Precom Identify: ID:M3a84Qt5
4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192
&: or me dark
Precom Identify: ID:M3a84Qt5
4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192
&: or me dark
Alright, so I'm just going to shoot it straight with you guys; yes, I'm from the_donald. I discovered Sup Forums a couple weeks ago through that aforementioned subreddit, so I feel as though I've spent enough time browsing to be making my first post. I just don't understand the animosity between us; why do you guys rag on us all the time? We both want the same thing, our god-emperor (Trump for those not "in the know") to have the greatest possible reign in presidential history. I've made memes, I've defended the alt-right online, and if I've done those things than why is it that I'm not accepted amongst you guys, people who I guess I consider the "cool crowd." Why can't we just MAGA together, and BTFO liberals once and for all?
Cause you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
Its you're, retard.
What does he mean by this?
Me sorry.
It's binary for OP's a fag
Don't be, he's an idiot. 'Your' is the correct word in that situation, it wouldn't be 'you are shit's all retarded.'
>Precom Identify: ID:M3a84Qt5
search: M3a84Qt5
search 4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192:
idk what this is. what the fuck is this?
What is that, a lost verse from “We Didn’t Start the Fire?”
>I'm a retarded autists who thinks I'm the weaponized kind?
OP not you
This seems sus
Are you serious
Are you
Oh my
"And YOU ARE shit is retarded"???
That's the correct word to use? You're? You are? You are shit is retarded.
You stand the fuck up and defend your proper English. He doesn't know jack about grammar or English or words in general
somehow i found myself at this vidya...
this lady is talking in depth about posts here that she thinks is super important?
Pic related? How?
Hate LARPing season & that I end up playing the game anyways
fucken idoits
>what the fuck is this?
meth head lol.
safe assumption.