What is it about wine that attracts nu males? Are whiskey and beer too indicative of toxic masculinity?
What is it about wine that attracts nu males? Are whiskey and beer too indicative of toxic masculinity?
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Alcohol== degenerates
Maybe. Wine is fine as long is it's not the only thing you drink.
I dunno, the whole craft beer market has a pretty big numale faggot following. Gaylord beer snobs are almost getting as insufferable as wine snobs.
>everything I don’t like is nu-male
Just like last year it was ‘cuck’
You bottom feeding memesters ruin everything
literally liquid estrogen lmao
bretty much. they always need to appear sophisticated. hence the dumb fucking glasses
Wine is pretty chill, beer makes you piss like a race horse, hard liquor fucks you up too easy.
t. middle aged non hipster
Nufemales stole whiskey from us
they're trying to appear "cultured"
Wine is literally far more masculine chemistry wise than beer and whiskey both
I make my own wine and drink it from the bottle. Am I numale?
I hAvent had a sip of wine in years and I'm not a numale but Sideways is unironically one of my favorite movies.
Beer contains hops that are basically phytoestrogens. Whiskey is made from grain, and the good stuff is overpriced.
Wine, potato vodka, cognac, rum, and tequila are better options.
Fucking this, all my friends are like this they sit around comparing their IPAs for like 2 hours, went to a party recently with different people and it was just like keg, boom, good to go, none of that craft shit it was a nice change.
Craft beer is good don’t get me wrong, and there is definitely something to be said about a good brew it’s like an art, but the culture surrounding it is just like unbearable.
>potato vodka
Literally all tastes the same regardless of price and just tastes like Windex. Only useful for getting drunk.
Next year every faggot kid on facebook will be using 'bugman' as the insult du jour
I love me some microbrew, but 99% of that is over hopped IPA shit.
Wine is fucking delicious. And good for you.
The true nu-male beverage in an IPA. It's the sign that someone will drink shit-soda water in order to appear like he has taste.
Probably also listens to Mac Demarco.
Oh look, ANOTHER THING Sup Forums doesn't like.
It's a secret code, where you can have some sort of esoteric knowledge about something that isn't too difficult but give the impression you are smart enough to be an 'elite' type of person.
These people used to know a lot about bands and music, but now everybody can just download anything for free anyway, so it's not all the special to have a bunch of records.
You see it with food too -- a lot of the 'indy' type kids will move on to being very discerning about food as they age.
>not going full vodka
whisky also attracts soyboys
As long as the bottle is an old 2L plastic Big8 pop bottle you are OK
Found the lefty, feminine faggot.
No, that’s a life skill, good on you
just because hipsters drink something doesnt mean that all of them are bad
many of threm do suck, but there are a few ipas that are really good
wine is literally liquid culture. ask your local dead roman for more details.
don't jump the gun and disparage it because your shit friends try to weasel their way in to sophistication without the knowhow or the appropriate timing for a decent bottle of red.
"nu-males" attach the themselves to anything they don't grasp or fully understand. that's all kinds of alcohol, not even just wine. and sideways has always been a decent kinoflick. faggot.
What if you like all 3?
honestly its just a "seek out the best" mentality
you end up being a total consumerist sheep but you also end up finding some pretty cool stuff
I think if a few phytoestrogens (which are in most vegetables anyway, especially legumes) are enough to destroy your testosterone, then I think you should visit the doctor. Beer, whiskey, and wine are all good in their own rite.
Wine is part of European history and culture buddy
Drinking alcoholic beverages regularly is degenerate. The drinking culture popular in the west is a terrible problem. Ever notice that heavy drinkers have terrible, weak, feminine physiques?
its sweet and made from fruit, of course its more gay than something not. still great though
Don't go to the dark side. I wanna fuck some yuppie sluts tonight.
Sideways came out years before nu-males and your choice of vocabulary makes you seem like a colossal faggot.
you say cuck like its an insult when it is a blessing and an honor to raise more Christian children in this world. Joseph raised Jesus even though Jesus was not his child. Who cares if they are yours biologically? seriously the flesh is of this world our souls are what matters. this whole obsession with blood is rooted in paganism. I am not a cuckold but I see no problem adopting kids of any race if it means i can raise them as Christians, same goes with marrying a single mother. you guys can be so heartless at times, laughing at abandoned women and their children, who cares what mistakes they have made Christ teaches forgiveness. you all whine about degeneracy and being lonely when there are plenty of opportunities to create a christian family if you just let go of your hate.
blow away, leaf
>hops that are basically phytoestrogens
hops aren't left in beer, and the most phytoestrogens ever detected in the HOPPIEST of beers was 20 micrograms per liter. (20 ug per 1,007.66 grams)
Soy packs 103,920 micrograms of estrogen per 100 grams
you'd need to drink 5,196 LITERS of beer to get the same amount of phytoestrogen in 100 grams of soy.
That's 1400 GALLONS.
got any gfs i can impregnate for you. you can breast feed the baby
Child of God vs. child of a nigger.
Try again.
You are right, but I think that is part of the reason why the US now actually has good beer on par with that in the rest of the world.
I worked in the liquor industry for a number of years including running a liquor store on weekends while I did University.
I found generic descriptions of the various types of wines online, printed them out and laminated them into quite small cards and stuck them next to their section on the shelves. It didn't give any great insight just shit like "Merlot is a blend that incorporates spices and plums".
After a couple months I memorised most of the jargon on the cards and took them down. Then when people came in I would spout this stuff and I found at least 9/10 times people had no idea the differences between wines and I sounded like a connoisseur with authority.
I started making shit up and people would come back during the week asking for "that wine aged in dandelion flowers" I think was a South African Late Harvest Nederberg.
They were always the pretentious types that wanted to know more than others. I can see them now sitting at their little gatherings telling people their wine is aged in dandelion flowers
What are the colors supposed to mean? Where is the legend?
>picks drinks based on their perceived "masculinity"
top insecurity m8. the mark of true masculinity is drinking what you enjoy and not giving a fuck about what others think
>about wine that attracts nu males
rejecting the blood of our Christ....
>more masculine chemistry wise
the main alcohols people consume in each region
red = wine
yellow = beer
blue = vodka
It's almost as if Leftism is really just virtue-signaling about how smart and good you are.
I remember my father would tell tales of the vineyards in Kekistani. I remember we would go to Chateauneuf-de-Kek and have a picnic in the parks and take a hiking tour through the vines. However, that pleasure is gone with the cucks being snobs about wine. Its fermented juice blessed by the mighty Kek. May he bless our memes and our crops from the magical shitposting
craft beer is good. but if your intention is to get shit faced then you're just wasting money and time on sperging out about the quality of beer.
wrong. blue is beer. eastern europe loves beer. yellow is hard spirits like korn and vodka. germans drink this shit en masse even though they are the meme beer country.
Drinking wine and playing chess is short hand for "I am smart" in TV. Since these people's entire lives are built around pop culture they try and signal how intelligent they are in the only way they know how