Russian commie band cries nazi at anti-commie patch. Why does america let these foreign whores shit all over america?
Russian commie band cries nazi at anti-commie patch. Why does america let these foreign whores shit all over america?
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Riot grrrls were a mistake.
i want to get brutal with people, i am tired, i want to take a mallet or an axe and just turn people into pulp
dat face
That schnoz
>doesn't like nazis
No shit.
>dark hair and eyes
Jew or cockhole subhuman at best
Let's be real Russian do silently support RUSSIAN NS and NeoNazi bands that fuck up shitskins
I don't get it. Nazi paraphernalia has been worn by punk rockers since the 1980's.
We have slut walks, fat acceptance movements, but people can't use their freedom of speech to ironically wear a swastika armband?
Trigger level -1000%
Delete all of this.
These are my 4 favourite posts of all time.
Nazi symbols are not American.
People are not responsible for your problems. It's always easier to destroy and die than to create and live. Get a hold of yourself.
They'll be in Vegas in a few weeks. Might have some fun with them.
It's not possible to create and live. I'll settle for revenge.
She was in Pussy Riot. They can't play anyway. Saved her face by not performing.
top fucking kek
Real russians don't care about US shit.
Not in Russia, red skinheads pretty much destroyed bonehead larpers.
padlock that shit
if they come after you, toss them the key with all the protrusions filed off
I'm talking about Russian NS and Russians Skinheads that are, in fact, supported even by many in older generation "boys don't smoke, drink and keep darkies away, who cares what they think about WWII at this point" mentality is like the most common regarding the question
Join the Russian March today!
> turns down show in Manchester, NH
Lol, probably like 5 people Manchester NH is small as Fuck.
Source: used to live in Nashua
what if ruski in us?
>Russian NS and Russians Skinheads
Yeah, except they don't exist anymore and all their venues were destroyed. Just like your usual Sup Forums poster, they are slowly becoming racially pure in their basements.
Someone should follow them around flashing Nazi paraphernalia everywhere until they end up broke from cancelling all their shit.
Russians generally don't like nazi, we're the original untermensch after all. If you're talking about punk/underground/whatever people then it's much worse. It's not about fat acceptance or it's ok to be white or any of that stupid american shit. Expecting otherwise is just dumb.
>red skinheads pretty much destroyed bonehead larpers
For real? I remember a dead commie from skinheads every week in Russia some years back.
>Russian NS
Say, do you know any places where Russian right wing talk online? like ch for example but rightwing.
Yip, the Russian Jews are the most inbred and most unbalanced of the International Kike Crime Clique. This one is totally off it's rocker.
The Commie only wants to smash Nationalism, and rule the World you silly Goys.
What's wrong with that?
Neo-nazies are mostly full of mutts who not only smoke and drink, are mostly criminals who don't work normal jobs but also do drugs. And no I'm not an anti-fa, neo-nazies are just niggers who in a pure white country would be the one that would have to be exterminated.
>Get fucked by mongols for centuries
>Not being untermensch
hm, an ugly jew with ear plug things.
interesting. tell us more.
for once, a based leaf.
When will people duct tape a Pepe under these signs? Or would that convince normies, that this is a nazi recruitment system?
Make them sign a contract to tour with these guys
Found it. And this was around 2008, i think they' ve kill more by then.
Kek. What a bunch of faggots.
Except today hundred thousan + nationalists will march in Moscow streets in one hour, and soon subhumans like you will be swinging their shitskin feet from the trees.
turkocigan please
New scene only has ethnic Russian people who don’t drink or smoke, and most are just regular nationalists, not NS
based nihonjin. i am nihonjin as well. if there was imperial japanese flag i would use it but Sup Forums does not have this.
