Daily reminder there is a 52% chance you're speaking to a nigger or spic when you reply to US flag posters
Still whiter than the UK. Move along.
Wrong, Tyrone.
At least we dont have significant pakis, indians and god knows what else. Ill take spics any day of the week over any of those
Actually is the other way around 48% are the non whites, but yeah america is a mongrel paradise
When did it go up 2%?
Whites have a higher possibility of having internet at all, and an immensely higher chance of using Sup Forums at all.
>empire got taken
Is this whole we 56% thing driven by europoors so they can feel better about being Islamic now
>our shitskins are better than other shitkins
i'd rather have none
This. South Africa is 92% black or mixed. Do you honestly think even 25% of South African posters are black?
I wonder what our shit skin percentages are if we don’t count cities. I can co days without seeing one
mfw britain joins the 56% club.
First you guys were 99% white, ten years later 94%, a few years later, 87% a few years from now will be around 75%ish.
At least scottland and ireland will still be around 70% when england is le 56%
that is unless sum1 here can prove it won't happen?
i'm all ears
Even my town in northern Wisconsin is finally getting over run by non-whites. I don't know where to go, but I think I need to move, this isn't the place I grew up in.
>implying you're not one of them
>implying you're white
Notice only the most cucked and Muslims ridden countries post this meme it almost like they're celebrating their new demographics
i live in amish pennsylvania area and yet the closest city is full of mexicans
Whoa. What an unpredictable response. I am truly bested.
>MFW I encounter a pack of wild Mohamads in denial.
Some butthurt ameriniggers in this thread.
Britain in 92% white.
USA is 48% non-hispanic white.
Hispanic is not white, no matter how much you like to pretend they are, to fudge the numbers lmao
Swedistan is crying the most out of this thread!
You guys are the holders of the cuck crown and maybe even less white than britain(however if all the poles left britain, then britain would maybe be 85%) is there any other country in europe that has been more determined than sweden to replace their demographics? There is a reason why every scandanavian country wants sweden gone to stop the cancer right now.
sweden along with britain will also one day be in the 56% club, unless sum1 can prove me wrong.
again im all ears
The day we are 56% white, you'll be 10% white.
51 million whites in Britain, almost 200 million whites in the United States.
bump for solidarity but also to raise awareness about the fact that some Americans are very fat and predatory drug companies have produced pills such as Orlistat to take advantage of them.
What these drugs do is they prevent fat from being digested at a normal rate. Now if a person takes these pills and they don't eat much fat, that's not a problem, but if they could do that, they wouldn't need these pills, so of course they don't. This rush of undigested fat is then shat out uncontrollably.
This is a major problem in American grocery marts, because this is the main public place frequented by a person who would use these pills.
This is the history behind the phrase "shart in mart", and it's not just an internet meme, it's a real world tragedy brought about by pharmaceutical companies who pay for access to the people that write the laws that allow them to use couched language when marketing their horrible products to the consumers that they intentionally miss-inform.
your not 92% white at all. you also show no signs at all of the immigration of shitskins and niggers.
You are a failed country and ur last attempt to save yourself end with mummy may being a false hope and immigration will not be cut.
you will be in the 56% club, unless u can prove me wrong
yes am I speaking abdu-abidu-abedu-adu-adullah? Help user we are getting raped daily in population by shitskins. I'm a lone wolf in this poo country!
About 80 million niggers, and 30 million spics. Britain has 1 million Muslims and 2 million carribean blacks out of 65 million total brits. You won't win this argument, Jamal.
Suppose all the shitskins died instantly.
Would you still hate the White Americans that remained?
>niggers everywhere
>spics everywhere
>streetshitters everywhere
I never wanted any of this.
>implying that the posters on this Cambodian basket weaving forum are representative of the general population.
Also, did you remember to surrender your plastic butter knife?
I've never hated white americans to begin with
blacks and hispanics dont understand english. why they'll be here?
there are plenty of asians though
>you show no signs at all
let me translate that
>The only city I see on TV and on my shitty FB account about britain in London!
I live in a county on the south coast that is 97% white. The whitest county of England in Lincolnshire which is 98% white. Second is Devon which is 97.5% white.
London is like Chicago or New York or LA for you. Only difference is we only have one city that's been islam'd. Every city in your country is minority white.
We are doing everything to stop the demographic shift. The wall, raise act, end chain migration, tax cuts for middle class whites to have kids, everything we could dream of.
You are increasing the immigration of shit skins and niggers and i have heard your argument of by the time u are 56 we will be 10% however while you are increasing your non white, we are doing everything to increase ours and stop shitskins from entering, so in reality there will be a point where we increase while you decrease and there will be a mark where you hit the 56% while we get more white.
ffs unless sum1 here can prove me wrong.
no britcuck has ever proven me wrong
You burgers are pathetic. Shouldn't even call you burgers, just niggers.
women are 52% of the population. do you think there are 52% of Sup Forums users are women?
