How do I choose an ideology?
So socialists and fascists are both idealistic retards. The free market doesn't work and Social democracy and it's high taxes doesn't work. A middle between them is boring.
What else is there?
How do I choose an ideology?
So socialists and fascists are both idealistic retards. The free market doesn't work and Social democracy and it's high taxes doesn't work. A middle between them is boring.
What else is there?
Other urls found in this thread:
> free market doesn't work
that's where you're wrong kiddo
>being too retarded to even understand any side in its entirety
consider suicide my man
The sweet embrace of death.
Name a place where the free market existed and was successful.
I understand every almost every ideology perfectly. I've gone from one end to the other.
National Socialism. Natural law applied to politics.
I already said fascism doesn't work.
I mean idealistic
Inb4 "not muh real capitalism", sage
you described soc. and fascists as "idealistic", you're confused
sort yourself out
The USA, where you aren't sent to a gulag for missing your weekly grain quota
How am I confused. Enlighten me.
Radical centerism
Government is involved in what was the number. Over 50% of the economy or some shit like that. Maybe more.
Welcome to neocameralism
National Socialism has worked where it's been the state ideology, and extremely so.
This is fine but when the revolution happens they radically get shot in the face by both sides.
>choosing an ideology intentionally
>what's the right brain cage FOR ME
the answer is nihilistic postironic racial exterminationist edgelordism
It's the only system that's both a) ready for radical decentralization of 21st century as driven by cryptotech and new politics, and b) proven by thousands of years of tradition.
>b-buy my computer thing
>m-monarchy is redpilled
>I would be the king be-b-because of my blog
get out dickcheese moldbug
We combine the practical wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew with Silicon Valley tech and Hans Hermann Hoppe critique of democracy.
We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.
a) prove him wrong, I'll wait,
b) "i would be king" is stupid because it uses Rawls "veil of ignorance" argument, known to be fallacious and blue-pilled as hell
1800s USA the freest market in the world gave rise to the biggest superpower the world has ever seen.
If you listened to these people just five years ago, you would be a multi-millionaire now. Everything they predicted is becoming true.
This is beautiful but how do you get loved ones on board. How do I really start this. Do you have a map.
this is the real answer if you want it
>Socialist High Taxes DO work
Fixed it.
>biggest superpower
You don't choose an ideology.
It chooses you.
>The free market doesn't work
Since the last century?
atomic bomb?
space flight?
err hello
Why would you want to choose an ideology? Choose your values. If some ideology matches those values, then so be it. If not, so be it.
The free market does work, it's just not perfect because human behaviour isn't perfect
>The free market doesn't work
[citation needed]
additionally, pic-related is your answer
T. Retard who can't earn money himself
Source: [History]
absolutism, corporatism is the only sensible goverment system
[but china's economic success was from their deregulation of the market, so..?]
How about this for an ideology: don't worry about the asswipes around you. Go to COLLEGE and get a good JOB and enjoy your life! Make money and do good in the world!
Based finn. People need ideology because they are lazy silly fucks, they want a ready system which they just can follow.
wow, much out of touch with reality
Drop ideology. It's not like we are important enough for our opinions to matter except for being "right" on an online forum. It's 100% ego fuel, creates division between people and makes you feel like shit when people put you down or don't understand you. Just watch the course of history unfold without choosing sides and you will be much happier.
Austrian school libertarianism
Ludwig von Mises
Murray Rothbard
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
You will likely never fully agree with all aspects of one ideology and that is perfectly reasonable, because all of them have their flaws. It is not necessary to fully commit to one, there just must not be an aspect about it that goes against your own core values. The ideology you think you are "choosing" is merely the one that describes your own ideology best.
these guys
and i like the cut of this nigger's jib
ah yes the famous city-state of bosnia
if you don't have a moral/ethical framework you will make moves in the world that have unintended consequences that you wouldn't have wanted to create. Political parties are dogmatic religions or football teams but this doesn't mean that each man is not responsible for deciding who and what he believes in. Wishy-washy pantywaist 'radical centrism' is a waste of human potential
Radical Traditionalism
Move to the woods and free yourself of society, because no system will ever feel like the correct system for you.
>Sorry user, you forest creature now.
Free Market without Socialism is like a vegetable with an extra chromosome.
Retarded and useless.
>A middle between them is boring.
But if it's effective and functional, then what's the problem?
Or are you only choosing an ideology based on whether it's cool?
Mmmm. I so rarely see natural blondes anymore.
where's the argument
im not seeing it
>meme flag
Just be a conservative capitalist with an emphasis on the respect of the Constitution and you'll be fine.
>This is the correct answer
But again, if this doesn't work out for you, there's still the woods.
Honestly. I think you convinced me to become a Social Democrat. Can anyone refute this?
I'm into that shit >No.147882892 said though. Come back buddy.
Conservatives are dumb though.
You can have a moral/ethical framework without ideology. Radical centrism is not at all the same as abandoning ideology altogether. Realize that nothing is truly good or bad in the world, which is a tiny part of the universe and you will not be swept up in the waves of passion that characterize human history.
Just be of the Earth, really. Politics is a sham. The idea that the minds of millions should all be represented by an individual (or select group of individuals) regardless of whether they where voted for is ridiculous. Protect yourself and your family, keep yourself fed and watch as the net closes around the podestas and their satanic child abuse ring.
>atomic bomb
>space flight
Correlation =/= Causation
Conservatism doesn't cause idiocy.
Ignorance causes idiocy AND Conservatism.
>pic related
>How do I choose an ideology?
Fucking people man. Too stupid to look beyond ideology.
There isn't one, check his flag
You're gonna have to leave
Not what I mean either. You're finding it hard to understand because you're clinging to your ideology as a sense of self worth. Understand that what you believe in does not define you as a person and you will be set free.
see Free Market alone is called Barbarism.
