I'm a bit confused on what line I need to stand in in the ethnostate as an Armenian.
Ethnostate questions
I think you will probably end up in Armania?
I just pulled that out of my ass as a wild guess.
on the line towards the oven
We can't wait to lynch you subhumans here in Russia when minority overlord Putin is gone
spbp. Rats have their ethnostate by name Armenia already
I kind of like it here in America tho, and I'm pretty passable as white.
Always backing the Turks.
No way to treat your Christian brothers.
Ethiopians are Christians too. Similarly? Subhuman shitskin filth just like you. If your kind doesn't want to get massacred by nationalists, blackshirts and skinheads here - you can always fuck off to Erevan before its too late. Funny you blame anyone on "siding" with Tirks, when you are way worse than them and no less shitskin
I'm sure we can all agree had the map stayed like this the world would have been better off.
>as an Armenian
You can;
Wake up.
Grab a brush and put on a little makeup
don't respond to pidorussian ikibey
All you gotta do is buy a plane ticket back to Armenia friendo.
Russian Kike
Kike Russians
>which gain?
Jokes on you. Armenian subhumans and kikes are one and the same no matter where they live, be it Russia, France, Poland or Germany.
just kidding Bora Armenians are trash i know 2% better than czygani
Ethnostate =/= racial state. You are ethnically Armenian so you live in an ethically Armenian state.
Just so any idiots don’t confuse those rats with Whites ever. Pic related
Chuvash bitches all day every day get yo dick sucked boi
Chuvas Bitches fuuuuk
you have nothing to worry about, fairy tales like the ethnostate will remain fiction.
>no labeled axis
statement diaregarded
>you have nothing to worry about, fairy tales like the ethnostate will remain fiction
I know which line you should stand, you should stand in the graveyards just like your armenian counterparts LOL
turks and crypto jew Russians in this thread tell you where you should stand
and how are we wrong? At least Gayreeks created proper civilizations before we raped them. Armenians were just a bunch of small babies that liked getting trampled over by big strong nations all the time. Its even funnier that even though the genocide happened they cant prove it properly so all they do is cry like little babies LOL
>before we raped them
Wrong! Modern Turks are Anatolians with some European mix from all that Janissary cock your ancestral women took.
Look, all ethnic nationalists where Armenian community exists hate them - Russia, Poland, France, Germany. So, other European Whites or shitskin fairy tails from one of the most jew like groups in existence?
>we wuz White
oh, wog from gyro restratunt leeching from Australian Germanic civilization. Now that’s unregular sight to see
pic related is what a "pure" armenoid looks like, this is where many jewish stereotypes come from
and many armenoid traits never seem to disappear , no matter how mixed jews have become (extremely convex nose, bags under the eyes, receding forehead, flat occipital)
unlike robust aurignacoids, which were selected to dominate their respective region by LOOKING more dominant , armenoids were literally bred to seem as harmless as possible. Their whole history and nature is being selected to be victims, rats and beggars
I'm not Greek. Sorry to insult your Turk overlords you schizophrenic Albo.
"goofy looking face" too (which is because they 1. heavily inbred and 2. were selected to seem as harmless as possible since they literally leeched off other , more dominant races) , "upper teeth" (which was romanticized in nazi movis as them being bloodsuckers), fleeing forehead, sharply cut off occipital , almost comically convex nose (slightly convex is fine though and a sign of social dominance), sardonic lips (wide and thick lips, not necessarily a bad thing since thick lips are phylogenetically progressive)
you can almost always, with 100% certainty , spot the jew, even if they are heavily mixed , if at one point they had pure armenoid influences
really made me think
Its always people with pure bloodlines to raise concerns over genetic talks and raciaoligy, right?
>slave soldiers
>raping/breeding with anyone
I curse my ancestors to day that they mixed with Armenians.
Funny how Greeks are mos hideous than Turks, if anything
They literally look like abbo quadroons/half castes in Australia do, which is not surprising given the south asian (part abbo) and Ethiopian influx to Greece
Hence why I called you schizophrenic. Non-Albanians don't give a shit about Albos. They certainly wouldn't spend time trying to prove Albo's are white, and their neighbours are non-white on a Malaysian Rubber Plantation Forum
Well someone had to fuck your women. Pic related.
another fine specimen. Should be noted how that’s the TOP of Greek society
Another cutie.
