ITT we discuss why leftists can’t meme. /discuss
Leftist memes
because everything they do is out of hate.
Because they can't take jokes
Except that national parks aren't private businesses. They're government owned property. Nothing capitalistic about them.
This is the only one that gave me a giggle
To a leftist, humor is secondary. The first priority for them is either to "educate" or to shame.
Because comedy must have a kernel of truth at its core. Leftists reject objective truth and substitute relativism, thus they have a greatly diminished capacity for comedy, as both the audience and entertainer.
Are there any good lefty memes? Every one I've seen is fucking awful, I genuinely wonder if being unfunny is a prerequisite for those fags.
All of these.
And because they're so obsessed with wrongthink they've lost the ability to think outside the box and be creative. All they know how to do is co-opt existing things and modify them to align with their belief system.
Also, comedy is allowed to be offensive. If you're afraid of making anyone feel uncomfortable, it's hard to be funny
The money has to come from.somewhere. unless you want to work for free
My fucking taxes is where it comes from.
You've just described Sup Forums
They're on the right side of history, they are above ridicule.
Don't be silly. Buy a golden pass; problem solved. Day passes are for visiting Chinks with 10 cameras (one for each family member)
The strawman of Sup Forums that shitposting leaf niggers such as yourself buy into.
They aren't allowed to offend anybody, so there is very little humor. Memes without humor is just fucking pictures. But google lets you search millions of pictures for free instantly. The left isn't creating any value
The left can't meme because the soul of wit is irony and brevity, where as leftist memes are made only to repeat preconceived notions, and insult out of spite. There's no humor, only hate.
They are also deathly scared of each other to the point they dare not joke, for fear it will be at someone else's expense and they'll get attacked for it.
Left rants, right bants.
>implying poor people visit national parks or museums
both are going to go out of business when whites are gone
what is there to discuss?
they suck.
Comedy is subversion of expectation. Normally it would be totally fine to subvert social norms because it's just speech, a joke. Post-modern Marxists believe that speech can be violence, like equivalent to me punching you in the face violence. This creates an environment in which crossing the wrong taboo can become grounds for legal action or even physical retaliation. So all they can do is parrot the old boring jokes that target the acceptable classes: generally white, male, and heterosexual.
Sup Forums has become so powerful they can make their enemies do their bidding
Honestly this. Everyone I know irl that browses Sup Forums or is very far right is either a beaner or a gook.
>going to national parks
The forests are where it's at
>true isolated wilderness
>no tourists
>animals aren't rabid retards from feeding
>starry nights
>rangers aren't around being assholes to you
If you ever get the chance visit some of Colorado's national forests, they're free and amazing.
They're charging that because the parks are being filled to the brim with tour bus chinks and there's limits to how many people/year the parks can maintain without overcrowding or ruining the park. Price goes up, visitor demand drops
Don't discuss the trappings of their failed propaganda front guise. Wtf, how can you not see threads like these are leftypol niggers trying to sharpen their skills. Don't even discuss this kind of shit.
Sage cia nigger
Their core ideology won't allow them to adapt. We speak truth to power. All dissemination of truth inherently weakens their position. The worse they can do is attempt disinformation campaigns, and there's a limit to how much you can fool and push the population before your ruse is up.
Here's the simple answer - they're idiots. How the fuck can an idiot make a joke or some viral idea?
Anyone who isn't a complete idiot can figure out why national parks would start asking for an entrance fee. The leftists are idiots who can't figure it out so they go ''hurr hurr look at that, the evil capitalists are not letting you even go to a park now LOL.'' It's not funny, there is no memetic value here, it's just some idiot spewing their retarded opinions. That's all left does. Fucking sub-humans.
So are the left going to volunteer to maintain all the park services and shit that go with it at no cost?