NEW WORD: Counter-Semitism

Fresh new word to combat rising semitism. Really makes you think!


Easily another great by whoever thought of it.

Use it.

This isn't a new word I've been using it for like a year now.

Wasn't this basically the left transitioning from "African-American" to "People of Color"?

>Literally screaming

Not an argument, ((((((((((((((((((((Emily))))))))))))))))))). I thought Jews were supposed to be smart.

Still, it might be better than the Asian mafia hit squads that are killing their clients with the blessing of the police.


This has been a thing for at least a year. But it really does rile the kikes, I totally recommend it.



> (((Account Suspended)))



Have a bump.
Hopefully it covers all semitic religions too.

I like it. Will be using it.

Account has been suspended already.
The OY VEYYS must have been serious.

>I'm literally screaming


Its not new or fresh. You absolute retards just forgot about it

You're such a newfag. This place is flooded with you's right now.


Alot of these powerful memes were created by TRS. I think they are getting introspective and looking through their archives to get back their mojo.

I like it

It's good -- I like it.

The left are cranking out new words for their newley created phenomenons almost daily. This one time conservatives do it -- it should be accepted by everyone, including the jews, just out of fairness.

but it's not okay to hide the milkers

Fuck you guys. I was saying this a year ago and nobody cared

Semitism deniers BTFO.

It's counter-zionism shithead


This. It even had its own logo already

bumping for justice

Literally who?

Finally, I've been trying to push this for a while.
Start using it, anons, it'll catch on quick.


It's been around for a while but it never caught on like ((( )))

I miss the meme of Google sand Skypes

Jews did have issues though. I mean, why else would they have been hated in every single fucking country they've ever lived? It's definitely not because the others were 'jealous of their success', that's as ridiculous as saying terrorists 'hate us because of our freedom'.

I hate nu-Sup Forums

so anitfa is countifa?

kys nigger

it's completely dead here, but I still sometimes see people use 'google' on other sites like liveleak and twitter to keep from getting banned

If the IQ meme for Ashkenazi Jews is correct, however, it would explain the high level of success and the resulting resentment/jealousy. Furthermore, if Jews were persecuted for their religious and ideological differences everywhere they went, it would make sense that only the smartest and most manipulative would pass on their genes. Hard to blame Jews for the laws of natural selection anymore than blaming blacks for being dumb because of what their evolutionary path did to them. Jews are just trying to survive. If they’re fucking over the goys, the goys are just going to have to work harder and pass on their best genes.

i wish that took off, I loved the idea

Don't forget to counterattack Jews with charges of Loxism.

Fuck anti-countersemitists desu senpai

Counter-semitism is important in retaining our identity.

Which they will call anti-semitic. Put pressure where it means something.


There's a niche for intelligent parasites, like our semite friends, as well as there is a niche for stupid parasites, like the gypsies.

>Every time Sup Forums tries to meme a new word I type it into Google a few times to hopefully cause a small search spike that someone else might notice
>Doing my small part shitposting

Or better yet Intersectional Counter Semitism...LOL

Credit to Mike Enoch. He used it years ago

blessed be he who coined this phrase. I am going to add it to my vocabulary at once, and use it whenever possible.

checked and saved ... these people utterly repulsive

Counter-Semitists win

bump for epic meme. Its a new era for counter-semites.

>rising semitism
i dont think their numbers are growing much OP. pretty sure they are on the endangered species list along with native americans

white jews are not semites and have no right to say some one is anti semitic for not agreeing with them


Hitler was the leader of counter-semitism

Auchwitz was a counter-Semitic effort

Sup Forums - NEW WORD: Counter-Semitism - Politically Incorrect - Sup Forums
4 hours ago - NEW WORD: Counter-Semitism - "Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect" is Sup Forums's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.

If this is all true why would it not be in the goyim's self interest to rid themselves of Jews fromt heir society? When a mosquito starts sucking your blood you squash it not let it drink its fill because it was born to be a parasite

No no goyim that would be Anti-Semite!

They are scared when the internet starts to shape language like they have used to do.

And ovens were used to burn calories for them, so they won't die from obesity.