ITT we use the world map and imagine if the races lived in different regions
Ex: Whites in Africa, Asians in Europe, Blacks in America, etc
What's the story of this world?
ITT we use the world map and imagine if the races lived in different regions
Ex: Whites in Africa, Asians in Europe, Blacks in America, etc
What's the story of this world?
Was I supposed to say spic or mohawk?
Yes. Or cheeroke, native american whatever. They're not Indian.
>Blacks in America
You really have to imagine?
I mean originate... sorta.
Based poo
i believe most of Brazil would still be the same.
Yeah I can see that but would they be fighting with the poos?
Oh, yes let's! While we're at it, let's pretend sickle cell anemia had access to steel and all the samaurai in Isreal have gold medals for long distance running.
What is this in aid of?
>tfw my country doesn't exist.
all is going according to plan
It's hypothetical of course. If let's say each race "originated" in these regions and had a basic means of survival with their original physical/intellectual capabilities.
unlikely, they'd be killing themselves while the poos wall themselves up so blacks wouldn't flood their lands
> Ancient Egyptians were Vikings before chinks enslaved them!
so like this?
This is the only real option.
No idea how to interpret this...
Use your imagination. See what types of conflicts/trade would happen