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r/LateStageCapitalism if you don’t know where to start
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Bring something back
r/LateStageCapitalism if you don’t know where to start
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>Go to Reddit
How about no and kill yourself
Comeon now this reads like an ancap meme.
Maybe the bartender wants to stay in business so he doesn't serve people poison.
Maybe he gets sued by the family in a civil court for breaking the NAP.
Maybe other businesses open which don't serve poison and put him out of business.
If you think the only way to solve societal issues is down the barrel of a gun then you are depriving yourself of a more enlightened society.
Don't forget to also share the banning message you are about to get from the free-speech loving skeptics mods.
Fuck off reddit faggot.
>government makes alcohol safe
weeeew boy better not find out how the government poisoned 10k people during prohibition (thats like killing 100,000 of your own citizens by today's population rates)
These socialist retards seem to think there's magically no consequence in capitalism.
>government can prevent rat poison
Not Sup Forums related, but here's some cringe
That spacing.
well fuck me, I suppose people in Scotland must have been dropping left and right from their wee drams before government regulation stepped in to save them
>and then the bar tender went out of business and starved for murdering his customers
While I don't believe we need to abolish government entirely, their point is pretty idiotic
The are no laws, so the families burn the owner alive
>live in town where the only bar keeps poisoning people
>start my own bar and don't poison people
>become a millionaire
>then word gets out that the bar is serving toxic liquor
>customers seek competitive and safe bar
>families of the deceased sue the first bar into oblivion
Can't believe communists are this stupid.
>before regulations all bars served poison alcohol
this is what liberals actually believe
Reddit needs to leave.
Hipsters love homebrew.
Them get drunk,call one uber,uber conduct theft them, no regulation taxi service.
im gonna go take a poop OP, but when i get back im going to drop a ton of shit into this thread. i'm gonna do a poopy dump in my toilet, then im gonna do a data dump of reddit bullshit here on this thread
>Sup Forums has never actually been a good website.
Undeniable truth. The rest of his post is garbage though.
Well they benefit from no regulations. They are the ones serving the alcohol, they know that it is tainted, and they don't fucking care.
>Thinking Sup Forums has ever been about coolness factor.
>Not understanding that reddit has and is being the demise of board culture throughout Sup Forums because you are the reddit, you are the newfags
Sup Forums was just a place for faggots to be faggots and do dumb shit. Now, it's some popularity contest that you both made up and declared yourselves winners. I can't wait until normalfags think Sup Forums is gay and leave. Fuck I miss Sup Forums. But your right. Sup Forums was always shit. But at least it was shit in its own way.
well the old fags didn't expect this site to become a 'super secret cool place for cool people' type thing nor did they want it. "outsiders" thought that though and wanted to go here to experience said 'super secret place' hence destroying the quality of the community.
>civil courts
Umm...you know that's a violation of the NAP right?
>Maybe he gets sued by the family in a civil court for breaking the NAP.
Is lying a violation of the NAP?
pics like this is a good reminder why people hate stoners
you can burn the alcohol to test for "taint"
people are fucking retarted
>bar goes out of business
>bars with safe alcohol flourish.
Deceiving people into drinking poison is.
How about deceiving people into buying cars of sub-par safety?
ok back. first of all i will start with a time from long long ago, when reddit was actually totally awesome. back in the day reddit was the coolest place on the net. Sup Forums was all lefty and full of anonymous wannabe hacker fags. at that time, reddit was still the place where all of the right wingers gathered on the internet.
pic related isn't right wing, but it's exemplary of the sort of bizarre, interesting and disgusting shit that you used to see on reddit all of the time. before it all went to shit.
full thread for anyone who wants to see and who wants to see the pictures: np.reddit.com
Yes. In both cases it is fraud at minimum and depending on the harm caused murder at maximum.
now for the shittiness. none of the rest of what i have to post will be funny. just sad. in fact most of them will probably make you angry because reddit has turned into the worst place on the internet
Fraud doesn't always necessitate violence though
I could just con someone into buying a car that didn't have a working engine and their loss would be purely financial
>people think Sup Forums is good but it's actually bad
Wow , profound
Reddit is good for niche discussion, like web design or snowboarding. While Sup Forums is good for free speech discussion
Yes, and they could sue them for their losses since they committed fraud. If the lack of safety resulted in bodily harm then they could sue them for much more.
I've always seen outlandish political-economic movements, whether they're Marxist proletariat-wannabees or Ayn Rand cult members, as simply exercising their angst and malcontent made possible by the surplus of the most successful system on Earth. Even in college in the dorm room I knew these people were nuts and that they'd grow out of it soon enough. Capitalism buoyed by public services and reasonable regulation is the way to go.
How do you sue them without threatening violence?
You think the government stops that. I mean people buy Hyundai's...
reddit denies the genocides under soviet russia the same way we deny the holocaust. except the difference is that there really are problems with the popular narrative of the holocaust but the crimes of the USSR are pretty clear
People at the very least can be assured that if someone lies to them about the product they're buying and suffer financially as a result that they have some recourse
this joke is almost funny though. at least the setup is. obviously it makes no sense that the bartender would poison people who advocate for less government intervention and taxation for businesses.
