The white male simply cannot compete in this modern age. Electing Trump was the final hurrah of whitebois...

The white male simply cannot compete in this modern age. Electing Trump was the final hurrah of whitebois, a superior black male had become president and whitebois were angered and pissed. They only managed to delay their genocide for 4-8 years. The black man was always destined to conquer the wombs of their women. This is not fiction, it is fact. The real redpill.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hum. Just because I'm white doesn't mean my gf can't enjoy the BBC.



White bois btfo

Do females want dumb kids these days?



Your offspring is going to also be 100% dumber.

Holy shit if thats the average white dick then i have some fucking crazy mutations in my genes


>be med student
>most vaginas are only 11-13cm deep
>this is only 4.3 to 5 inches long
>most women can get off with only 2 inches (finger)
>most women note that dicks bigger than 6 inches aren't really that good as it hurts if they're even a little rough
>african countries have the smallest dick size ratio
>even asians are bigger
Yes. I legitimately looked into all of this.

Stop watching porn. It's filled with lies.

>falling for the BBC meme

The consummate leafpost. FPBP



Get on social media and red pill normies on the reality of Hollywood:

Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.

Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:

Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.

Exposing Playboy - Social Media:

Tumblr (For feminist rage)


Make sure to comment on Playboy Magazine Twitter posts about their history with CP:

White women want a human child. And they can't get one from negroid DNA.


pol btfo!


>tfw when the thicc as fuck girl you work with complains her black bf can't make her cum, even though hes supposedly hung
>tfw your gf tells some of you coworkers your so good she had trouble walking
>tfw white boi here is now lusted over more that "king" nig

Oh yeah? Go one and shove it on in then! Come on, I can take it!

I wonder if niggers realize that the Chinese are going to enslave them and they are going to miss the times when they could call whites raciss for saying nigga (or even black). Asians fucking hate niggers even more than whites do because they are on the opposite end of the IQ spectrum whereas whites are in the middle.

America is full of dumb whores, what a shithole
What was the generation that brought uo this degenerate gen?

>implying I would want to spend time with a smelly, uneducated and lazy black guy who will leave me the second I get knocked up

>implying I would want to raise a half black baby who will hate themselves for being half white and will eventually hate me

>implying any self respecting white girl would want to deal with all the angry jealous jaqueshias

No one actually believes this do they

>dicks bigger the 6 inches aren't really that good
>porn is filled with lies

All of this is true. Big dicks aren't ideal unless you're a blown out roastie

>this is only 4.3 to 5 inches long
Except they expand deeper into the body when the woman is aroused and become around 8 inches long.

Is that one of those tail plugs things tumblr chicks use? Like a before and after set?

Except not really buddy


>he spends his friday evenings alone, spamming on Sup Forums


Vaginas do not work that way.

slide thread

Atleast the white one isn't doing 25 to life after.

>a superior black male had become president and whitebois were angered and pissed.

not if the man is white

>me at the bottom
I'm coming up on wizardry, Sup Forums. Am I ever going to reproduce? I just want to be normal...But normie sloots repulse me.

>be nigger
>have lower IQ than whites
>have less impulse control than whites
>be incapable of creating functioning societies unlike whites
>rely on white people for handouts
>rely on white people to enforce the end of slavery
>don't listen because nigger
>continue to enslave each other at record rates
>blame white people because nigger
>find out that the biggest penis in the world belongs to a white man

Why even live, blacks are inferior to everyone except abos

Why do you do this? Trolling? Or have you got a small penis? Or are you a nigger with an inferiority complex? Do you genuinely believe against all evidence that whites are oppressing people?

>First (((lady)))boi
Umm no, sweetie...

Its all jealousy and envy...

Why do you think white clubs turn into black clubs?

Because blacks just want to be as cool as whites.

Everything was fine until the niggers got online and saw white people being cool without them. The worst part is niggers are so dumb when they see whites hanging out with blacks on tv, they say "hey why are the not treating me like a god like the tv does" istead of saying "why is the tv lying to me"

Just remember anytime a nigger try to act like the are the king of the party or they are going full king kong nigger in a social situation, the government hat to make it illegal not to hang out with these savages.

Thats how bad these fucking creatures are. They need an oppressive government to make it illegal to tell them to fuck off to their own bar/club.


Awesome 4th takeover!

>when one abo farts and the other laughs in the middle of the song

Gets me everytime.

Isn't Obama just 1/4 nigger?

Isn't each nigger in the US only around 40-60% actually African?

One thing you nig nogs are sensitive about is that you really have no identity. I have no niggers in my family but I'm still more African than you.

King Nigger is half nigger. His dad was a Kenyan here on a student visa. He knocked her up and left. She left King Nigger to be raised by her wealthy, white grandparents.

Their entire culture is "muh oppression, muh big buttz, muh thug life"

Why are whites such cucks? I hear white people talking about BBC daily. It's frightening to see how easily they take to anti-white cuck propaganda..

Maybe whites really are inferior