He is talking about straight edge nazis
i'm a Russian immigrant. I would gladly put a bullet in the head of any filthy commie the moment shit get froggy.
slavbro seaks truth.
but this isn't hitler regime anymore. this is getting the crew back together. national socialist german, italian, and IMPERIAL JAPANESE. STAND STRONG!!!!!!!! we are friends, we are brothers!!!!!! we've had our own kind come to bomb us, murder us in our own homelands. FUCKING NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not popular anymore either way, but yeah. Todays youth generally isn't going around smashing heads or killing tajik toilet cleaners. They have video games, burmese kimono sewing boards, pony cartoons, sports, etc. The culture was destined to die either way. Nowadays hipsters are sitting online from their iphones, vaping and jamming that like button under blog posts about restoration of monarchy or some other shit.
You mean the guys with the biggest land empire whose scouting parties trampled europeans into the dirt? I don't think you have a way to argue their untermenschness, since the only reliable way to measure intelligence is on their side.
>soon subhumans like you will be swinging their shitskin feet from the trees.
I survived retards from the 90s, i don't see why i should be afraid of current year hipsters. Seriously, this is just silly.
>ethnic Russian people
That means nothing at all. In your video there are a lot of chinks and the faggot(he must have some gay tendencies) who catfished other faggots for sure doesn't look white.
>straight edge
There are almost none and they still act like niggers, not to talk about being white nationalist and making degenerate music.
If you don't have talent, become the voice for a minority.
Or smear your body fluids on something and call it art.
Ukraine is the only Slav country that has feminists
Nothing wrong with taking pride in your mongolian rape heritage Ching Chang Chong
> Left Gauge Of the Triggered One
stick to the original plan
this you gay western wankers
>BULGARia talks about whiteness
mongols are untermenschen though. They wasted tons of their own lives to get a few shiny things and never really have an empire with boots-on-the-ground, infrastructure or any sort of proper efficient control. Truth is that soon your kids will be working in camps or dead altogether lol
>Punks against nazi symbols
Who was Sid Vicious?
>mongols are untermenschen though.
They aren't and you are, according to some people. That's the problem with a baseless ideology, there is no logic in it. You can bend it however you want. And yet, the only metric by which you are superior to them is most likely dick size. Just like nigger to a white man, you know.
The actual problem though, is that you're too dumb to notice the difference between turkics and mongols. Don't be surprised when someone decides that you're not actually white, this whole thing is very confusing after all.
I know your subhuman mind can't comprehend anything but reality shows that russians are complete subhumans and even the german genes couldn't help it.
Mongols are subhuman with subhuman selection. That's just a fact. Sure, you can try to deny it, but in the end of the day they lost most of their people trying to get some shit and didn't manage to have anything similar to an empire or a state - barely evermoving robbery camp. Racially pure state is not baseless ideology, unlike vague shit like human rights, it's the primal biological and evolutionary truth. We can and should argue that non-ethnic Russians coming and/or living anywhere near as equal citizens is literally a PUBLIC HEALTH concern. The only way to avoid inbreeding and decay is to keep non-Europeans out. According to this, Northern Europeans should be the ones migrating to subhuman MENA/nigger/Asian countries and non-Northern European ones, not the other way around, because it's the only way to fix their inbred source population.
"Genetic rescue is designed to move gene variants from an outbred population to an inbred population," says Harris. "Our results suggest managers must ensure that this movement only goes one way; otherwise harmful mutations from the inbred population may lower the fitness of the outbred group."
Any non-European immigration is a genocidal genetic charity at expense of the native European population
And by the way, given that Russians are Northern Europeans, you know, no one can be bigger than us - fact of actual measurement. Europeans are the biggest in the world and Northern Europeans, and namely Northern Germanics Scandinavians are the biggest of all
Your country and ethnicity are named after some steppe subhuman, you have the biggest amount of Turks in Europe, you have shitton of gypsies, a lot of "locals" are mixed with gypsies, your subuman diaspora was one of the reasons for Brexit(yes Bulgarians are this unpleasant). Your most famous national is a cigan pederast. Videos related
Mongols are human, that's a fact. Get your feefees out of here
False statement, buryat rato. Only clean Europeans are human and the source of humanity development in biological, technological and cultural sense. Don't trust me? Ask the first humanist Immanuel Kant: "Humanity is represented by the European Race"
>non-ethnic Russians coming and/or living anywhere near as equal citizens is literally a PUBLIC HEALTH concern
Because it shrinks your dick? I wouldn't go that far personally. This concern is overrated, don't worry.