Free Markets don't exist, they are made... by socialist institutions.
That's literally untrue.
Everything associated with you is part of an extended definition of who "you" are because you don't exist in a vacuum.
Even things you aren't conscious of form part of your definition because they interact with you.
>both smaller than average cap. city
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Incidentally of course "Good" and "Bad" are real.
Good is defined by the willingess to help and be kind to others, Bad is defined by cruelty to others.
The question isn't whether they exist but which path in life is the most worth taking. Since humans are social animals it's probably the former, a life where nobody likes you for who you are is not worth living.
...democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others...
Winston Churchill
Yes, but most of it is extra weight that we attach to ourselves because we don't feel comfortable with who we are at a basic level. Being a living, breathing human is simply enough to be happy, but instead we feel the need to compete with others over who is right and wrong, which creates a sense of panic at staying ahead of the crowd and defining ourselves as unique individuals. It's a core part of modern society to be coerced into defining ourselves in terms of belief and ideology because it causes us to divide amongst ourselves and compete with each other, thus driving the economy. Don't feel attractive enough? Buy new clothes and a cool haircut. Don't feel smart enough? Research a new belief system that sets you apart from others and signals your dominance to others in a society where everyone is scrambling to be noticed.
Stop being a lemming,come up with your own political ideals
>I want to be like the cool kids & blindly follow a cookie cutter ideology
Have fun being a useful idiot
Singapore holds twice as many people than those parking-lots Gorvachev decided to call "countries".
The world is bigger than your shed.
which one did u make
>The free market doesn't work
t. commie
Try Suicidism. I hear it's great for those who try it. If it's successfully implemented it always satisfies.
Marxism is the opposite of idealism.
Go away, wannabe political 15 year old
> population defines how large a country is and not land mass
By your logic,Mongolia would be called a small city state even if it is the 18th largest country on the planet.
Land size counts too nigger.
United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, the majority of the Western industrialized world, etc.
Please remove your head from your ass.
Enligthened capitalistic Candelism
1v1 politics u fuckin faggot ill destroy you on any quiz or even better come on my real turf csgo
From the country's inception up until the Civil War, the federal government's only major interventions were protectionist import tariffs and making it illegal to import slaves. Then, to fund Americans killing themselves, the first income tax was introduced, with the only bracket being 2% for people making more than $100k (adjusted for inflation) and was immediately stopped after the war.
Two generations later income tax was amended into the Constitution. Two generations later the highest tax bracket was 90%.
Today is better than then though
>good = helping and kindness to others, bad = cruelty to others
This is only true if you're a progressivist lunatic. My personal definition of good is to keep your word and not to initiate violence on others. Sounds similar to what you said but the results are completely different
You have a very naive view on what it means to be human.
Why do you think we have emotions in the first place? Here's an interesting thought experiment, I bet that when you're angry you don't feel bad that you're angry, you feel glad that you're asserting yourself, even now instead of simply leaving you're continuing to oppose my point of view because doing so improves your self-image and swells your sense of achievement.
Our emotions exist to serve the ego, and thus part of what it means to be human is to compete, to react, to serve that ego and what seperates you and I is not that you are not driven by your ego and I am, because that's ultimately what we're talking about, but that I am aware of it and you either aren't or choose to wilfully ignore it.
Kek about to leave the tread & then I see this abomination of a post
Bad and good in the way you define them are completely independent of ideology. I totally agree that we should not abandon morals - I am not arguing for nihilism. Rather, I am arguing that we should not craft a persona whereby our beliefs about the way things should be compared to the way they are define us as individuals. This is the core of ideology and it distracts us from the reality of life, which is experiencing the world as it is. We can acknowledge good and evil in the world without attaching ourselves to competing ideas of the perfect good, which are entirely shaped by our subjective experiences and therefore inherently unreliable. Instead, we should live in the world as objective participants, taking things as they are and acting according to our natural moral compass, which, as you said is based on a sense of right and wrong that is ingrained in us as social animals. Ideology clouds our natural sense of right and wrong because it forces us to articulate and aestheticize for human judgement, which renders it corrupt and thereby ceases to be useful.
The point is that tacitly your formation is good is also defined basically in opposition to active cruelty.
The only difference between you and I is I'm willing to take a more active role in my responsibility towards good, to me for example if my initiation of force saves more good people than it would kill, I have a moral obligation to do that because I would tacitly be condoning the murder of others by my inaction.
Passivity is not a virtue. The most effective good must not simply be good by intention, but decisive.
Funded by the Americans.
>Bad and good in the way you define them are completely independent of ideology.
That's simply not true either.
Ideology is a decisive action on the part of good in the world.
Refusing to recognize that is passivity in the face of evil in the world.
Moral principles are not mere abstracts but guides on how life should be lived.
>competing ideas of the perfect good, which are entirely shaped by our subjective experiences
This isn't true. You can come upon mutually preferable behavior which virtually no one would disagree with through rational discourse. My ideology is Austrian school libertarianism which holds that honesty and nonaggression are the only objectively "good" courses of action in life. I'm open to dialect on the subject but as far as I know those two values are unassailable and maintaining my ideology allows me to act out my life and promote similar actions in others, i.e. stewardship of humanity which is every adult's responsibility
I want to reinforce this: For the aware and intelligent, passivity is a moral crime.
And for those determinists amongst you who would argue they simply would not have come up with it on their own without having been inspired to do so, having seen my posts now there is no excuse. You must take moral responsibility for your actions in the world, act decisively.
You must not only be pure of intention, your actions must reflect that.
You can hold to those principles without being an Austrian school libertarian. Btw I used to be the same.