Should I put +1 in the chamber for 11/4? Gotta ask Sup Forums
Should I put +1 in the chamber for 11/4? Gotta ask Sup Forums
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I sleep with with +1 under my pillow every night. Stop being a pussy.
nah no need to get your hopes up again
Nigga, if your primary HD weapon doesn't have one in the chamber you're doing it wrong.
Just stay inside. It's a Saturday night, torrent some movies and just chill.
Let the antifaggots do their thing, they don't need your presence to be keep being faggots.
I have to work. But I'll have my G19.
12 guage Remington I guarantee every criminal will dispatch after hearing it go off
>he puts a pillow over his gun
you got lace on your drawers?
Real men sleep on a pile of guns. Their natural manly body oils safely lubricate their firearms while they sleep ensuring reliable performance.
Glock 19 you can switch barrels right?
I'm out of the loop
What's happening today?
don't rack the slide. just keep it chambered if there's no kids around.
Sure, all kinds of aftermarket barrels.
No. Racking the slide will tell the attacker that you are a redneck who has nothing of value, so he doesn't even attempt to rob you.
I love the smell of Hoppes #9
No kids, just dogs
You're completely missing the fucking point, sleeping on a pile of guns adds a danger factor, if you can over come the fear and sleep how could mere mortals stand a chance against you?!
Antifa happening against Trump
>be American
>buy glorious Austrian Glock
>replace everything with shitty, barely regulated, aftermarket parts
>gee, why did it blow up, Glocknade, am I right?
Warranty void.
probably more SJW antics. So nothing of importance.
fug off FBI
Seriously just keep one in the chamber. This whole "the sound of a shotgun cocking is the best home defense" is cuck mentality. If someone is in your house in the middle of the night, shoot to kill. If they flee your home, what's to stop them going to someone else's house, or coming back to your home with more firepower?
Not unless you're planning to be an hero. Nothing is going to happen. Fluff your pillows and get comfy
Antifa and Russian shills are trying to lure alt right Sup Forums folk out into the open. It's all a big trap. They want them to go out so they can start violence and blame it on alt right.
Hopefully no one is dumb enough to take the bait.
OP here.. fux off leaf
dont ask leading questions cheeseburger
Idk there was an attempted high score here yesterday at Wal mart
2 3/4in
Pussy round!
Louder than my friends .40 cal and can hit shit farther away
Not trying to go full /k/ but as for home defense, is a shotgun shell actually viable if you live on 40 m^2 or will you just blow your eardrums up, robbing you of your own fighting capacity?
Sup Forums says yes
/k/ would also say yes are you retarded
But most importantly stay /comfy/ and just go about your day.
Ask yourself. You can buy double barrel shotguns in Austria without a license (although I hear the laws are getting fucked because of the eu proposal)
I hug my shottie when I sleep
>Should I put +1 in the chamber
Not of that fucking birdshot you fag, get some 00 buck at least god damn!
thats a Brenneke slug dumbfuck
It's target shot 7 1/2 will still fuck you up
>Go out
>Double tap some retard kid who drank too much commie koolaid
>Get arrested, ruin your life instead of helping the white race
>Give the media their nazi bogeyman
No, faggot. Stay home, get /comfy/. Otherwise you're no better than them
Uhhh no. It isn't.
No again.
Yes it will.
If you want to end up hurt.
OP don't post this shit your gonna get put on a list
Austria only offers glocks with a 1 year limited warranty.
>not always having one in the chamber
It’s like you want to die
Agreed based leaf
Depends, as far as I have followed this it only concerns semi autos at this stage, and regarding them and memes aside Austrian laws are already pretty bad.
>Josef, yuo are man now, you must choose raifu: Gubbermint approved Oberland/Schmeisser AR 15 cuckstria edition, gubbermint approved cucked down SIG550 or gubbermint approved cucked down AUG-Z
You can't get "war material" like the trusty old HK G3 or an M1/M14. It's not even a caliber thing, aforementioned cucked down rifles are still in .223 or .308.
Also pump guns are illegal, but auto shotguns are fine (at least the ones which are available, short list: TR100, the ARish Burger-Saiga forgot the name and the regular Rooskie Saiga 12/401).
Trust me friendo, you do not want 7 1/2 bird in a defensive shotgun, it won't make it through thick clothing, it won't do anything except tissue damage, which a 200 pound chimp will not feel until 30 minutes after he is done pounding your skull into the pavement.
00 buck, 1oz slugs, double round ball etc. These are the way to go. Don't jerk off about birdshot and try to pass it off as fact, I've finger-fucked more guns in my life than you will ever lay eyes on. Fella.
pretty sure you guys have the 3rd laxest laws in europe after switzerland and the Czech republic?
What's the process to get a license for semi autos?
get a saiga 12
K it's readily available at my local burger megastore. I'm still Impressed at what bird shot can do.
