Are Indians white?

Are Indians white?

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White is a stupid term. There are numerous different sub-species and phenotypes in India, all of them part of the Caucasiod species.


No, there are many Dravidians.

yes, they are the true Aryans

i refer you to this

For starters, whites poo in the loo.

Why do Indians have all the gold? I live in a Texas city and all the gold dealers here are indian

Better question.
Are Indians people?


fuck no

niggers with white people hair



Indians are Mexicans with bigger moustaches and dirtier underwear.


Dowry and the Indian rupee is a worthless currency. People want their wealth in something that retails value. Also, a lot of poor Indians don't have bank accounts. They carry these ideas and traditions where they go.



Na. These people are delusional. We are still exploiting the poor and week minds.

-No, we are brown. While some being very fair in the North and as fair as a white person to Very dark like Negroids in the South.

-No it's not Okay to racemix with Indians if you're white or Gook or Nigger, fuck off!

-No, people don't shit in streets. It's mostly done by really poor and uneducated, unprivileged section of the society which we are constantly try to get rid off by education and govt. policies.

-80% Indian muslims love their country and can die for it but we keep a close eye on them and never trust them 100%.

-India is very polluted and has bad AQI in cities. We have Clean India initiative and we are working really hard to improve the situation.

-Our Economy is booming fast at 10% growth rate, which is good but per capita GDP is very low which is a big concern.

Also, AMA

I know a dumb mexican retard spic taco muncher who thinks Indians are white

>ITT we ask bait questions
Are Gambians White

Every time I see a pic of an Indian , my brain repeats the word "GREEEASE" over and over.

It's weird

They are American white.

Thank you paki cunt
I am asking cause I have a """friend""" who genuinely believes this



They have some white genetics but indian's aren't a monolithic, btw the it's okay to be white prank was started by a indian.

they aren't but they do have aryan gene's because some ayrans settled there,

Nah, but they are undeniably the most adorable race.

>-No, people don't shit in streets.

go post in your facebook feed you liberal cunt madharchood behenchod.

^^^^ Indians are all high on curry, mushrooms, and poo dust. What a wild time.

fucking piece of shit idiot cunt die


This. We are the original Aryans

No you aren't you intermingled with too many poo's and lost your aryan rights.

No we Indians are real Aryans

"Aryan" , apparently means "Poo Commander". Who knew??

shut up lmao

Indians are cuckest.

Some are white.

Hello bitch lasagna

shut up you idiot


>half of her face is cosmetics(hair, lipstick, earings)
>male can't stand straight
>is manlet.


>original Aryans

Are tacos white?
Is red paint white?
Is a blue chair white?
Are xenomorphs white?

"Aryan" = "The mystical Poo midgets from Poolandia"

Of course not. They are Indo part of Indo-Europeans. Only Europeans are white.

a lot more that u
u dumb commie

>Not believing Indians are sweethearts

You've never met one. Have you?

In order to be white you must first be a human.

When one gazes into the poo, the poo gazes back.

Well it depends

At least i don't have a anus on my flag.

Indians are smart like white women and gold digging whores like black women... yikes

My country is full of the dirty cunts you fuck wit

Don't you have indians to blow up



No the supreme court declared that All Indians are shit skins.

Whats the matter Lee?didnt you ran over enough chinklets today?

well u have an anus inside your head
so your head is filled with shit instead of brains
and with this said "brain" u cook up retarded ideologies
and its leads to the death of more shit for brain commies

so yeah

if you have to ask, ....

Do you think Indians are inferior to whites?

I just picture that ocean or bay where the Indians would poop, pee, throw their trash in it, bathe in it, drink it, swim in it. Dirty grey water with actual trash in floating around

I can't think of any type of whites who would have the sense to do that

>no Indians
>but bring niggers

Son of a bitch

Your country could use some soft edges, Bruce.

They were slaves and not citizens until the 14th Amendment but yes you can look through on which peoples are shitskin and tried to pass as white to sneak into this country.

dhvaṃsa, drāviḍa.

The more proper question may be are whites Indian.

I think ancestrally we originated from India.

>It's mostly done by really poor and uneducated, unprivileged section

>600 000 000 people

Jews Are White
Aryans Are Brown
Learn The Difference, It Could Save Your Life

I think Whites have got themselves lucky with the whole Industrial Revolution thing and thus improved collectively faster than us, while we remained stagnant and even went further down.
Whites are not superior, it's just how we are Nurtured since birth.

'My ancestors used to live in caves and eat raw meat when India was highly civilized Nation 6000 years ago'~Yuri Bezmenov

Not culturally.

Why do you fucking care? You kicked whitey out 70 years ago. Be proud of your race and who you are. That's the golden nugget of advice in the shit pile that is pol. Get off the website if you have concerns about that. It's not healthy for your psyche.

>Whites are not superior
Citation needed pajeet

Holy shit , saved

>Learn The Difference, It Could Save Your Life

I don't care what Indians are. They're being used in the US to influence elections. The so called election interference being done by Russia is nothing. It pales in comparison to the election Facebook, Twitter, and Google using these "guest workers". The tech execs at this country want to influence US elections. And they're using guest workers to do it. Watch the tech hearings and ask yourself why nobody is talking about the guest workers.

Its all right here, normies. The only thing missing is the fact that the guest workers are being used to do the dirty work. Straight up Americans wouldn't.