Why is it so successful? Why do Asian women love White men?
Why is the White Male/Asian Female pairing so successful?
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The Asian assumes the female role.
Oh look another race bait shit thread.
This. White women are so fucked. Unless you meet a country girl when she's young and marry her, you're left with pretty much nothing but asians.
real successful
asian girl marries up
white guy gets feminine exotic wife who appreciates/respects her mate bc he's above her
Looks like a hapa male who had to date Asian women because nobody else wanted him.
It's not- especially when kids are involved.
why is he wearing nigger pants and shoes? looks fucking retarded. guy probably has a little dicklike most niggers and is trying to overcompensate. the lack of bulge in his tight pants is problemantic (for him)
White men are looking for someone feminine, Asian women fill that role.
Asian women are looking for someone masculine, white men fill that role.
go away
>implying that that guy is white
that guy is a faggot! WTF is he THINKING!!!
The average white dick fills the tiny pussy cavity snugly - perfectly assuaging the egos of both participants.
the relationship might be, but the offspring wont be
wanna hit u with a trowel
Because it's being heavily promoted in entertainment and advertising.
>tfw no asian gf
And i knew a 11 yo qt asian when i was 15.
She's a truck now.
Real gooks are raised to be loyal no matter what
Westernized gooks will leave youe fat ass all the same
I'm not liking his outfit. I find the bottom part is just wrong, plus those shoes are not adequate for being in the snow. I'm Mexican-American and hate snow, I have enough logic to see that. Freaking guy is not white, the White Man has a natural affinity to snow. What am I seeing? Bad Fashion because he is ill-prepared for the environment.
It's simple, White guys are the most attractive race so they match well with any race of female. That's why there's so much cuck porn on here, Black guys are the ugliest males on the planet and white women/asian women are the best looking females on the planet. People find it entertaining to see opposites go at it.
ROFL imagine being this retarded
Add a little white because white people are already mixed. I think they call it hybrid vigor in Selective Breeding
...and then the baby looked like a nigger.
Boy looks like a hapa. Not even white
Gotta hand it to him, she's at least pretty and not some ugly jungle gook.
Because Asian men are not very masculine. Women try to marry up. Now the question is, if she's marrying up, why are you marrying down?
Moonshine is a strong beverage, that brings out the hate in all. Which gets translated to shitposting
She looks like a really hapa roastie
>white women are the best looking females on the plane
Come on, really?
I believe the asian part.
>posts half-jew
SAGE and reported
the average american gook woman is a hardcore gold digger.
anytime you see a beta as fuck white man and a pretty gookette, you know he's getting fleeced, and possibly cucked. gook woman are not capable of feelings, empathy, sympathy, love, etc. they only care about material possessions, fancy dinner dates, trips around the world, the newest automobile, louis vuitton bags, etc
but she is a jungle gook, except her face is caked in makeup which makes her look not like a jungle monkey
>Dated white and Asian women in the past.
White women i feel are always "keeping their options open", dont want to commit, and like having harems of men talking to them online.
Its impossible to connect when they wont shut up about "Random shit head on FB"
Asian women commit the moment you show any attraction. When they are with you the phone is away and they keen to do things.
Also the sex comes naturally. With white girls sometimes i feel as if they are using it as a way to control you.
That's not white
Fuck off Jew. Stop disrespecting us.
>not knowing what a saxon looks like
Is he "white"?
Race mixing is degenerate and produces non white kids. The whole world wishes they were white, don't have kids with them out of laziness. Improve yourself and marry white
Is father is English
There is something so retarded about "there is no upgrade", almost like relationships are just an ISP plan
Do white men have a thing for jungle asian women?
I would love to impregnate some, just for lulz
That guy is not white OP
im hapa, this shit doesn't work
Thats why you have so many halflings brothers.
we all know everyone in here would fill that little asians hole if they had the opportunity. Asian women are subservient and more conservative than most white women in the US sadly.
yea I do
>Why do Asian women love White men?
preeetty sure it's the other way round user
>asian women
>having an ass
actor from the Philippines.
this, deshita. but it only works if the asian woman is from east asia. asian women from the west are just as garbage western white women.