>streetshitters everywhere
Well, fuck. That's where I was planning to move... Currently I am in the Democratic People's Republic of Maryland surrounded by spics and niggers.
feels good being the only relevant nation in the world
All you're doing is building a wall, but none of that matters when one of your major political parties is questioning whether illegal immigration is illegal. Nowhere in Britain do we have sanctuary cities. It's unheard of, not even London does it. You have an open border, and your constitution allow anchor babies so you can bring in the whole family.
We actually deport people who have overstayed, we have detention centres, we have strict immigration rules and we deport EVERY illegal immigrant. Meanwhile, you guys are deciding whether to give amnesty to 14 million mexicans who just walked across the border and never came back.
Who's really fucked here?
At least you have your freedom and right to defend yourself and your property if they try anything funny unlike we in Cucknean Union. God bless America no matter how infested it is with shit as long as it is the Land of the Free! Cheer up user and go shoot some guns!
>Would you still hate the White Americans that remained?
Absolutely not.
>I never wanted any of this.
Do you live in or near any of those places?
Well well well if it isn't the subhuman paki who knows his "people" are vermin so he comes on pol to attack white people to make up for his "people's" inferiority
i am talking about you joining the 56% club.
Dont u understand that the cities you speak of and their current demographics wont stop you from joining the 56% club?
it is a process that takes place and and it has been set in motion for a while now with no signs of stopping.
we burgers are at least going to stop the process and put measure to ensure whites stay a majority, that is why we voted for trump, you guys are totaly fucked with may and it doesnt matter how white ur counties are now because you are in a glass house throwing stones, every britcuck knows the situation and unless ukip gets power you will be in the 56% club, that is unless u can prove me wrong
you're both fucked until the illegals start being executed in the street
Sup guys?
I just finished hanging out with my white friends and went home to my white family. How are you all?
>I just finished hanging out with my white friends and went home to my white family.
This is the first time I have ever read about anything like this, it reads crazy enough to believable though.
You were ruled by a literal kenyan for 8 long years, Trump is doing nothing about legal immigration. He's considered "right wing" in your country because he's against ILLEGAL immigration.
Well no shit. The only country in Europe that is even on that same level is Sweden and Germany. But not the UK. Our government actually sets targets for annual immigrant in-take, below 100,000 a year. You don't have any target at all. In fact you have a fucking visa lottery. And california just takes in illegals and flagrantly ignores federal law.
we need to band together to get rid of the shitskin epidemic fighting eachother will only divide us
Post the football one
My best friend, my dad, and my brothers are all blonde actually.
Niggers and spics can't afford the Internet or speak English, let alone write it. We keep them where they belong, cleaning our shitters and in the Urban zoos. Fuck back off to Englebanon sand nigger.
A reminder that this is objectively a /leftypol/ meme.
> all we are doing is building a wall
bullshit, you know we are going all the way. we are ending chain migration, we are reforming immigration laws, and we are cracking down on sanctuary cities. You are throwing lies at me and trying to deny we are actually transforming, btw we are deporting mexicans at a all time high when they walk across the brder, maybe youa re reffering to the dream act? please be truthful about what ur talking about and dont talk like a buttblasted britcuck who knows his country will one day join the 56% club, while we burgers are doing everything to revers what has happened.
btw who gives a fuck about your strict immigration rules whenever your country in number one in europe of shitsin immigration?
Can you tell me another country in europe who has more shitskins enter other than yours? nope u cant because you are the number one importer of shitskins in all of europe, you arent even as white as germany and they have takin in over a million refugees. think about that
Sup Forums actually
Why advocate for your own bake
The absolute state of the US. How will amerilards ever recover?
I imagine it is all about where you live. For example I just checked out the demographics of my town, 80% white and thankfully the 20% of garbage is nearly segregated to one part of town that no one has to visit. Unless you are in a major city center I imagine most white countries are like this and will continue to be like this.
Regardless this threads are designed to stop white peoples in white countries from working together.
we were ruled by him for 8 years yes and look how our governent has changed and what we are doing.
we went from obama to trump and trump sure as hell is making up for the damages obama did.
whether we are kicking gays and transfags out the military, building the wall, dporting spics, we are taking our country back.
you thought you took yours back, but may shows no signs of capping the shitskins.
im telling you, you 56% card is just a few generations away and we will eventually get to the 60% club. So one day while you are 56 we will be 60%
unless u can prove me wrong
nigger here das rite
Why you so mad nigger? Are you upset that your country is an open border and you have entire states of your union accepting illegal immigrants, that you have no border control and there is fuck all the current administration can do to stop it because you're cucked by the constitution?
You are not stopping the tide, you are literally letting millions of illegals just enter your country, rape your women and children and steal your jobs. You have no legal immigration target, you have no border control at all besides waving through smelling brown spics. We are an island. We have the advantage. You have the third world to the south of you. Honduras, Mexico, Cuba, Columbia, Brazil, and all those non-white favela shit holes.