You're quite ungrateful, did you forgot when we civilized you and gave you the alphabet, you were literal retards who couldn't stop killing yourselves.
>named after turks
>wikipedia as his source
This thread is about your country though and lets look at the things you did. Your greatest "russians" are usually jews or other non-russians. Stalin himself killed so many russian even though he himself wasn't one, talk about being a fucking cuck. What about russia distributing cp globally, why are russian such pedophiles? Why is your military full of gays and its quite well documented.
>posts some gypsy
>this is your country lol
Damn, russians are such pure white aryans non-degenerates.
>you're a nazi if you're not a commie
welp looks like war time is upon us
every time
>jew not liking nazis
colour me surprised
Because it’s literally a PUBLIC HEALTH concern, moron. All mongrels and roaches must be moved away from ethnic Russians, and ethnic Russians with lack of ingroup thinking (all 100k of them lol) must be sterilized. That’s OBJECTIVELY correct thing to do.
Sure, you can try to appeal to EMOTIONS, so I’d just call you a cucked dicklet shitskin because that’s what you are tbq.h
Are you trying to say that two racial Hellen were tataric subhumans? Roach, please. You have nothing to do with those people
Pic related - average ethnic Bulgarian. Why it’s not exterminated yet - no idea
>Are you trying to say that two racial Hellen were tataric subhumans? Roach, please. You have nothing to do with those people
Is that what commies told you while fucking your whole family for the great gommunism? Kek.
>Pic related - average ethnic Bulgarian. Why it’s not exterminated yet - no ideaPic related -
I have never even seen someone even closely resembling this phenotype, meanwhile a typical russian family.
>Because it’s literally a PUBLIC HEALTH concern, moron.
>Sure, you can try to appeal to EMOTIONS
You are the one appealing to emotions, sweetie. This isn't a public health concern, it's the opposite. You are concerned about inbreeding? Well, this is an uncommon view, i'll give you that. The solution is in the article you linked.
>improving the health of an inbred population by outcrossing it with other populations.
Does that mean that you want us to breed with shitskins or, god forbid, niggers? I hope not.
So why exactly is this PUBLIC HEALTH concern? Seriously, enlighten me.
Tatarocigan, your kind begged to be accepted into goymmunism, which really does speak volumes about your notorious subhuman asiatic-gypsy nature. What I posted is recorded raciological average of BULGARian "people". What you posted some ethnic minority filth mixing between each other that just further proves my point - keep the shit away from the gene pool
Of course you can lie about being European, but your DNA won't
I can only suggest some VK groups with like 5k people (Or less, depending on what right-wingers you're looking for)
There is also a Russian ch-esque site but I dunno about political preferences there
why should I explain anything to antifa subhuman roach that can't even comprehend the basic genetics lmao? link is there, elevation is there. if your IQ is not in your teens (it is), you will be able to read it
quality thread
>simplistic new age bullshit: the post
get a grip, Ivane
>What I posted is recorded raciological average of BULGARian "people
>its some hungarian book on their phenotypes
Yep russians are that retarded
Yes just like your teen models who whore themselves out with their parents accepting it, why are you only replying to whatever you want you fucking subhuman?
>Of course you can lie about being European, but your DNA won't
>rapes some german girls like the mongoloid niggers they are
>we wuz aryanz and shiet
Thankfully history remembers your chimpouts.
>why should I explain anything to antifa subhuman roach that can't even comprehend the basic genetics lmao?
