Who was in the right?
Who was in the right?
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The autism is real.
Real libertarians are not anti immigration you stupid fuck
maybe learn to fucking spell holy shit
and real communism has never been tried, right? what a gay argument.
replace krillin with ginyu force for accuracy.
>meme flag
Opininion discarded, fag
The irony
He's a Romanian faggot homo. English probably isn't his first language
>meme flag
Opinion discarded, fag
You killed english. I'm killing this thread.
Pic related
>super powerful illegal alien that saves earth multiple times is representative of all illegal aliens
lol, call me back when a DREAMER saves the US for nuclear annihilation
Krillin is basically Molymeme.
Lmao good arguement stay mad you stupid retard
not to mention you have the most meme flag of all lmao
What the fuck is this gay shit?
Goku would give 0 fucks about immigrants unless one was a strong warrior. And he would beat that dudes ass.
Being gay is not an argument, it's a mental illness, so please kys and take your meme flag with you
So he's the right one?
No, he's the bald one
Goku has always been a pussy. The real saiyan is vegeta. Vegeta is like a chad compared to virgin goku.
Nonsense. How can we establish the NAP if we import a million niggers a year who won't adhere to it, you absolute retard? You absolute cumstain. Post your face so I can print out a pic of it and piss on it.
Vegeta saves everything everytime.
I laughed, but i probably shouldn't have.
lmao what a fucking retard
Not an argument, fag
The only good argument for being gay is not having to deal with roasties.
"illigal." I wasn't expecting much.
Liberal autism at its finest, folks.
Really? A Normie tier anime? You need to try harder faggot.
I stand with Frieza. He would just choose to nuke everything and build a homogenous ethnostate on a fresh foundation.
first of all "real libertarians" don't exist. You are either an Ancap or a minarchist.
Goku was proud of his race though.
in a libertarian world there would be immigration, but of the good kind (skilled labor going to places where it's needed, not poorfags flooding more successful countries). Also no gibs for muslims, so they'd get the boot. Private property, guns and the NAP would prevent border-crossing wetbacks.
No such thing as good immigration, If we take the best from struggling countries it'll lead to further hardship, more hardship means more foreign aid and more immigration of unskilled immigrants.
kill them all
i mean, immigration would be like the commodity market. example
>Britain have an excessive number of doctors, but there are almost none in Zambia.
>The invisible hands acts
>The value of a doctor's service in Britain decreases, so many would migrate to Zambia because there they'd be rich
>not poorfags flooding more successful countries
If you believe this, you're retarded. Shitskins will always move to white areas, because we are able to maintain a higher standard of living and higher wages than their brown person trash heaps. And there will always be whites willing to hire them. It needs to be made illegal because it is damaging to all of society for personal short term gains of having a cheap spic maid or whatever.
Gohan blanco and el Grande padre
And if you need proof of this, just look within the USA itself. White flight has been exceptionally destructive and wasteful, building up unnecessary suburban sprawl for whites who don't want other be forced to raise their kids around feral niggers. It is just a perpetual cycle of it.
>I'm a illigal migrant, but unlike Cuckarot I got my papers.
What did he mean by this, though?
Libertarian wins because he isn't a migrant
>the invisible hand acts
It sure does thats why Juan is building houses in oklahoma and Ming Lao is finishing my orange chicken order. Undocumented workers are here cause of the invisible hand.
How does "a illegal" migrant get their papers? Wouldn't that make them legal?
so the immigration system would work well. Workers would follow the demand flow, and there would be no Arab with 15 kids leeching welfare because why not. Also see
Who the fuck wrote this? Learn to spell you dumb nigger.
Gay ass thread
Krillin of course
Real libertarians are fascists.
Hans Herman Hoppe is a purist libertarian.
>sees friends dead
>gets beaten to near death
>tries warning everyone they're about to be wiped out
>no one listens
>beats the shit out of an entire army to get to frieza
>knows he can't win but tries anyway
>dies happy knowing his son will avenge them all
This is the patrician Sup Forums choice
Holy shit I didn't know autism could exist on the political spectrum as well.
>Making based Doc a Bernout
didnt u know who Sup Forums was or like something? or else? man
submeter ao grande padre socialista nacional
But what about Shaggy? He's at least two tiers above Goku by this stage in the tournament!
If it becomes impossible to find workers for jobs available in the economy then immigration should be allowed. In this scenario immigration benefits everyone.
Immigration should never be used just to expand the population and drive wages. An expanding population is not a good thing in of itself and driving down wages is always bad even if some industry benefits from it. Unlimited immigration only ever benefits the very rich. In the long run it destroys nations.