Why have I never made that name connection before?
>what is the second hand market
>how stupid do you have to be to buy a car that doesn't work period
>he thinks people don't sell other people crap on craigslist that is basically defective
Those crazy cats.
*im literally shaking right now*
Fair and measured response my friend
Or you can do the pacifist thing and just rub their whole identity into the ground in order to prevent them from ever having doing business with anyone in the area, forcing them to relocate and obtain new property, likely leaving them at a loss financially as well.
That would violate the nap and he would go to jail. There's also not really anything preventing that from happening right now. You could accidentally be served tainted alcohol now. The regulation would be irrelevant, the manslaughter would be relevant.
message from the OP of the post here
Shit I smoke weed but those are just retards
People don't have to take safety assurances, they're free to take on more risk in exchange for a lower price
>how stupid do you have to be to buy a car that doesn't work period
Alright fine, how about a computer with a battery that will shit itself in a month?
>Fair and measured response my friend
The correct answer. You don't even have a market if anyone can just lie about their products without any consequences.
Lol I was banned from LSC for clearly stating how to succeed at life. (Hint: it wasn't a liberal arts degree and crying)
This can't be real.
>Your family deserved what they got.
The cognitive dissonance in lefties sure is astounding sometimes. Imagine someone saying this about a Jew, how they would screech and moan forever.
I don't go on filthy cancer sites.
I wish a nigga would. Bunch of red-black dirty rats burning stuff, placing bombs and beating/killing people is the most surefire method to activate some almonds of the general public - to enlighten them about what these animals are all about.
they might even get their actual autocratic despot elected just on the platform of dealing with these bastards. I'd hope for a less tyrannical solution but still better to know their the first to go. those retards.
they will either be killed by mujahedin, by fashy dictator, left to gutters in a free market solution, or in the least likely situation if they really manage to carve out their own little empire they'll starve themselves and collapse until one of the previous solutions takes over.
from r/bonehurtingjuice
you would think it cant be real, but then you would go on reddit, and you would see that the things you think cant be real are in fact real. i havent even gotten to some of the sickest shit yet. wait till you see my last few posts
Idiots don't want a more enlightened society because they would be screwed.
not a post from reddit but relevant
reddit should leave
>tainted alcohol
Hasn't this not been a thing in the US since bootlegging and prohibition in the 20s? You know, that government regulation that banned alcohol.
Really activates the almonds.
>back in the day reddit was the coolest place on the net. Sup Forums was all lefty and full of anonymous wannabe hacker fags.
you idiots have a fucked up sense of memory
>Sup Forums
>freeze peach
Get auto-banned for mentioning gamergate on Sup Forumseddit
violence against us on Sup Forums makes them "hard"
Read Solzhenitsyn, the gulags were a truly horrid place. Modern leftism is trying to recreate it in the minds of each of their true believers, a sort of psychological prison, where exile from the in group is a type of gulag.
london - filled with redneck republicans to the brim
it is the right of darkies to ran people down because saying otherwise would be islamophobic
what are these guys on?
Get on social media and red pill normies on the reality of Hollywood:
Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.
Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:
Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.
Exposing Playboy - Social Media:
Tumblr (For feminist rage)
Make sure to comment on Playboy Magazine Twitter posts about their history with CP:
>social media
>ever good
WRONG come on dude be serious. don't you remember /r/gasthekikes? /r/coontown? all of the holocaust denial subs? all of the racism subs? they were fucking endless. reddit allowed ANYTHING to be said over their servers. they even had /r/philosophyofrape which was a sub full of ACTUAL rapists describing and defending their crimes and talking about why rape was supposedly actually a beautiful and noble act. come on man. be serious. and during that time reddit was like a centrist, lefty, vaguely lukewarm or indifferent of obama libertarian board. you are totally wrong man. you prob weren't even into politics or any of this shit back then and are just trying to be cool and edgy cuz you know that ragging on reddit like the cool thing to do on Sup Forums right now. and rightfully so cuz reddit turned into something shitty after ellen pao and later /u/spez took over. but that doesn't change the fact that back in the day it was fucking awesome.
the front page of reddit was as redpilled as Sup Forums was back in 2012. both front page of reddit and Sup Forums supported ron paul. and then you could find the white nationalist stuff in the other subs on there.
>Be me
>File paperwork, get liquor license
>Open fully regulated bar
>Build name
>Acquire customer base
>Start tainting booze
>People get sick and die
>Get dragged through streets and lynched
>mfw gubment didn't prevent anything
why would anyone love such sad-sac of passive aggressive emotionally manipulative little shit?
human stabbed 9 times. no sympathy cuz trump supporter and right-wing populist
man can you imagine how much you have to REALLY HATE capitalism to even START thinking this way?
yeah once I couldn't understang why people are so intensely hating on weed. Then I learned that there is that "culture".
LMAO WEED 420 blaze it.