Did we lose anything of value?
Is her nickname "Whoopsie" Goldberg?
Black society is failing.
Based Whoopi Goldberg knows the world doesn't need any more Whoopi Goldbergs.
I'm against abortion but... she's a nigger. Just imagine all the niggers that won't come to this world thanks to her. Millions.
She is literally hitler. In the good sense.
Prevented more crime single-handedly then Sup Forums
For stupid niggers like her it should be encouraged and subsidized.
Imagine having sex with her without a condom. Now imagine seven guys doing that.
just think..Whoopi Goldberg is some kike's type
What do you call a black woman having abortions? a future crime stopper. 1 less nigger 1 less problem
There should be mandatory sterilization after the second.
One of them was with a coat hanger when she was 14, sounds like “Jew skin lamp shade” bs
I thought she was gay?
I've always wondered how that was even possible. Do they untangle it and try to poke it up the cervix to pop the placenta or something? Think about it.
Saint Nick is correct. It said she gave herself an abortion at the age of 14 with a coat hanger.
I'm more surprised that Africans put their bohos on clothes hangers.
well these 7 kids dodged the bullet or so it seems
No, seriously, see This is 6 gorillion level shit.
She did the right thing
Can you imagine banging that?
>Should this be allowed??
Not only allowed but encouraged. The less turds the better world.
>For every 1,000 live births, non-Hispanic Black women had 420 abortions.
>Non-Hispanic White women had 121 abortions /1,000 live births.
>Whoopi Goldberg
She has a kike soul, nothing to see here.
35.6% of all abortions in the U.S. are performed on Black women, however, Black women make up only about 13% of the female population.
Niggers suck ass. I don't want to be around them or know them.
t. black white person
Despite what popular media has told you, and despite wikipedia specifically insisting that its not a myth, coat hangar abortions arent a thing, she is lying. She'd have torn apart her insides long before managing to get it through the cervix because the end is fucking sharp
7 people were able to get erections over this thing ?
>7 less niggers in this country
Allowed? It should be mandatory for them.
Exactly the point I was trying to make. You can't coathanger abortion. It's nearly impossible. A good solid punch to the belly is how niggers abort without a doctor.
Exactly what I have been saying. Me and every woman I have ever known has had multiples. Now females can take a pill and do it. I knew a professional woman who used the morning after pill as her only birth control.
Don't hold women as the fairer sex. We have massacred generations.
Pussy hats should have been adorned with their kills.
Brown people like Filipinos shouldn't be racist to people with similar stereotypes to themselves.
niggers should not breed and have kids growing up without fathers
abortion should be illegal
which one?
>Should this be allowed??
YES ! Why would you want more niglets running around ?!
I can only imagine her virome. Unprotected sex is a nightmare.
>abortion should be illegal for white people
This one.
Santa is on his own naughty list.
I had those elves make me a Switch, so I'm good. Whatchu want nigga?
Who wants to have sex with that mophead?
And I know white girls who can't get pregnant after one abortion.
Fucking niggers are like cockroaches.
How can she get pregnant if shes a bull dyke
A thousoud commie scalps out of the questions? A little red christmas impailed on my front lawn with a 10/10 aryan qt3.14 on My arm?
I’m surprised anyone would even fuck this monkey.
Abortion is one of those funny topics. It is like a circle. Closer you get to the left and right you accept or even love it. This is a case where I am disgusted by that many dead kids, but whatever they were hers, so.
Nigs gonna nog.
so, mixed 50/50?
>Should this be allowed??
She's jewish so yes.
Whoopi even recorded one of the abortions.
for niggers of course, though I find it personally morally abhorrent
>someone did her at least 7 times
Mother of fuck, literally why?
>Should this be allowed??
You think a larger nigger population is a good thing? It's the only form of eugenics we have left.
That shit is hilarious! Just casually aborting fetuses.
I'll do what I can user.
I'll make an exception for whoopi
She also aborted her eyebrows.
>nigger jew
should be enforced.
how does she not feel empty when she sees another child.
Goldberg is her stage name.
Abortions for negroes should be encouraged. I'm glad she did it.
Her body fills with blood lust.
I really don't understand what goes through these women' minds. I don't have kids and I still like other people's kids.
To each their own, in this case seems appropriate.
Less Nigs I guess
Yes that is 7 less niggers popping out babies in the
lmao this is by far one of the best SHITTED edits i've seen
She's been scraped more than a skillet at Denny's.
going to show this to my pregnant gf just for maximum keks
Who the fuck wanted to fuck Whoopi fucking Goldberg? How desperate do you have to be?
I don't want to pay for retarded children.
>Women shouldn't have abortions
>Whoopi Goldberg should be able to produce 7 offspring in the first 7 years of her legal sex life
Pick one :)
Good, noone want that thing in the gene pool
Whoopi Goldberg is a 7.5/10 in America.
Somebody came inside of her?
Thank fuck for that
I couldn’t give less of a shit. That’s her weight to carry
Why wouldn’t anybody want shitty people to have more shitty kids?
>7 fatherless niglets
Also known as "A Crimewave of Niglets".
If you are too stupid to figure out birth control then abortion, is the only option. Definitely not a poster child for Planned Parenthood
devil incarnate
wew lad
the pill is that expensive in the USA?
That's a fucking lie.
>she has never been fucked 7 times
I'm dreaming of a white christmas
What if there is a white woman raped by a nigger
Spoiled goods, burn the thot