Well, it's a little higher dimensional than "lax" vs "not lax". Some parts of it are good, some bad.
Process is simple, like in Germany you need a "gubbermint approved" reason to own a semi auto, but unlike in Germany claiming "home defense" is one of them.
Apart from that you just have to not be a psycho or criminal, pay some 100 bucks (way less than a good rifle) to get the paperwork done and then you have your license. If you don't mess it up the whole process takes about a week.
You should put +1 in your Nazi face.
Birdshot has its place, but for any kind of defensive situation: nothing beats nine .33 caliber balls going down range at 1600fps. 00 buck is what you need.
Like I said it's literally two blocks away
Who the fuck said I was a Nazi .. because I have guns GTFO
Two blocks that might be filled with armed antifas! Two blocks of IEDs and god knows what else!
Antifa stands for Antifascist. The only people who would "need" firearms on 11/4 are fascists.
From what I've seen these fools wouldn't know how to do it. I'm more afraid of Muslims straight out of Iraq/Syria/Afgh
theres literally nothing wrong with fascism.
And yes, I am just fucking with you. You should carry +1.
> saves prescious seconds in a fix
> loaded shells ensure good firearm hygiene, provided you rotate them out when not fired
> "an unloaded firearm is as useful as a paperweight", etc. etc.
I talked to this girl's parents from Italy they laughed said we have no idea what fascism is
pdx defender will tear a new asshole into those pussies
Mr Trump? Fascism? People I knew were dragged out in the street and executed! How funny!
imagine this going into one of those poor little rich boy communits. mommy and daddy didn't hug them enough so now they want to larp as revolutionaries.
those kikes deserved to be executed though.
Not so many jews in Italy. Fascism under Mussolini
Italy WW2 is a fascist govt. Nazis were literally nationalist socialiast
Antifa larps as KKK
>Not so many jews in Italy
wewlad. only thing uncle benito did wrong was not killing all of them
No point in having a gun if you don't keep one in the pipe.
If it's for today you better put some high brass with heavier shot in that mother fucker.
I know they're skinny like birds but they have fatties too.
I keep some Hindu Kush in the pipe
I think some well placed bird shot could be pretty scary
also low brass birdshot. further fail.
not true for shotguns. cruiser ready is recommended
Underrated post
True if big
i would throw the gun in the dumpster and make some chamomile tea
brave people have no use for weapons
spiritual power is what you want if you plan on staying here
the day of the mongloid is over
Yes if you use the safety. That is what the safety is for. Pumping the shotgun to scare away an intruder is a Boomer Meme only idiots repeat.
Stay at home faggot
It's day of rope for libs
> *knock knock*
> *boom*
That's literally all it takes for a criminal nigger or MS13 to turn your once happy family into a prolonged video segment on WorldstarHipHop or
> You didn't purchase a firearm.
> You din't protect your family.
> Now their snuff video is on Sup Forums
This type of scenario would be all YOUR fault.
Don't be "that" guy.
Real men put the pillow underneath their gun
You can only swap down calibers like 40 to 9mm
You do not want to swap up from 9mm to 40 unless you like explosions in your hand
9mm works surprisingly well in a glock 23 if you just swap $100 barrel tho
>Shitty, barely regulated aftermarket parts
Have you ever shopped around for that stuff? Theres expensive quality stuff, cheap bargain trash and everything in between.
Do not use birdshot for self defense you fucking retard
You may as well get on your knees and beg because at least then they wont be mad
Birdshot has it's place shooting birds and airborn targets that require tons of small pellets
Birdshot is NOT for defending your life
birdshot, while less lacking in stopping power, doesn't have nearly the same issues of over-penetration that buckshot does. .223 HP is probably the best choice though for home defense.
If you are really worried get frangible or hollowpoints
Don't shoot bullets that arent lethal at things you dont want dead
>Tfw you've slept on guns for so long that you've started to secrete cosmoline
> while lacking stopping power...
> in a home invasion situation
> not wanting the power to """stop"""
Where is this Gommunist revolt?
I am already locked &
>If you are really worried get frangible or hollowpoints
But that's what I said, .223/556 Hollow points are probably the smartest choice
>Don't shoot bullets that arent lethal at things you dont want dead
Never once did I insinuate that.I'm saying that though buckshot is probably better at killing, it has a danger of overpenetrating which is an important factor in home defense to consider.
>Not having earpro ready at all times
you mean 4/11
it's a balance with no easy answer. No one with any sense would use a full sized rifle cartridge even though it is pretty good at killing things quick, simply because it presents a real danger.
>stopping power
Overrated and overused that’s niche in real world application. This practically means “do bones break or deflect when struck by a bullet”. You’re much better off choose a firearm and caliber that suits your comfort level and experience than choosing solely on stopping power.
>Nigga, if your primary HD weapon doesn't have one in the chamber you're doing it wrong.
i laughed until i cried..