Or in other words muh feefees, roaches, antifa. And yeah, i've read your link. Suggesting "improving the health of an inbred population by outcrossing it with other populations" is a bold move for a nazi. I have one question still though. What makes mongols untermensch?
Because America is a toothless pile on the verge of internal collapse.
And because who gives a shit what some Russian whores say?
Something something Sid Vicious, something punk is dead.
>is literally a mix of south asian, west asian, central asian and South European groups
I call you a subhuman roach, because you are a subhuman roach.
No argument with anti-racists make sense, since people who can understand genetics, evolution and are able of holding guns are ALREADY on our side. It’s just one side really - of selection vs dysgenic one.
>Suggesting "improving the health of an inbred population by outcrossing it with other populations"
That would mean that we want or care to improve nonwhites, idiot. That’s why I wrote “any non-Northern European migration to Russia is genetic CHARITY at EXPENSE of Russians”.
Hell, no, even Russian NS go by one drop rule and never ever accept the part jews like Hitler did
I hate crazy bitches like this. Probably would have had the same effect if someone wore a MAGA hat
Beta white knights defending this crap on facebook
>I call you a subhuman roach, because you are a subhuman roach.
>No argument with anti-racists make sense
In other words muh feefees. I'm not anti-racist, or a roach, or a shitskin or antifa. This isn't an intelligent argument, it's just dumb namecalling. And i'm plenty racist, systematically so. And as i said, you, dumbfuck, make one crucial mistake. That mistake is confusing mongols and turkic people. That's the piece that shows that you're stubbornly retarded and simply have no arguments at all.
>people who can understand genetics, evolution and are able of holding guns are ALREADY on our side
These people don't exist.
>able of holding guns ALREADY on our side
Those are dead.
And that's you. Sadly, you already lost this argument irl. Enjoy your stay.
That fucking nose......and curled lips. if it was more curved it would fall off the horizontal plane.
>these people dont exist
These people are Noble Prize winners, medical employees and 1,5 mil+ of combat trained nationalist in Russia alone, 250k+ living in Western Europe, Poland and Baltic states, 300k rotting in Russian prisons.
Again, all scientific argument been made long before you were born and just confirms itself further each day genetic work goes on - "keep nonwhites out". As Winston Churchill said "keep England White is my slogan". Now it's time to have that manifested as Russian state policy,
go ahead I'll check them out.
>Noble Prize winners, medical employees and 1,5 mil+ of combat trained nationalist in Russia alone, 250k+ living in Western Europe, Poland and Baltic states
Oh shit, you're right. How could i forget about russian nazis in Baltic states. They are extremely relevant. Or those in Netherlands. They're surely getting ready to start the race war. I mean, in that enviroment who wouldn't. All those people surely didn't ran away to comfier places just to keep their butts warm. They're preparing. How could we ever compete?
>As Winston Churchill said
That guy from UK you mean? That's a strange example to follow to be honest. Really bold for a true National Socialist like you. Did you enjoy London? I have to say, the level of self-delusion in your posts is kind of impressive.
Yeah, i don't think so. Russians are basically PUBLIC HEALTH concern, moron. If you don't agree, you don't understand genetics and evolution. No argument with a person who wants to follow UKs enrichment rituals or to improve health of the population by outcrossing it with other populations makes sense. Am i doing it right?
Must be sad to be this retarded. Historically, Europe isn't even that important. Bronze age was dominated by the Middle East and North Africa, Antiquity by the Romans and Greeks who by your standards would've been "roaches", in early Medieval times Europe was a bunch of barbarians while Far East had an advanced civilization. It's only in late Medieval times that western Europe started to dominate. You're just wrong, cargocult retard. Europe is great, but it's far from the greatest civilization ever.
It would be hilarious to troll some obscure Russian band
> Russian
Fuck off, Russians do not like all kinds of socialism.
checks out