The same reason black male/white female are so successful. Women take pity on lesser races.
Asian women are loyal.
White women are anything but.
Assyrian male.
I can't understand why Sup Forums shit on white women.
White women majority voted for Trump. Yes, it was only marginal, but 53/47 is on a scale of millions.
Good answer.
>new york sweats
>dressed like a chicano nigger
Those were older women, our mothers and such, not the current dating pool
This all the way.
Chink detected. You fags couldn't even figure out how to use gunpowder. You're a bunch of collectivists who are good for nothing besides bowing before your betters whether it be an emperor or white men.
All white men agree that cucking Chang is fun. We don't want to have kids with your women though, we just like to fuck them for fun before we get a white woman.
A breed of rl wojaks.
White women have betrayed white men
I'm white, woke, and have an asian gf. If anyone has questions I can answer.
Anyone who says “because they are feminine” has never dated an Asian. Asian women are all about control and grabbing as much power as they can.
also this, in fact i'd say westernized asians are even worse because they cling harder to western "culture" as they have none of their own.
Why am I seeing this thread when I've filtered:
Asian women
"Asian women"
you say dominatrix asian girls?! even more hawt.
They're not. In general, it's just weak white men who go for asian women. It's a good thing that these men are removing their genes from our gene pool. Zuckerberg is a typical example, even if people here don't think he's white.
Why am I seeing this thread when I've filtered:
Asian women
"Asian women"
It says >asian female
Maybe if your dad fucked an asian you would be smarter.
Because asian men are corporate slaves that are brainwashed to prioritize work over everything.
That's a result of being "traditional". They want the stability that comes from power, not the power itself.
>Why is it so successful? Why do Asian women love White men?
Are you retarded? Besides I already filtered that phrase as well. Nothing happens
It's another one way ticket to mongrelization, you're probably better off having kids with Slavs then Asians. At least the former will give you kids with high testosrome levels. Hapas along with every other mongrel don't like whites and wish for us to be invaded by third world hordes. That's why I got myself a polish gf who's openly racist. We plan on having tons of kids since we are catholic and don't believe in birth control. I'm doing Sup Forums more of a favor then any of you racemixers ever will. Even MGTOWs are less threatening to the white race then mixers. The former are simply killing their genes off. The latter is passing them down to mongrels who hate all things European.
Sup Forums is a christian board take your antisemitism elsewhere
fuck man. that is terrible. Why would anyone do this to their kid?
I'm tempted to make a mongrel edit of this, mixed race mutts truly are the most ugliest group of people.
Race-mixers are a crime against humanity.
>pic related
Most people I know that are half Asian half white are autistic as fuck.
it's not, it has a higher divorce rate of any white male pairing. the most successful pairing is white man+black woman, the divorce rate is almost non-existent.
>implying jews have any love for christians
seriously faggot, learn your roots you dumb nigger.
>Immediately after the death of Hierax a group of Jews who had helped instigate his killing lured more Christians into the street at night by proclaiming that the Church was on fire. When the Christians rushed out the largely Jewish mob slew many of them.
Slavs have lower testerone levels of any white ethnicity (short height, small dick) and they are already mixed with Asians themselves.
they just know white men are weak for their sheer nylon Feet
>Calls Slavs Low-T
>Unironically dates a nigger
Ancaps are literally nature's retards, is that why tons of them are race-mixers to begin with?
that gif is wack.
>ruining those lanklet genes
Why couldn't he get himself an Aryan woman? He doesn't seem like a pathetic loser.
He looks like a nu male faggot, and her head is at least as large as his, for quite a bit shorter body.
Their kids will look like mutants, and mostly asian, because he doesn't look like a full caucasian anyways.
>Unironically wanting something as ugly as that
Unless you have poor tastes, you'd probably fuck something like pic related. The thing you posted is hideous and I don't know what you see in it.
>Not Data
Rly makes me think, go back to fucking your precious sheboons. At least my kids won't be as retarded looking as Tyler1 is.
I rarely see Asian women date outside their race...only on pol
>Ancaps find this attractive
>Still have the balls to call Slavs "Cucked" despite being one of the most ethno-nationalistic groups in all of Europe