We have France and Belgium to the south, and Scandinavia to the East. We have a real immigration system and our border force is regularly criticised for being too extreme actually. Sending our vans telling illegals to go home or face prison.
>you will never be this hardcore
The last great bastion for white people to live without fear of being replaced in europe is poland, that is how bad it is over there.
90% white
50% polish
jokes on you
>Shit talking
Go back to fucking your plants Muhammad.
This vast majority of your cities are non-white. You're never coming back. America is already majority non-white, and Trump will be your last white straight male president. The majority voted for a woman cuck globalist in the popular vote. As much as I love Trump, your presidents are sitting ducks and very little will be done to stop you getting blacked.
1. At least a quarter of those whites have negroid blood, probably including you considering your flag. 2. There are 60 million negroes in your country, raping white girls at will. 3. There are 60 million native-blood hispanics in America, and they're moving everywhere. 4. Almost a fifth of marriages in America are interracial. You have no hope of a white future outside of secession and granting citizenship to whites only. You're done while we still have a hope.
>fucking Sweden of all countries
>spics larping as Nazis
>Almost a fifth of marriages in America are interracial
>Some butthurt ameriniggers in this thread.
It's hard to be butthurt when the bong calling you an "amerinigger" on the internet could literally go to jail for doing so.
You know you're the laughing stock of the world when Sweden is laughing at you.
you are hardcore alright, hradcore at being the only country in europe to accept the most shitskins. you dodge this it seems and dont really refute it, u just say you have strict immigration laws(even though you are the only country in europe to accept the mst shitskins and niggers)
you say we have no border control and you also say we are building a wall, you sir are a dumbass.
u have france....kek
leave scandinavia out of this, they are dealing with the cancer known as sweden, and you are nowhere near as white as the other scandinavian countries, you just want that whiteness to make up for losing yours.
i know the 3rd world is south of me and to south of you is also the niggers and shitskins and they go to your country the most, so wats your point?
at least we are building a wall and reforming immigration.
>ITT little orphan Oliver is projecting his inferiority again.
can you try a little bit harder.
i know the vast majority of our cities are not mostly white, however even if yours are, you are still going to join the 56% cub because of the process that is taking place in your country.
its like you deny reality and at least we burgers are doing something, you britcucks are were fucked the second nigel stepped down after brexit.
You aren't wrong. I'm literally the only white person at my work.
he just did faggot, there are more white people here than there are there in your little island. literally the only metric that matters.
>you are hardcore alright, hradcore at being the only country in europe to accept the most shitskins
Wrong. We specifically rejected the EU directive to take in shitskins. Brussels got mad at us and tried to force it through the courts, but it failed. We voluntarily agreed to take in 20,000 syrian refugees 2015-2020. A poultry amount.
>(even though you are the only country in europe to accept the mst shitskins and niggers)
Wrong again. Immigration as dropped year on year since 2014. We're close to our target of 100,000 a year. The lowest in the G7
>you say we have no border control and you also say we are building a wall, you sir are a dumbass.
A wall that will be blocked in congress by the democrats, and John McCain and a few blue republicans. It won't happen.
>leave scandinavia out of this, they are dealing with the cancer known as sweden, and you are nowhere near as white as the other scandinavian countries, you just want that whiteness to make up for losing yours.
Denmark is our closest Eurosceptic ally. They joined a month after we did into the EU. They closed the schengen open border with Germany in 2015 and Brussels tried to shit on them. The UK then backed them up along with the Visegrad group (Eastern Euro countries)
>i know the 3rd world is south of me and to south of you is also the niggers and shitskins and they go to your country the most, so wats your point?
Except they don't. Most settle in Italy from North Africa, and Germany from the middle east.
You have no Idea what you're talking about you 48% burger fat nigger.
>t. arrested for hate speech
You are doing nothing about it though. Your Kenyan president gave amnesty to millions of illegals overnight. You've been blacked and hispanic'd. It's over. Accept your fate, by 2050 you'll be 25% white.
>implying niggers can understand how Sup Forums works
>implying niggers could read posts on pol without chimping out and destroying their computer
wew lad
You live in an Orwellian shithole. You have no freedom of speech and your police regularly arrest people for online comments. Your weapon laws are garbage, you rank worse than us in mass surveillance. Your censorship is worse.
You might be whiter but you are 100x more cucked than states like California.
you will be in the 56% club one day to buddy.
you also have the highest interracial marriage/sex rate in europe do to the fact that your country imports the most shitskins and niggers.
It sucks to know that even germany is whiter than you even after accepting over a million refugees.
the only country in europe where white people can remain white and not fear a demographic shift is poland and you guys dont even consider them white, so i guess england isnt even 87% because of all the poles in your country?