>goku is an illegal immigrant
umm i don't remember earth's king mentioning immigration laws in dbz. was it during the scene he talked about his tax policy?
he can't be illegal unless they had a law against it right?
Is social welfare mentioned in the show? Social welfare system's can only exist if immigration is controlled. Maybe in dbz they have no social welfare and in that case they can have open borders.
I love the part where even the abos start laughing at how ridiculous this all is.
>mfw the abos are more self-aware than the liberals.
There is no law against alien born immigration because 99% of the world doesn't know aliens are a thing
Also, in relation to OP, vegeta isn't a migrant, he's a foreign diplomat residing on earth. Piccolo is a native born earthling who just happens to be of nameccian descent. Goku isn't illegal because he married chichi, and lives on her land.
>Piccolo is a native born earthling who just happens to be of nameccian descent.
i guess that would make piccolo kami's anchor baby heh
>using cartoons to frame a political standpoint
>to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty......
good job getting weebs and bots to reply though.
Saged that for ya
Sorry, Goku. You have to go back.
Gohan Blanco ofc
Vageta duh
No one is right there
No, he's king piccolo's anchor baby
But king piccolo is dead
Kami doesn't live on the planet anyways, he lives on the lookout.
It's basically like claiming someone is an illegal immigrant if they land on the iss
periodically saging because I think this will reach bump limit
1: In the DBZ universe, every time illegal aliens show up, Goku goes and beats the shit out of them.
2: Everything Vegeta said was correct, except that he's an illegal with papers. That doesn't make sense.
3: Piccolo was born on Earth, and thus would be a citizen. Piccolo is also a fucking fascist, brother of the self-proclaimed God of Earth, who wanted to install a monarchy with him as the self-proclaimed God-King of Earth.
4: Nobody cares what AnCaps or Libertarians, or Krillen, think.
good job comparing political beliefs to cartoons
You're going to make such a difference in this world
wow thats a really retarded picture cant believe i read it lol
based friezapill
I'm doing it half as a jab at the left's tendency to relate things to harry potter and star wars instead of to reality, and half because even within the context of that argument the argument makes no sense.
Everyone in the show is either exceedingly wealthy, or lives inna woods eating dinosaurs that they punched to death. Social welfare doesn’t get brought up.
why are you mad about anime on an anime website friend
why are you so mad you feel the need to make the thread 404 a few minutes faster
>"libertarian" spouting "muh jobs" lump of labour fallacy
It used to be pretty much mandatory to study some economics as a libertarian... What happened?
Not exactly. They are here because minimum wage incentives importation of people not subject to our laws.
I cannot understand the low-tier spelling and grammar. Is it written in French?
nothing is mandatory to believe anything, anymore
Goku represents the White spirit
>Genetically Gifted
>Best fighter on earth
Vegeta represents the Japanese spirit
>Never gives up
>Best rival and ally of goku
>he hasn't read Hoppe
I enjoyed reading those in their voices
vegeta is the cuck. bulma gets drilled by that purple cat every night.
Piccolo makes no sense in this projection, he's not a "migrant" as Goku or Vegeta, he is an aspect of the fucking God of Earth
If you knew the history of Japan, you would understand why they are Vegeta
They literally do not give up
You fucking retards, the only way to become a better civilization is to collaborate. WE NEED imigration so we can mix both mentally and physically our bodies so we become more intelligent and diverse.
Krillin obviously, smartest fighter in the show.
>hurrr guys .lets let in a million migrants without background checks more refugees whooohoooo
>massive shooting happens
>its not all duh muslims islam isnt bad learn to accept it or go to prison or jail you fucking racist scum bag
>people start converting to islam
>forcefully starts sharia law and caliphate
should i just take the black pill on europe, i know europe is fucked and europeans are purely retarded and have no sense of awareness of what goes on for other people, they act so happy but they are dead inside fuck bags that rather die instead of living with themselves. Stab and shoot yourself retarded faggot, immigration without checking who your importing is retarded and increases crime.
this desu
>Krillin obviously, smartest fighter in the show.
He spends the whole show watching other people fight and gasping at the imposibleness of the power.
unless you're talking about dragon ball, in which case you're still wrong, but less wrong.
Too fucking kek
No surprise to see monarchist and libertarians there you fucking autists.
I think he's joking, user.
Are the immigrants birds?
Goku is anarchic.
Vegeta is authoritarian.
Piccolo is anarchic.
Krillin is apolitical.
This chart is bad and you should feel bad for it.
I'm not joking, he holds his own frequently against foes well beyond his power in both Dragon Ball and Z just by using his head.
no, there birds
pretty dependent birds.