1,9% negro and 2,3% west asian minimum does leave its scars
There is that thing called shitposting. Albo materials literally expose all the wog subhumans resident in the West in 3...2...1...
Truth is that nothing beyond Alps is White or racially pure
>Iranian Art
pick one retard
Greeks. Ethnicity that comes to mind when people say “gorgeous”
You already have an ethno state called Armenia
Your ethnostate is called Armenia, bonehead.
It actually disappears.Its the Jews who mix with their own kind, thats why it doesn't seem to disappear in them.
Gas the corrupt Jews and their racial accomplices , its as simple as that
>reminded of the eternal monobrowed animal
>day ruined
wew thanks OP
Armenians are the jews by other name. Even socialist libs like George Orwell came to realize it
I cry when angels deserve to die
>what line i need to stand in
the firing line
possible old flag detected
*old fag
Fuck I hate mobile posting
Brownish white
Just be funny and youll be fine in any white country
armenians aren't white
they're a step up from cro-magnon
Ethnostate? Where? In America? Top kek
Armenia idiot
Fucking new fag, you don't know about based Albanian living in Russia .
Southern Europeans in generally aren't as good looking as northern ones
They got the right to marry your women in 1566.
Didn't you get BTFOed by them in the 90s?
ask Sup Forums
Forget all the Eurocucks, white identity wont even make it to the end of the century and deep down they know it. In fact, forget about all the genocide shit too because Turkey isn't recognizing it any time soon, (((they))) would never let that happen.
Remember that you are one of the LAST countries in this planet that is:
A. 99% ethnically homogeneous
B. 99% religiously homogeneous
C. Has its own unique language, history, etc.
D. Aryan roots (not StormLARP interpretation)
E. Is wary of the Jew.
Focus on not only preserving these for your people, but also improving yourself and improving your community. That is the best non-meme answer you can get.
>We can't wait to lynch you subhumans here in Russia
t. Albo shill in Russia
Meanwhile armenosubhumans are a target for attacks by the nationalists and the most hated group on par with chechens and jews. And, no, not Albanian, but damn sure it's a good thing to know that Albanians orchestrated genocide of armenian animals
Armenians can't do shit. They are only ever relevant as victims. If Georgians decide to take them over - that will happen. Azerbaijan? Even those dumb animals can succeed at stomping the shit out of them in less than a week. Turkey? Not even a question - Turks will eat them alive. To claim that Armenia is worthy or has a chance at ***anything*** is a grade a delusion you kurd-admixed roaches experience right before getting killed and sold as slaves...again
>This chapped-ass, mudnigger who spams his same shit in every Armenian thread replying to me with his LARP fantasies.
You're gonna have try harder than that, goatfucker.
Armenians are just jews that followed a rolling coin into church.
I'm a bit confused on what line I need to stand in in the ethnostate as a Russian.
>when Glendale dwelling subhuman calls anyone a mud
Tigran, do you feel the irony yet, or just like the rest of armenians you are capable to do so seconds before recieving the bullet? LARP is THE definition of armenian “””people””” be it pretending to be human, nation state or community. In reality, and all of the recorded history for that matter - you are just a bunch of roaches good only to fertilize the land with
Ethnic Russians or some churka with cockhole relatives? NMR and Swedish nationalists don’t want any non-Nordics/Germanics in their country, but Fins, true Russians and Balts are the only people they are sorta okay with.
>not Albanian
>Ethnic Russians
Real Russians understand.
Ironic statement given how most anti-Semites, radiologists and Western philosophers hated armenians too
Understand that you must be gassed. Russian Nationalists target you and want you gone for a reason, not to mention your subhuman genetics and kurd nigger blood.
Government sponsored refugee committee
Guess who runs it? Armenian goblin
RT ( the anti-nationalist shills ) - Armenian cunt in charge
TNT - promoters of degeneracy, drinking and drugs? Armenians
Anti-xenophobic organisations? Kikes and Armenians.
Flat robberies? Mostly Armenians